Did you know thousands of people a month search google to find an answer why they were shot in their dreams. These realistic and unfortunate vivid dreams have a tendency to shake you up for a reason, implying you have just received a warning of a threat.
So where is this so called perceived threat coming from? Well being shot in your dream suggests a variety of different interpretations, however you will receive little hints that paint the larger picture
Remember the symbolic nature of these sorts of dreams depends on who is shooting you, the location of where the bullet penetrated, or if you survived being shot – this is why being shot in the head will translate differently then being shot in the back.
Article: Why Running In Dreams Is A Sign Of Avoidance
Your dream paints a picture of a gun and bullet, though this image has nothing to do with an actual gun attack, but rather being associated with some sort of altercation that will put you as the direct target. Now you need to figure out who is the shooter in your life?
Dreams Of Being Shot In Dream
Since dreams have an tendency to use metaphors to integrate the meaning of the dream it is important to gather as much information as possible. usually if the shooter remains faceless it shows this danger will be unknown to you, perhaps an attack that remains unconscious to you – or – the shooter is a manifestation of your dark side “shadow” that is now targeting you.
The bullet that targets a specific place on the body becomes a clue to help you break down the meaning. Why? Because being shot in the foot would be metaphoric for you movement and progress, whereas your heart connects to your emotions.
Often times in dreams the dreamer is shot at but not hit implying they would avoid this conscious or unconscious attack.
- painful and hurtful emotions
- slow down or halt in progress
- anger and hate
- hostility and vengeance
- specifically targeted
- direct attack
Wait, Why Am I The Shooter?
The shooter could be a mirror image of you. The unknown dangerous aspects of your personality hidden below the mask that you are unaware of. This could be anger, hostility or hate repressed and is being expressed in the dream.
People who could be to agreeable in life might be fulfilling the aggressive side of their personality. These dreams are incorporating the shadow side of the dream to represent a need to integrate that aggression in your daily life.
Dream Of Being Shot in Back
You couldn’t get any more metaphoric than this. Have you ever heard the term he stabbed me in the back, referring to deceit and ill will. Well this is not to far removed. Dreaming of being shot in the back suggests this attack will catch you of guard when you are not expecting, perhaps someone close to you will make this move.
Dream Of Being Shot In Heart
The Heart is commonly know to connect the dreamer to love and emotions that will be under attack. The heart is known for compassion and understanding, life-giving and complex; the heart is synonymous with affection.
Dream Of Being Shot In The Hands
Hands are used for our ability to function and the most used on the human body. Being shot in your hand in your dream often relates to an attack on your strength, expression or work related. Depending if the hand is left or right alters the meaning of the dream, see HAND dreams for more information.
Being Shot In Neck or Throat Dreams
Interestingly enough being shot either in the neck or throat usually connects the dreamer to communication and speech. Something is being directly targeted to handicap your voice from being heard. Who or what could this be? In some case this might be an unconscous attack or block on your throat CHAKRA.
Dreams Of Being Shot In The Head
What do you think the head is used for? Ahh yes critical thinking, who you are (ego) the the seat of vital energy, the active principle of the whole individual. THis is now under attack by someone or something. Do you know who or what it might be?
Dreams Of Being Shot In Leg or Foot
In our dream FEET becomes symbolic of your movement, stability and balance in your life. Whenever our feet or legs are shot in our dreams it represents a direct attack on your progress, weaknesses and mental stability in your life – a symbol that might emerge related to relationships, health, emotions.
Shooting In War Dream
Dreaming being in a gun battle suggests internal/external conflict that needs to be solved. Two sides at war trying to win, good vs bad. Keep in mind due to the global web we are bombarded with countries going to war so be mindful if you have just watched the news before bed.
School shootings seem to be more and more common in this generation than ever before. An unconscious threat knowing that it could happen to the dreamer at school.
Shot By Police Dream
Whenever the dreamer is shot by POLICE it suggests a halt or setback from people of authority in our life’s. Being shot by the police may also hint at wrong doings or guilty actions that has now been made conscious. After the police comes the judge that might symbolise being metaphorically locked up until time served.
