Biblical Dream Analysis
Welcome to Dream Dictionary new Free Online Biblical Dream Interpretation Service. Just by submitting your dreams you will receive an in-depth and detailed answer within in the next 24 hours. We encourage our dreamers to provide as much detail about your dream to faster find your meaning.
Our free personal dream reading is interpreted by The Dreamer who has analyzed over 30,000 dreams, with over thousands of interpreted A-Z Biblical Dream Symbols from our dictionary. If you are looking for Biblical Dream Interpretation Answers you have come to the right place.
What does the bible say about dreams?
The Bible is seen as a book sacred to Christians which they consider to be the true word of God.
Throughout the Bible there are dozens of dreams both in the Hebrew Bible, and the Old Testament (of the dreams in the New Testament, five, in Matthew, pertain to divine guidance of the Holy Family; in Acts 2:17, Peter quotes Joel 3:1, and in Matt. 27:19, Pilate’s wife shares with her husband a frightening dream and tells him to spare Jesus). Though, what really constitutes as a dream might be difficult to tell the difference. The distinction between dream and vision is not always apparent.
In our Dreams The Bible tends to make its appearance during difficult times, warnings or an actual direct message from God. God used dreams throughout the bible in order to communicate his will, reveal his plans, and to announce future events. Though, biblical dream interpretation required careful analysis to prove it came from God (Deuteronomy 13).
My soon-to-be husband had a dream that Jesus was standing behind him I was standing in front of him Jesus hugged him and I and we both disappeared
I had a vision I was wake and I saw a demon face – red, fiery, no horns, contorted face. An evil demon came through my window and tried to grab me, but a light shined and a right hand grabbed it back. I was 24 years old and I am a female. I was laying in my bed when this occurred and sate up screaming so loud.
I live in a very rural area. No sound of city life. I had a dream 2 nights ago and it was different than most of my dreams. I dreamed Gabriel was standing in the wind and light and was preparing to blow his horn. At 2:33 AM Gabriel blew his horn, and I sat bolt right up in bed. I heard that horn blow. I got up and checked out the house and even went out on the porch and all was quiet. I went back to bed and right as I was falling to sleep again, I heard… Read more »
I was looking into my back pasture with infrared goggles and I saw things glowing in the trees. The horse was spinning in circles like it was on a turntable. I went to check on things and the wind picked me up and sat me down about 200 yards away in the back pasture. I was immediately face to face with a woman in her 50s and in my mind I knew she was a witch. I told her to leave now very aggressively. She turned around and “flew”/hovered abnormally fast toward the back tree line. In one of the… Read more »
I was asleep while at 2 am I became aware I was asleep but couldn’t open my eyes or wake up. I couldn’t control my dreams like I always do. I saw a coyote or a wolf’s head appear through pitch black nothing else visible in vivid detail grey and black with green eyes. I heard a static buzzing in my right ear that I was hearing physically despite it being pressed against my mattress. It got louder and louder till all the sudden I woke up I had an eerie feeling as if I was being watched hair started… Read more »
I had a dream last night. My ex was in it. We were about to be intimate but before we could continue his son called. I thought that was strange because he doesn’t have any kids. also, it moved to him being on the couch. it was like he had LED lights throughout his body. his mother’s ashes dropped to the floor, then he took a Gun and shot himself in the head. I screamed. then chase the person who dropped the ashes, but my gun kept jamming. I was never able to redeem him.
I had a dream that the Rapture was occuring
I had a dream one night. I was in heaven. My brother who is down syndrome was standing there with a angel. In heaven my brother was no longer down syndrome. He was normal. I was asked by someone who had high status if I would be willing to serve under my brother. Because he was appointed leadership over the flock I was in. I said yes of coarse I would. I love my brother. I will follow what ever instructions he has. I was very happy for him. Because I knew his life was much harder than mine. There… Read more »
I’m having a reoccurring nightmare where I’m in the apartment across the alley from my grandmothers house in the second story screen room with my sister and one of our friends. It’s full of plush pillows and silk covering the screens to the outside. We’re laughing and then things start to rot and get old and ragged and dirty and it goes to black and white. Both of their eyes go black and they pull knives out and start to stab me. I lay there for a bit and see myself dying then my eyes turn black and theirs go… Read more »
I had this dream that I got burned to death then my mom was in heaven. I asked her if she wanted to be my mom again, like the old times, she told me no and then abandoned me, meanwhile, I was born again in South Africa and was drafted to the NFL out of college. I woke up crying and stuff. Recently, after the dream, she’s been mad at me, like earlier parts of the dream that I won’t be sharing, I’m worried that’s going to happen in real life.
I was on the bench for the San Francisco Giants baseball team when their star hitter was going to the plate to hit. (No player was named) Suddenly the manager called the star player back to the dugout and told me to step up to the plate. I was shocked…I had never played in a major league game nor had I had any major history playing baseball. I was the bat boy or the water boy of the team just serving the team. Anyways, I ask the manager if he is sure about that play as it was getting late… Read more »
I dreamed I was living in my grandma Wilcox’s old house and was told my dog had been attacked by a coyote. When I had opened the door to go hunt the coyote a white and black wolf had come inside and just looked at the fridge. I managed to get it out of the house but it ran back in and did the same thing before I could close the door. So I grabbed some ham, went outside and threw it over the fence into the yard belonging to the duplex. The wolf went after the ham and I… Read more »
I dreamed about Jesus and when I walked up to him I couldn’t see his face only a bright light and when I got close to him my body just fell down to his feet he had on leather sandles brown feet and when I touched him I felt both guilty and saved I cried but he told me everything was going to be fine without saying a word
I dreamed that I was in bed with my deceased husband and my water broke. It gushed out. I was having very mild pain. My husband jumped up and tried to assist. He was very calm. It was as if he was a doctor. He tried to pull the baby out, but gave up and said,”you are not helping me.” I moaned a litttle and woke up. I am 72 years old with 2 children and 5 grands
I had a dream my aunt came back from the dead
My sister and mom lived next door and I was coming from my sisters to mom with a plate of food. A big black mean dog attacked me on my left arm. I was bleeding it wouldn’t let go of me. Then a smaller white dog came and was going join in on the attack me. I threw the plate of food towards the white dog and the black dog let go and I jumped up and ran in my moms door r and she saw me bleeding and I screamed call them and tell them not to go out… Read more »
I had a godly dream where I flew through the clouds and here I’m literally sitting next to Jesus having a feast with him at this very long and I mean long full of food and I’m just casually eating.
You are invited to attend the wedding feast. Jesus is returning for His bride-the church. Believers who have accepted him as their Lord and Savior. Have you made the decision to follow Christ? Read Matthew 22: 1 -14.
Last night I dreamed of two wedding from different families and in it I had a jar of holy water. Except when I poured the water out for the priest it came out like watery sand..
I was in the middle of my sleep. I looked at the photo of my bed. I seen two crosses overlapping each other then I woke up. I really like to know what’s the meaning of that.
I was unaware of being asleep. I sat up and opened my eyes and at the foot of my bed were three men. Dressed in ancient clothing from Bible days. Long hair and beards. They stood at the end of my bed and stared at me. At first I was afraid because I did not know I was dreaming I thought they were really there. Soon without a word they turned and walked from the room. And then I woke for real.