Since dreams have been established as being part of the human condition — or rather, the mammal condition — there are certain dreams that are far more common than others. Sometimes based on culture or location, there are certain thematic dreams that seem to translate from society to society. These dreams are popular for dream interpreters and spiritualists to dissect and search for meaning. I can personally vouch for having most of these dreams, what about you?
Common Dreams
Chase Dreams: Chase dreams are one of several common dream themes, stemming from feelings of anxiety in your waking life. Flight is an instinctive response to a physical threat in the environment. In these dreams, the scenario features you being pursued by an attacker, an animal, a monster or an unknown figure, who wants to hurt or possibly kill you. Consequently, you run, you hide or you try to outwit your pursuer.
Test/Exam Dreams: To dream that you are taking an exam indicates that you are being put to the test or being scrutinized in some way. Such dreams highlight your feelings of being anxious and agitated. You may find that you cannot answer any of the questions on the test or that the test is in some foreign language. Is time running out and you find that you cannot complete the exam in the allowed time? Or are you late to the exam, or did you forget about it entirely? Does your pencil keep breaking during the exam? Such factors contribute to you failing this test. You might have been out of school for years, and still dream about missing exams. It can be very disorienting.
Falling Dreams: Falling dreams are another theme that is quite common in the world of dreams. Contrary to a popular myth, you will not actually die if you do not wake up before your hit the ground during a fall but could you imagine the news story that would play if you did? “Individual dead we don’t know why. I think he fell in his dream.”
According to Freudian theory, dreams of falling indicate that you are contemplating giving into a sexual urge or impulse. You may not be as discrete as you should be.
Flying Dreams: My personal favorite, flying dreams. Many dreamers describe the ability to fly in their dreams as an exhilarating, joyful, and liberating experience. Flying dreams often fall under a category of dreams known as lucid dreaming. Lucid dreams occur when you become aware that you are dreaming, and are able to control the setting and plot of your dreams. Flying is often the first thing people attempt in these dreams; and be honest, you’d do it too.
Teeth Dreams: An incredibly common dream, dreams of your teeth falling out or breaking can be shocking. The typical dream scenarios include having your teeth crumble in your hands, fall out one by one with just a light tap, grow crooked or rot. Such dreams are not only horrifying and shocking, but they often leave you with a lasting image of the dream.
Snake Dreams: Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes? Snakes are a very common dream symbol, usually meaning evil, temptation, or sexuality. To see a snake or be bitten by one in your dream signifies hidden fears and worries that are threatening you.… Your dream may be alerting you to something in your waking life that you are not aware of or that has not yet surfaced.
Car Dreams: The great modern symbol of power, status, vitality, sexuality. Automobile dreams are very common and have many meanings in dream analysis. It depends on factors like who is driving? Is it a pleasant journey or a treacherous one? Is the car an old clunker or a luxurious new car? Beginning a drive in an automobile generally means that you are in the beginning stages of a new life-plan. Where the car takes you metaphorically shows you where your life should be going. If your car breaks down, you could be placing your trust in someone not worth it.
Out Of Body Experience
An out-of-body experience is an experience (OBE) in which a person seems to perceive the world from a location outside their physical body. You may experience watching your body as you sleep hovering over your bed, or possibly be in a far off land.
This experience happens when the brain turns off the body’s ability to move during dreaming, muscles lose their reflex or tension, causing the paralysis. Usually before this state dreamers are known to experience an inability to move called sleep paralysis; followed by loud noise as they are blasted out of there body.
Astral Projection
Similar to an out of body experience but this one is induced by the dreamer. The feeling would be defined lucid as the dreamer travels through out the universe, defying gravity and time. People often experience this state during illness or if they where to experience a near death experience. People who experience this mysterious experience come back feeling changed or knowing the spirit is real and the body is just a temporary shell.
Do you want to know how to control your dream settings? Lucid dreams give you that opportunity to fly like superman for the night. This can be learned and applied to your dream world using certain techniques. You may even get the chance to fly or float above the ground randomly in your dreams, the feeling makes you alive the moment you wake up.
Never to be alarmed when you experience a nightmare. Dream analysts use these dreams and the symbols in them to get to the root of a problem. This might be unconscious issues that have been repressed or neglected, once you are able to find the weed you can pull out the root. Nightmares bring attention to neglected aspects of your emotions, past and present worries and wants you to fix it to move on peacefully in life.
Common Nightmare Dreams:
Stuck In Sleep?