Bullet & Sexual Connotation
Sigmund Freud suggested that any symbol such as a knife or bullet could relate to a desire to penetrate. Perhaps related to a painful sexual process thus making the element unconscious to the dreamer.
shot at the throat then proceeded to be shot all over my body..like an execution…woke up and still felt it as if it had happened in reality.
This area is important because it may suggest the things in your life that are blocked; Self expression; vulnerability; the link between thoughts and feelings. Who shots might be some aspect of yourself that remains hidden from you hence why its aggressive force to bring your attention to this issue.
Dream My wife and I were driving in the country side searching for something like water (I think) and we came upon a source just off the road but we couldn’t access it because of a ditch and a fence. We drove around about a half mile where we saw a farm/ranch that looked like we could gain access. We entered the farm driveway and saw access to the pasture that would lead to the water-source but there was an incline or small hill that we would have to drive up. It was winter time and there was snow on… Read more »
The dream seems to do with boundaries, repressed emotions, lack of growth, vulnerability and minor obstacles in your relationship. It would take to long to break down each symbol, however there seems to be some positive changes afoot. See hospital in the search bar.
Hi, I just woke up from the worst dream and I’m still so tired, but terrified to go back to sleep at this time. I was with my close friend/roommate/coworker and we were heading home from work because we were both wearing scrubs still and then for some reason our parking was in a covered garage with windows but our parking at work is just a lot. We were having a conversation before getting inside when we heard like a sports car showing off and then a man in that car just appearing in front of the now open window… Read more »
A main clue was it was targets at your back; behind you making it not known. It might be hinting at something to do at your work that will involve some sort of an attack. This is not phyical but related to your position or friendship. Buildings in our dream are symbolic in the sense they appear to be related to things we metaphorically build in our lives; a sub construct (mind/psyche) relating to principles, relationships, beliefs (see building dreams in the search bar). Whenever a knife appears in our dreams it contains elements of removing or cutting away from… Read more »
I had a dream that I was walking down a sidewalk in a city, not sure which one, but there were tall buildings all around, and a parking garage to my left. I was pushing a stroller, but my 1 year old was not in it. A handsome blonde haired, blue eyed man, without a shirt, came out of the parking garage and looked as if he needed help. So I walked closer and he asked if I could help him. I parked the stroller and walked inside the garage, keeping my distance with him to the left of me.… Read more »
Buildings in our dream are symbolic in the sense they appear to be related to things we metaphorically build in our lives; a sub construct (mind/psyche) relating to principles, relationships, beliefs (see building dreams in the search bar). The parking garage might be related to your drive (stand still) or something to your “left”. You are trying to “record” something (camcorder) that relates to this man. Did you notice once you shot him the bullet appeared to land to the “left”. You are also keeping your distance with him to the left. So the dream seems to be pointing at… Read more »
I had a dream last night that two men were fist fighting in a driveway-they started moving down the driveway..so on my dream,I started honking the horn so I wouldn’t hit them….my daughter came up from the backseat and sat on my console and bullets just started flying..all I remember was screaming for her to get down..the windshield got hit with bullets..one hit me and I woke up! Why am I dreaming this kind of stuff?! P.s. I have been awake and weirded out since 4am
Hello Lacey. Nothing to worry about as these dreams are quite common. It might be just a nightmare since I didn’t really see anything that will connect. Did you ever recall watching the news or perhaps a movie pertaining to this theme?
In terms with the dream, bullets are known to be symbol of an attack (penetration of skin) suggests this issue will bother you. Your car is your drive or path.
