Dream Interpretation

Dreams have caused a lot of confusion and bewildered human beings ever since the times of earlier civilizations. Dreams were once believed to only be interpreted by people who had special influence and powers in primeval civilizations because the symbols where said to be supernatural, holy and divine messages from a higher power.  Fast forward now to the 21 century and you will see an vast improvement when it comes to interpreting dreams thanks to a famous psychiatrist called Carl Gustav Jung who changed the way we dream forever.

Dream Interpretation

A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z

Here at dream dictionary you can interpret your dreams for free. Our live active dream forum has experts waiting for you to post your dream to be analyzed. They say that you are your own best interpreter when it comes to decoding your own dreams. Members in our dream community will help you shed light one the metaphors and symbolism behind your dreams.

Carl Jung Dream Quote

“The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach’.

Why Interpret your dreams? Why not!  What do you have to lose other than to gain inner perspective within yourself. Don’t ignore or be afraid to challenge whats locked away deep in your unconscious mind, understanding and knowing it can be very rewarding.

Dream symbols come in all shapes, colors and feeling, some scare us, and others make us feel like we got a taste of heaven.  Dream and the symbols in them have been around since the beginning of time and will keep occurring as long as humans will be in existence so there must be a reason on why we get them.

Take away your blinders and start paying attention to the little detail you may have overlooked in your dreams and see what you might come up with.  Whenever our body is infected by a virus or a bacteria, the rising level of fever is a natural process. No conscious decision is needed to re-establish the body’s balance.

The same system works in our psyche. In times when we are out of balance with our natural pattern of life, our subconscious sends us dreams and visions that are created by our inner self.  Dream Interpretation is not as easy as opening up a dictionary and having your dream symbols answered right in front of your eyes.

All symbols are unique to the dreamer and some symbols might mean something to one but different to another.  This is why we recommend you start writing down your dreams in a dream journal and remembering the events, people and emotional feelings you have during this time.

Dream symbols come across as metaphors via the unconscious and its up to you to have an open mind and puzzle together the symbols you just received in your dream.

In order to interpret your dream symbol you must recognize that all dream symbols are not the same for every individual.  A train to one dreamer might mean a totally different representation to another.

Animal Dreams

Dream Interpretation Benefits

A lot of people do not realize that dreams play a very important part of our day to day lives. When you learn to interpret them it is like you experience a new realm or world. It literally changes your life!

There are a number of resources on our website to help you understand how and why dreams are part of human existence. Although nobody knows for certain why we dream, the fact is it occurs every night. Why wouldn’t you want to understand what occurs every time you close your eyes and relax your mind a bit? Experts believe that dreams hold the key to hidden aspects of us.

Learning to interpret these symbols you will learn to unlock the mysterious and misunderstood parts of your life. When you pay attention to unlocking and interpreting your dreams then you could understand yourself properly and lead a better life.

When we dream there are no barriers. The past, present and future is all one in the unconscious mind. There are infinite possibilities in the dream world, you can learn to connect and be in tune with those you are close with or are somewhat connected with you. We all have the ability to dream and do so every night, just taking ten minutes to write down our dreams would lead us to knowledge that could help us excel in all areas of our life.

A dream dictionary provides a wide vocabulary of words that we could use to interpret the images in our dreams that our unconscious uses to represent our waking life.

Dream Interpretations A – Z

Thousands of dreams and symbols interpreted from our very interactive forum to our A – Z dictionary.  They usually include very common images that are close in meaning with interpretations to the puns that the mind plays. Although dream dictionaries are generally not regarded within the psychology community as scientifically viable, the dictionaries have provided a lot of help in interpreting our dreams even by most psychologists.

The art of dream interpretation has been considered part of science distinctively in psychology since the 19th century. There were dream symbols from the days that dreaming was not considered scientific which is why dream interpretations vary in different cultures. This lead to the investigation of forms, expressions, symbols and images involved in dreaming.  The thing is the mind surprisingly remembers every single image and tends to jumble words and images together.

The dictionary offers translations by the dream analysts. It was first started by Sigmund Freud who unraveled a lot of the mysteries involved with dreaming.  He developed the dream dictionary so that people could look for the images found in their dreams in order to relate it to their waking life situations.

Popular Dream Searches:

Most Common Dreams:

Dreams have fascinated people since the beginning of time; yet we are still trying to come up with its true purpose. Dream symbols are enigmatic in nature depending the culture background, religion and personal experiences.

A snake for example might come across as an enemy for some, however in many different cultures the snake might be a representation of energy rising. If you notice the snake eating its tail brings your attention to the uroborus; the symbol of personal transformation.

Strange Occurrence During Sleep:

If you thought your dreams where strange, it gets a bit stranger. Common hallucinations called sleep paralysis happen just before we walk up or just falling right to sleep. These strange feelings are classified under Hypnopompic hallucinations (HPHs) are visual and auditory (e.g., feeling someone or something present in the room; witch on your back; being unable to breath, seeing flashes; hearing voices being called)  Believe it or not they are quite normal and happens to many people.

