Recurring and Repetitive Dreams

Suddenly you are at your desk scrambling to find you pencil to write your exam, you break out in a cold sweat as its only a matter of time before you have to hand in your paper. The clock is is ticking as you only have ten minutes to complete and you just started writing the test. Your heart is pumping, and hands are numb knowing you are going to fail the test.

Does this dream sound familiar? Recurring dreams are extremely common that can span over a short or long period in your lifetime. These dreams can manifest as far back from your childhood or randomly emerge as an adult. The unpredictable nature of a recurring dream may occur weekly, once a month, or even several times a year.

Recurring Dreams

Believe it or not you may have experienced a particular dream dozens of times before it finally rattles you out of your bed at night. The reason why it appears to be more vivid and intense because your dream desperately wants your attention. In essence this dream becomes your monthly reminder that you are still ignoring something in your life that is causing an unbalance.

Stopping a recurring dream from happening is a fun challenge because you have a chance to tackle your inner demons head on. Are you up for the challenge? I can guarantee you once you decode your dream you will take one big weight off your back. You might even want to explore deeper to the unconscious parts of your mind as you are now at the tip of the iceberg.

Common Recurring Dreams

How To Stop Recurring Dreams

Step 1: Befriend Your Nightmare

As unusual as this sounds your recurring dream is actually trying to help you if you choose to listen. It acts as if its your own free personal wise friend or psychologist trying to show you something you are blatantly ignoring in life.

Brushing off your dream only encourages your unconscious to take you out of soft ball and bring you to the big leagues. The theme of your recurring dream will only become darker, the mood and atmosphere anxious, and every object becomes more vivid. You are now a puppet being pulled on the strings of your fears and insecurities.

Article: How To Befriend Your Unconscious Mind

Sun Tzu was a writer and philosopher  once said that “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles”. This applies to your recurring dream in order to understand it you have to know your hidden fears and idiocracies.

Think of it as you were wearing blindfolds waking around a pool as your unconscious is trying to guide you were to go. The recurring dream keep occurring as you are not paying attention to the directions and keep falling in the deep end.

So how do you stop recurring dreams from happening? The next step would be to understand the language your dream speaks to you in.

Step 2: The Forgotten Language

The symbols in our dreams are often coded metaphorically relating to something in your life. For instance, a car would be a representation of your path or drive in life; or a butterfly would imply a personal transformation due to its metamorphosis phases. Furthermore, by approaching the dream metaphorically you will see a pattern unfold that mimics unconscious feelings or emotions relating to a particular issue.

Learning a new language can be quite difficult and time consuming, however learning how our dreams communicate with us is not as difficult as we think. However your dream is not going to spell it out for you that easy, you have to be willing to take the time to decode it.

Using a dream dictionary will give you ideas where the root of the problem is stemming from. They often provide you with hints where you can extract the most important symbols out of the dream.

The benefit of the recurrent dream is its vivid display of symbols, emotions, locations and people around you. These are clues provided that help puzzle the piece of the dream together.

Step 3: Tracing Your Steps

This is one of most important steps when it comes to stopping your recurring dream. More than likely you are able to trace back to the time when this dream started occurring in your life. For example, if you keep experiencing a recurring dream that started happening three years ago, you then need to go back to that time.

At some point in your life something traumatic has happened that you have tucked away in the dark corners of your mind. The feelings have manifested into a monster wanting you to let it free.

  • Death of a family member
  • Break ups
  • Relationships
  • Jobs or career

Step 4: Personal Reflection 

Once you have gathered all of your dream clues you then need to apply it to the hidden issues in your life. This stage becomes the most difficult as you need to reflect, recognize and accept this personal flaw.

  • Insecurity or not being accepted
  • Past memory or experience that haunts you (example bullying)
  • Unable to face your fears and anxieties
  • Afraid of failure or getting to the next stage in life.
  • Having a traumatic childhood.

As we mentioned before that your dream is not out to hurt you but to help. You are encouraged to shine the light on the darker parts of your life, the feelings and emotions that you easily avoid.

Unfortunately for some people their dreams can trace as far back to their childhood. Most often we are most affected by our past childhood trauma that essentially stunts our development to becoming a fully integrated adult. This is often called our inner child that needs to be rescued.

Step 5: Ask A Dream Professional For Help

When it comes to interpreting your own recurring dreams it almost feels like a daunting task —  I mean who really understands what the unconscious mind is hinting at. Though one of the free services provided here at dream dictionary is a detailed analysis in our active live chat. Within 24 hours your problem might be solved.