I had a dream last night that I was headed up the top of a dark staircase with a few other people and when I turned to look behind me, I seen a younger man with a revolver pointed directly at my head, and when I see his face he shot the gun and the bullet hit me directly in my head. I fell to the ground and remember see down the steps as I fell to the ground. I remember my vision fading and getting cloudy and told whoever listening to me to tell my kids that I love… Read more »
Seems like this dream is related to setbacks in your life. Usually steps (you are going up) tells you about personal growth (house/psyche), advancement, awareness (mind, body, soul); see climbing dreams in search bar for more information. Dark is a symbol of the unknown or unconsciousness, or lack of vision; night time or Yin energy. The revolver might be a metaphor for things revolving – points to your head (mind/thought) direct hit. Death in dreams usually tend to be endings or change in your life. Though the dream be interpreted in many ways. You may have watched a movie, news,… Read more »
I’m sorry if this doesn’t make much since I’m dyslexic. So I had a dream last night that I was in a bus and I don’t know where I was going exactly but I assume it was school because I recognized some people that I went to high school with so it had to take place some time in the past. And suddenly I heard a loud bang sound like a bullet and then a classmate screams as a bullet hits them. Then there were more bullets and more classmates were hit. Then at the end of the dream I… Read more »
The language that speaks to us in dream is often dyslexic as well so dont worry. Buses in dreams tell us about shortstops in our lives (small transitions), however it might tie in with your school days. If you are going back to the past your dream wants to either recall a past event or memory. If you take a bullet to the chest it connects to a very vital organ that is in charge of our emotions, love and feeling called the HEART. Who did this classmate remind you of? How did people treat you in school? Maybe this… Read more »
The classmates some of them were just random faces of people I walked by in the halls others were some people that’s bullied me and others were just acquaintances. I was bullied quite often at school but I had friends who did their best to protect me. It could be a repressed memory I did go through a lot while I was in school
Sorry to hear that. Kids can be horrible. Hopefully you listen to your dream and fix this issue.
I had a dream about a school shooter. The building felt like a college, but my age was the same as my age now (14). Three of my friends were there as well as my twin sister. One of my friends were in the same classroom as me, on the second floor. Suddenly there is a shooter currently on the first floor. I tell my friend I’m going to run to safety, and he says he’s going to do the same. As we look for an exit, my friend looks over the railing above the shooter with a few other… Read more »
It wasn’t a dream about me being shot, it was a dream about witnessing people in a car with me being shot, then for some reason, I was spared.
Can you provide me with more details about the dream if possible? It sounds that it could be related to some sort of conflict that you will avoid. However I would need to know more about it to make an assessment.
I dreamt I was shot in my back and chest over and over again by someone very highly and well-respected. I felt the pain in my chest and I was struggling to breathe – heaving. I tried calling 911 but I couldn’t finish the conversation as the shooter cut me off and was speaking to me while I was lying on the floor face down. I was trying to stop something big happening but I can’t remember what. I was on the floor of a room in a house that was an upstairs room. The person who shot me had… Read more »
Last night, my dream consisted of my dog and I going to the grocery store late at night for my mother’s valentines present. Two shooters held the store hostage, and I didn’t realize until the younger one had me pinned face down with a gun on my spine about mid-back (I can still point to the exact vertebrae). The trigger squeezed; no bullet came out, to the shooter’s surprise. The rest of the dream, I hid from the shooters’ wanting to make up for the faulty shot. A store clerk checked on me, and gave me a med pack to… Read more »
Who could the shooter be in your life? The fact that you said “my mother to let her know what was going on, but only after a myriad of hurdles for the text to go through” seems to be a major clue. Also the fact you went to give her a valentine gift. If the gun was on your spin it connects to movement of your whole body, something is holding this up.
The shooter could be a ton of folk/situations. Divorce, familial medical declines, bankruptcy, etc all happening right now.
Movement of the whole body is FULLY connected to my having severely had COVID, followed by pneumonia, and a plethora of treatments to try and kick it. Now I’m struggling to be typically active for day-to-day things, let alone pursue running and working in the yard like my typical before the ordeal.
It just threw me with the shot not going off, and the time being so distinctly identifiable.
That is good that it didn’t shoot you. What has recently transpired seems to fit the symbols in your dream. It seems you just need to get over this hump!
i dreamt i was shot on my chest twice since the shooters gun ran out of bullets or rounds as he was still pressing the clip trying to shoot me and i survived as their took me to hospital just to remove the bullets
Seems that what ever hurts you emotionally you will survive. Who where the shooters? (see hospital dreams)
I had a dream that I walked into my parents house as it was being robbed. The robber had a sense of familiarity but I don’t know who he was. He saw me and grabbed my dad gun, he doesn’t really own a gun but he did in the dream, then shot me straight in the stomach. And continued robbing my parents and smoking a cigar.