The feeling of being unable to move as you are in your bed wide awake can be terrifying. This common occurrence called sleep paralysis when your brain is awake but your body is fast asleep. This is harmless and takes a couple seconds or minutes to pass; some can wiggle their feet to snap out of it faster. During this process you will hear noises, see people or even a masked man on your back. You will wake up terrified wondering why you experienced this dreadful feeling. Usually when people are stressed, sleeping positions or oversleeping my cause this to happen.
So I had a very weird dream. Basically, I was at this playground that was VERY big and this guy that I kinda liked was there and then he asked if he could kiss me and I was like lol no we’re in public. So then he and these two random girls started chasing me around the playground and there was music playing and then when they caught me he kissed me and then everything kind of just reset and then the same thing happened again except I got away becuase my mom was there and he saw my mom… Read more »
A few days ago, I had this dream where I was in this thing that was a coliseum and a hallway combined and look like it came from Roblox and it was also floating? So I was there with my “friends” even though I didn’t know them irl. Then there was a bunch of Egyptian gaurds and a flying evil eye. So then blah blah blah we did absolutely nothing. Then at then end I was teleported to this platform with fire around it and I was smashing the evil eye because apparently it was a robot, and I was… Read more »
I had this dream where a guy with brown curly hair and brown eyes told me that I love you 5 times more than anybody else did and now I’m always thinking about this person in my dream. What do I do?
That’s funny, I happen to be a guy with brown curly hair and brown eyes reading this post lol.
I’ve been having trouble falling asleep at night, and when I am just about to go to REM sleep, I feel someone touch my foot and says get up. I never see the other person, but feel it is someone I know. I can never get sleepy after that. Three days in a row now.
I had a dream of a big black bird dropping a small black bird into my left hand then flying down to take it out my left hand as I lay there trying to get the big bird off my hand which was engulfed in the birds mouth, then my uncle came out of nowhere and hit the big black bird to release my hand, the big black bird flow away with the small bird
I dream lucidly all the time this makes sense because I have a lot of stress because of family and school already, I sometimes fly or float in my dreams it’s fun but when it’s being attacked or running away I have to kiss the guys or girls so mabey I can get away from all of them, also I keep having dreams about moving and I am moving very soon it’s cool though
also whenever I am in the smack deep sleep middle of my dream and I get woken up its like I am still in my dream. I don’t know what I am doing and its like a drunk sensation and I start to see things cause I am half awake an half dreaming. I end up crying for no reason or run around not knowing what’s going on. also I remember I use to faint a lot when I was younger if I layed down for too long.
I’ve dreamt of my old school before and even tho it has been 3 years into my new school I haven’t dreamt of it yet. It’s really odd but I know the school and the whole entire format. In my private school I remember sledding down the stairs an down the hall ways. I also remembered being stabbed by a girl I hated. I was the school gym and I remember recognizing I was in a dream so I decided to fly and I flew around the gym. I REMBER also singing like high school musical style at my private… Read more »
I dreamt that I was in an unknown private school, and everyone there played this twisted game of tag that resulted in the person who was “it” to be avoided by everyone because apparently they would get eaten by the zombies in the garden when they went outside?
I dreamt that chunks of the ocean kept disappearing, a whole section would just drop away. Then someone told me there was a crack in the core of the world.
I had a dream that I was in the bathroom and my crush was waiting for me and then we went outside and he flung his phone into the grass and then we arm wresteld and after that many more people where just appearing out of know where
I dreamt that I was carrying my Bicycle downstairs. My ex boyfriend try to grab it for me. Turned around, and he was facing backwards.
Today I just had a Weird dream, but the funny thing is that I have never had dreams in my life, but I would always see in my dreams were vision and I know that they are because either I see it when it’s happening or before it happens but it does happen, when I was 19 years old I seen my dad getting hit by a bat then he died. But back to this weird dream I was back in my home town and I was at a theme park with my sister and she had talk back to… Read more »
Lately almost every night I’ve been dreaming of my mother and father-in-law, the dreams are so real and in the dream it’s like everyday life is going on but they are so real. Wonder why all of a sudden they are appearing in my dreams?
My main dream , no matter what, is always about me trying to clean my house…but random people, family & people from my past & present keep getting in my way & it’s so frustrating…
I had a very strange dream and I meet Monica off friends while she was filming and she had a pregnant belly then yesterday I went to my sister in laws house and she was watching ‘friends’, then this morning the friends song came on the radio.
So weird considering i havent watched friends in years
I had a dream, I was riding a two-wheeler, and suddenly an alligator attacked me. My spouse who was riding with me did not do anything to protect me. I tried to free myself by putting some wooden sticks in the alligator’s mouth. I was free. But after analyzing this dream, I am nervous. What does it indicate?
olliekaydream dreams
this is such a dream moment am i right