Outer Body Experiences are another strange phenomenon in which a person seems to perceive the world from a location outside their physical body. The sensation might be equivalent standing right beside an airplane ready for take off, shaking or noticing flashes as they are ready to depart.

Sleepwalking falls under another strange category of dreaming that is characterized by a complex action behavior (walking) during sleep. Occasionally, the person may talk, but it does not make sense.

Commonly known as exploding head syndrome phenomenon which consists of a loud bang just before you fall asleep and upon waking. This strange occurrence happens to at least 14% of the population that feels like a violent explosion that has erupted in your head.

Hollywood Popular Dream Movies

Hollywood has glamorized dreams as a main premise for movies. Many others directors use dreams to bring omens to come in the near future. The movie Exorcist used a dream sequence to signify future events. We used this dream and dissected all the symbolism in Father Karris dream.

 Psychic or Precognition Dreams:

Once you learn the forgotten language of dreaming and its symbols you will notice a very strange sequence of patterns. Having an open mind helps bring the outside world closer to the inside world; synchronicity and other meaningful events will start to occur. You may dream of dead relatives sending you love from beyond; or they give you hints of people with malicious intent out to get you.

Dream Journal/Remembering Your Dreams:

People who say they dont remember their dreams do not try hard enough to remember them. You lose up to 90% of dream recall the first minute you wake up. Like going to the gym to get bigger you need to strengthen your muscle. This same concept applies to dreaming; however you need to strengthen your dream memory muscle. You will notice the more you practice the more contents and symbols you will remember.  There are many benefits to remembering your dreams as it acts as a guide moving you towards wholeness.

  • A free psychologist
  • A guide to become compete/whole
  • Warnings of dangerous people
  • It will open more spiritual doors
  • You are able to fix past problems
  • Helps encourage you to be the best, get closer to the self

The Shadow:

According to Carl Jung’s analytic psychology, the shadow archetype represents “the dark side” of your personality. Stored in the unconscious lives your repressed ideas, idiosyncrasies, instincts and weaknesses.  The shadow molds out of our attempts to adapt and to be accepted into the world we live in, once you go head to head with the shadow it becomes weak – it will no longer possess you. The shadow appears in your dreams in many different forms bringing light despite how scary it is for you to fix this issue.

  • Greed and lust
  • Devouring mother complex
  • Envy
  • Anger and fear
  • Past memories
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6 days ago

So how would you interpret my dream? I just laid down and within a few minutes I heard and felt something next to me. I pushed myself up to see what it was and I saw my deceased son standing next to my bed with his hands held out and a lit white candle sitting on his palms. I looked at him then blew out the white candle. He kissed me on my forehead and left. It gave me a feeling of peace, love, and sadness cause I miss him so much. I actually did push myself up in bed… Read more »

Last edited 6 days ago by Margot
10 days ago

I have recently been having dreams that take a lot of time to elapse. They simply go on for quite a while, and I remember more than just seeing or hearing. Anyways, last night, I had a dream where I was in a dark wild-grass field at night. It was extremely foggy (and somewhat cold,) and there were what looked like old wooden shacks/houses everywhere. They were very close together, and had no windows or doors. I kept wandering between the wood buildings for several minutes, and that was it. It was rather quiet, and I liked the silence. Only… Read more »

11 days ago

Two weird things happened: I saw a lady talk to a man, and they both said one word, but I could see the words written out clearly in a default-like font. The word was “Edu.” And it was like the lady (who spoke in a French accent [I’ve never talked French]) asked the word (“Edu?”) and the man looked to her and said it in a confirming-like tone (“Edu.”) without an accent. I saw the words appear as they said it. Behind the woman was a large screen, while the man was standing in front of a wall, I think…?… Read more »

Sally guko
Sally guko
12 days ago

It started with myself in the hospital giving birth to a baby girl. The father was a guy that I was involved with at work, but it ended badly as he spread rumours about me professionally, for context I stopped talking to him over a year ago now. In the dream he was already with another woman and had two kids, and they both tried taking my child, naming her and making her apart of their family. I took her, confronted him about the rumours, said he chose a shit name and I was gonna name her Lilly and left.… Read more »

12 days ago

I have been dreaming a lot in the past month when before I couldn’t dream at all. So why am I dreaming so much now.