Recurring Dream Facts

  1. Recurring dreams usually happen in REM sleep.
  2. Recurring dreams are our unconscious mind telling us to “wake up” and address the problem.
  3. They deliver a very important message.
  4. Often form in a nightmare dream.
  5. Very common everybody gets one.
  6. Triggered by stressful times in life.
  7. Some are positive and some are negative dream themes.
  8. Once you find the root of the issue the dream never comes back.

How to Remember Your Dreams

Many people find it difficult to remember their dreams due to lack of dream recall.  They would just be able to tell you “I was having a test and I wasn’t prepared”. The main problem with trying to fix your Recurring dream is trying to remember it. We lose close to 90 percent of our dream the first minute we wake up hence  why its important to remember your dream the moment you get up.

Learning how to remember your dreams take a bit of practice but can be done very easily.  You would need to keep a dream journal handy or anything that would record them.  Remember we loose 90% of our dreams the first 1 min we wake up.

Recurring Dreams: Personal Journal

Keeping a dream journal the next time you experience a recurring dream to make your job a little easier. Make sure you write down every single detail in your dream even though you don’t think its that important.

Recording your dreams gives you the opportunity to open the door to your mind that has never been explored. In this world you will explore the heights of your abilities and the depths of your fears.

Remember you are essentially investigating yourself. “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom”. This famous quote is often attributed to Socrates. But how does this apply to my dreams?

Teeth dreams
Chase dreams
Late for a test 
Falling dreams
Water dreams

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2 months ago

I don’t even know how long I’ve been having this similar dream. It’s about my childhood crush. In the dream we are always about late teens and it feels very close and intimate one minute and we feel far apart the next and I’m left wondering what happened. I’m searching for the intimacy as I wake up. As I read this it must have to do with my husband’s health and the effects of that in our personal relationship. I have this dream several times a month. The health problems have been the last 15 years but effects are more… Read more »

3 months ago

I keep having dreams about my boyfriend but the latest one was in school learning about growing up and the rest, we had to pair up with someone the opposite gender and he chose me and then we went into the toilets

1 year ago

When I was younger, I had this recurring dream of me throwing myself out of a hotel room window. I am a female, and at the time I was a little girl. In my dream, I am a grown as man. I stopped having it a long time ago, but there was something strange that happened. Me and a neighbor girl were playing in my living room and we began with yo’ momma jokes, but with us everything goes, including yo’ daddy. She had said something that upset me so I told her something that was already upsetting me –… Read more »

1 year ago

My recurring dream was actually super weird. I was laying down in my living room when suddenly I heard a timer that was counting down from ten and it said I had to get to my bed or else I would get tickled. So I ran up to my room but not in time and when I got tickled I woke up. I’ve had many versions of this recurring dream.

1 year ago

Hi. I have a recurring dream in which I go about my day to day life as normal, always alone. The setting varies from dream to dream, sometimes a dark desolate alleyway or in the woods, (I guess the where isn’t important). Suddenly a woman (in about half the dreams she is a celebrity, but again I’m not sure if her status as such is the most crucial detail). Often she’s dishevelled, very rarely with a few minor cuts and bruises, but for the majority is unharmed and presentable. Generally she appears with a certain scenario. There is an unknown… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Tammy
1 year ago

I have a recurring dream of packing to move. Clearing out my things from one place, and packing. NEVER where I would be moving. It could be packing from a house (that I’ve never seen) or a job.

1 year ago

I had 3 dreams in one night waking up in between. They were all similar but they got worse now I’m anxious. I was at an outside party in a foreign country near a market with my son who was younger than he is now. We had fallen asleep. I was woken with him covered in a milky goo and he was crying out my name. Then he was abducted and put with other children in the market. A lady said I might be able to buy him back and took me to a parade of children being given to… Read more »

1 year ago

I’ve been having this dream where me and my family go to a restaurant, and I look out the window to find this weird multi story multi colored building, with no windows. It has this sign on top which I forgot what it said I guess is some weird company that exits in my dreams, and the building appears abandoned. I’ve had this dream 2 times the first one plays out a bit differently than the one I described, but it still has the building. this is really weird and I hope someone can explain this. Thank You.

1 year ago

In elementary school, and then again in high school I had a dream where me and my friends (from elementary school) were talking through the woods of tall skinny trees. then we were at the base of a tall cliff where we were looking up at the underside of my house. the was was being supported by the cliff on the front end, and a skinny pool in each of the back to corners.
I remember thinking to myself that it was odd because the poles where to skinny to support the house.