Being robbed might be connected with something relating to the mind/psyche that relates to your parents. Houses are often symbols of the mind (see house dream). Now the gun is a symbol of aggression when its directed at someone (bullets penetrate the body aka mine). The cigar could be phallic.
I had a dream last night where I was in a gun fight. It was crazy gun fire but once it was over I stood up and was shot in the back three times by a stranger. I couldn’t go to the hospital, everyone said I was fine but I was bleeding bad. I keep touching the spot on my back which was soaked with blood, but my family shrugged it off.
I had a really weird dream where I had just graduated high school. I was walking home with my friend until we realized we lived in separate directions and we split up. As I was walking home a guy who I have never seen in a purple hoodie with long dreads opened fire on a group by a red car. I tried to hide under a small tree that had fallen. I remembered thinking I would be safe because he wouldn’t see me and I wasn’t the target but he shot me point blank in the head twice. I didn’t… Read more »
Graduation suggests moving to the next stage. Now they major clue that ties in with school is going in different directions. Is this taking place in your life? You hide, search for help as the hospital is a place to heal or get help.
I had a dream last night where I was inside at the door of a good guy facility when a bad guy from earlier in the dream ran in and shot me in the chest 3 times. I screamed for help but then I fell. People rushed to help me but weird enough I didn’t feel pain, I just felt a slow constricting of my chest that made it harder to breath. I “woke up” in a room but not a hospital and I still didn’t feel pain but the constricting was slowly getting worse. People I cared about and… Read more »
Could it be related to covid? Not being able to breath?
No, I haven’t really been afraid of covid. I got it in February when I thought it was just a flu. Is there anything else it could be?
I understand. I mean it could be a repressed emotion, however it is something that has hit you 3 times, a direct hit that hurts you. Being restricted suggests an inability to move or function properly.
I has a dream earlier this week where my English teacher shot me in the back 111 times. Police came to help me, I felt really bad for not wearing a mask. When I got to the hospital, the nurses in the front asked for my pain level and I said 0-2 out of ten and they sent me home saying that they had seen this sort of thing all the time. Then I looked at my back to see the bullet wounds and I was not bleeding, but there were large bumps, almost like cysts that covered my back… Read more »
Did you know the 111 hz is considered the holy frequency? 1+1+1 = 3 or 1st three times. 111 in math is the perfect totient number. Now why 111? Being shot shows aggression (see mask dreams) – as the hospital is the place to heal – die and rebirth – nurse is your feminine guide or inner feminine that needs healing. Cysts are something that grows under your skin (hinting at inside you) perhaps behind you, back of you relating to unconsciousness.
I had this dream a few days ago. I dreamed I had been shot by a faceless person.. The dreamed started off with me sun bathing on a lounge chair on top of a tower like structure. The tower was made of wood. The structure felt like on that deals with water, but I am not sure. Anyways, I remember people below me walking on the ground, sort of a carnival scenery. I heard gun shots and so I covered myself with a blanket. It was a light blue color blanket and I used it to cover myself over my… Read more »
Notice you felt safe under a blanket. This might bring you back to a time when you are young, afraid of something. The faceless person is actually no a real person but something that remains hidden with you that you are afraid of. You have a clue that you are covering something but what? This affects your ability to move forward in life (hence being shot in the knee). So I would ask you to write down all of your fears that you try and cover from and hide.
I can’t remember everything, but the most significant part of my dream was when i was in truck of a car hiding from the shooter. There was one person from work there with me, but the other people were faceless. The shooter was outside the car trying to look in, and even started shooting at the car. But then he got into the car and shot us all. I got shot in the head, but somehow I was looking at everyone else being shot too. Maybe this is because I’m leaving my job due to an undesirable work environment.
Hiding dreams are very symbolic as it tells you about something remaining hidden with you. The car is a symbol of your drive/path as you are being attack, now this is often non confrontational.
I had a dream that I was in bed and people above me started to shot I was alive but there was no blood I got shot in my leg and back it’s a bit fuzzy but I was trying to escape in a helicopter and when I called the police they didn’t come