13 days ago

I dreamt of a cemetery that was ancient, made of stone that was jagged and ruined. The sculptures (all animals) when we entered through the old gate all stared ahead with a look of terror or one of reverence. There was nothing in the cemetery physically, but I felt a sense of foreboding and fear that made me want to get out of there as fast as possible. But we walked deeper into the graveyard, where the path gets interrupted and we can see the landscape in the background. Its high mountains, ancient land are older than civilization itself. I… Read more »

Last edited 13 days ago by Husker
17 days ago

I was with family members, some now deceased. We were visiting places where I had grown up. It was windy and cold outside. I had found some mail and other paperwork on our walk together and was picking them up and putting them into bags to clean up the environment and return the documents to the owner. I felt something move on my skin and saw a tiny piece of what looked like a worm or parasite. I tried to flick it off but it was inside my arm, I pulled at it and it was long and got bigger.… Read more »

Zander Peloquin
Zander Peloquin
18 days ago

I had a weird dream last night. it started with me, my friend and the girl I like with our hands tied with rope in front of us. we all get thrown into different prison cells in what looks like a basement. the only difference between them and me is I’m chained to a bar in the window outside of the cells. eventually after a while of sitting there some masked guys come in and take the girl I like. and she continually screams at the guys and punching them but they don’t even get fazed. then when they are… Read more »

20 days ago

Driving a small convertible down an unfamiliar road. A bunch of guys scattered out along the sides if road, I felt uncomfortable so started backing up, lit was a crooked road, so looked over my left shoulder and a guy was lying on my car, I turned around and started beating him and telling him to get out of my car

20 days ago

My dream was very disturbing… I dream that I was in my childhood home and somebody knocks on the door, when I open I see my father that when he sees me he starts running away and impossible to find him again.

He in is deathbed at this moment and I feel is my subconscious telling me he is leaving soon forever.

Nicole Tindall
Nicole Tindall
21 days ago

Last night, I had a dream. In the dream, I felt like I had just put on the armor of God. Then a demon appears and I have to destroy or get rid of the demons, and I did. It was so real that I felt like I was someone from the Bible. It made me feel emotional when waking up. I had chill while telling the dream. What could this mean?

22 days ago

My dream has been a reoccurring one. It starts off at where my fiancee and I started our life together. It continues with fun and excitement and adventure and so much love. We laugh, we argue, we cry, and we share our love. Then it goes dark, but I can still hear the both of us and those around us. That’s when I wake up and begin to cry. I lost my fiancee 12-18-2024. I don’t know the significance of our life turning to dark but still being heard. Still having all from the prior part of dream. What could… Read more »

23 days ago

What if my dream contains people I know, and what’s happening in the dream is causing a mixture of emotions. I’ve had two dreams that have two of my coworkers (that of which I’m pretty good friends with and are also brothers). One dream, the younger brother along with two female strangers had taken a plate of food that of which I had struggled to put together because some of the food was contaminated or had very little left. I was very distraught by his and these two random females actions that I abruptly left the table we were at.… Read more »

25 days ago

I just had a dream where I was playing baseball. I caught the ball then looked at it. It was 2 fried fingers joined at the knuckles. It would spin like a ball when thrown. So strange

Jasmine DuCette
Jasmine DuCette
27 days ago

I keep having this dream, where I’m in this house. A really nice house, two stories-though I never go upstairs-big, many rooms, the stairs is kind in the way and making the living room and halls seem tiny though. But I’m standing in this hallways with my family and we’re talking. And then I see this shadow, this black shadow, of this man, standing at the end of our porch walkway. This shadow-man-doesn’t have a face, ever, I never see it. Nor is he wearing anything, or have a body. It’s literally just a shadow of a man. And I’m… Read more »

29 days ago

Hi, I had a dream about my recently deceased cousin who was like a brother to me 2 nights ago. He said in the dream that he had something very important to tell me. I woke up abruptly without learning what he was trying to tell me. What does this mean?

Last edited 29 days ago by Titi
29 days ago

Last night I had a dream that I moved into a bungalow that I had, in my conscious world, been admiring from afar. I entered a bedroom and there were lots of people helping me move, my birth parents were there whom I haven’t seen since I was four. The bedroom was painted a very dark teal colour people started bringing in my belongings but I decided that I would choose a different bedroom. I walked down a long hall and noticed a beautiful bathroom on my right with a grey armchair in it on the left was a craft… Read more »

1 month ago

I had a dream a white wolf walking up to my fence in the front yard. When I saw it, my kids were outside and my dog. I yelled at them to come in, but nobody would move. My older daughter was crying. I ran scooped them up and yelled for my dog to get in. He was waiting at the fence with a toy in he mouth wagging his tail at the wolf. I got him inside and we watched it calmly walk toward my house from the window. The fear lessened, but it still felt intense.

Last edited 1 month ago by Olivia
1 month ago

I had a dream of my son, he passed 3 yrs ago. In my dream, his death was recent, I knew he was dead but he hadn’t been cremated or buried yet. I could see him and talk to him. We were just hanging out and talking. I asked him if he could touch or move things and he said yes. I asked him if he could drink coffee (he loved coffee) he got sad and said no, he tried but it just spilled thru him. I was very happy and excited that we were together and able to see… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Wanda
1 month ago

I just had a strange dream: I was with my mother doing the dishes outside at our old house where i grew up we where talking and I saw this old box closed I wanted to open it but I felt things like snakes inside so I said out loud so mom can hear it: “I think there is Texas snake inside ” mom went to find a long stick and he beaten the box and 2 snakes came out trying to fight each other so mom got scared yelled help but i didn’t know what to do since I… Read more »