Madi Hodges
Madi Hodges
1 year ago

When I was younger, I had this recurring dream for years that my entire family (close and distant relatives) were trapped inside this huge house that was kind of reminiscent of my grandparent’s house. Then, a zombie outbreak would start and my relatives would start dissapearing. Towards the end of my dream, it was always only me and my Papa, and we would talk but I can’t remember what about. I know the details aren’t great, but I haven’t had the dream in probably at least like 8 years. It just stuck with me because I had it at least… Read more »

2 years ago

I keep having recurring dreams that my spouse is cheating, or is leaving me, also that I am lost and can’t work my phone to call my spouse.

2 years ago

I keep having this dream that my maté & family member are sleeping together both deny but I’ve had it for over 8 years it wakes me up & I look @ him & he’s sound asleep always I clearly remember everything in the dream & most of the it’s a no talking dream no actual sex just thoughts in the dream

2 years ago

Okay, so I keep having these dreams where I’m clinching my son in my arms as some sort of alien keeps trying to pry him from me. What does this mean ?

2 years ago

I’ve been having a reaccuring dream for 2 years now. I lost my mum very suddenly to cancer. I dream she is back, like last night she returned and we were so happy we didn’t want to ask her any awkward questions in case she got upset and left again. But it’s like she didn’t really die she just took herself away for a while and then returns.

2 years ago

I have this recurring dream, been having this kind of dream almost a decade now. I always come back in my school when i was an elementary student. I dont know but it creeps me out because my dreams are detailed. been in my 6th grade classroom or 5th even 4th grade.and I always go back in this school. I really don’t know what it keeps telling me?

3 years ago

i used to go to church regularly as a teen. was a believer to the point i was part of the worship band. then out of nowhere i started having this recurring dream that i was a preacher. this happened numerous times over the years and i eventually went to one of the pastors for advice and simply got told keep seeking god and id get some sort of direction on a calling in life. needless to say, i dont go to church anymore and havent had the recurring dream since.

4 years ago

I had another dream about 2 years ago but for some reason the dream keeps showing up sometimes! (idk if that means anything) So what happened was, that i was at a “McDonalds” “PlayPlace”, but for some reason the “PlayPlace” was super big and had a lot of tunnels? But for some reason “Ronald” “McDonald”, was chasing me up the tubes and i ended up in a part of the “PlayPlace” with a bunch of tubes i could slide down, now each tube displayed a image but for i could only remember 3 or 4 of the tubes, the first… Read more »

Reply to  The Dreamer
4 years ago

My family life is fine, sometimes i have problems between my dad here and then, i forgot too mention that i have not had the dream recently, it only reacured about 3 or 4 motnths ago

Reply to  Liam
1 year ago

4 Years ago I had recurring McDonald’s PlayPlace dreams each McDonald’s PlayPlace dream had appeared a little different than another Some were old McDonald’s PlayPlaces with nearly worn out Video game consoles built in, Some McDonald’s PlayPlaces were haunted at night being worn down with the lights turned off and inside of the equipment had a punching bag and Mom said “You love this PlayPlace”, And some McDonald’s Playplaces where More “Normal” It was kind of scary because I thought they were “Real” At the time while I was having those dreams and thankfully I don’t have those recurring dreams… Read more »

4 years ago

I’m a 50 year old man. In 7th grade I had a crush on a gal, but never said anything, because I was terrified to even try. So we never dated. We never said much of anything to each other other than Hi and smiles. she’s married with kids. He was a nice guy, and they’re a beautiful family. Now I’ve been dreaming constantly about her and her parents. Really vivid and detailed dreams. Like visiting their home and she and I are in a relationship in the dreams. It’s so detailed it’s like a parallel world. I work on… Read more »

4 years ago

So my dreams are really weird they all are but this particular one is repeated it’s been 2yrs ago i think so i will say this as properly as i can…. We we’re in a classrrom there was a boy sitting at a classroom chair with his friends but he didnt seem happy and several hours later(?) There was a fight(?) And he got to an detention…. 2nd day(?) There was a girl (i think it’s me? But idk) there were two girls bullying they were the teacher favorite and i stood up for it(? Its gets blurry here) so… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Jacpurin
4 years ago

Ive had dreams of my Aunt, recently. She has been in multiple ones, but not the same exact dream. I dont remember others, but tonight I dreamt of her pulling my hair into a ponytail, smiling as she discussed something with me. Could I know what this means? I am very confused.

Reply to  Kathrin
3 years ago

I have had similar recurring dreams of a family member. I too wish to know what it could mean. Surprised there was no response /feedback. Where should we go to find out what these dreams could mean?