
Dreams have always been a mystery since the beginning of time.  Though out time there has been many guesses behind the reasons for dreaming.  Some say that our dreams are messages from our unconscious mind to our conscious. The messages are able to guide us and lead us in the right path. Others believe that a dream is just a dream with no real significance behind it.

Many have gone as far to think that our dreams are prophetic that are set from higher powers.  As far as dreams and dreaming goes your guess is good as the next person.  Dream interpretation and symbolism is a popular subject, and some dreams seem to permeate our society. Whatever they are, dreams are still a mystery to scientists. What is their purpose, if they have one? Why do we dream at all?

Scientists are just beginning to learn about the function of sleep, and dreaming. Some researchers suggest that dreams serve no real purpose, while other believe that dreaming is essential to mental, emotional and physical well-being. Ernest Hoffman, director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Newton Wellesley Hospital in Boston, Mass., suggests that “a possible (though certainly not proven) function of a dream to be weaving new material into the memory system in a way that both reduces emotional arousal and is adaptive in helping us cope with further trauma or stressful events.”

Why Do We Dream?

Psychoanalytic: There are several popular theories surrounding why we dream: psychoanalytic and activation-synthesis are the most popular.Consistent with the psychoanalytic perspective, Sigmund Freud’s theory of dreams suggested that dreams were a representation of unconscious desires, thoughts and motivations. According to Freud’s psychoanalytic view of personality, people are driven by aggressive and sexual instincts that are repressed from conscious awareness.

While these thoughts are not consciously expressed, Freud suggested that they find their way into our awareness via dreams. Freud wrote that dreams are “disguised fulfillment’s of repressed wishes.” He also described two different components of dreams: manifest content and latent content. Manifest content is the actual images, thoughts and content contained within the dream, while the latent content is the hidden psychological meaning of the dream.

Activation-Synthesis: According to this theory, circuits in the brain become activated during REM sleep, the brain synthesizes and interprets this internal activity and attempts to find meaning in these signals, which results in dreaming. Basically, the brain will interpret the meaningless signals and imposes a story on top of them — resulting in the fragmented and nonsensical nature of some dreams.

This model suggests that dreams are a subjective interpretation of signal generated by the brain during sleep. This does not mean that dreams are meaningless; in fact, a by-product of this process may be the development of new and unique ideas. The idea of dreams contributing to new ideas has merit, as there have been several notable dreams that contributed to inventions:

Frankenstein Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein was inspired by a dream: “I saw the pale student of unhallowed arts kneeling beside the thing he had put together. I saw the hideous phantasm of a man stretched out, and then, on the working of some powerful engine, show signs of life, and stir with an uneasy, half-vital motion. Frightful must it be; for supremely frightful would be the effect of any human endeavor to mock the stupendous Creator of the world.”

The sewing machine Elias Howe invented the sewing machine in 1845. He had the idea of a machine with a needle which would go through a piece of cloth but he couldn’t figure out exactly how it would work. In his dream cannibals were preparing to cook him and they were dancing around the fire waving their spears.

Howe noticed at the head of each spear there was a small hole through the shaft and the up and down motion of the spears and the hole remained with him when he woke. The idea of passing the thread through the needle close to the point was a major innovation in making mechanical sewing possible.

Benzene The scientist Friedrich August  discovered the seemingly impossible chemical structure of benzene (C6H6) when he had a dream of a group of snakes swallowing their tails.

Yesterday Paul McCartney claims to have composed the melody for the Beatles’ song “Yesterday” in a dream; the song has since become the most recorded song in the history of popular music.

Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation has been a popular practice in spirituality for millennia. It was practiced through most of the world, and most religions have some semblance of dream interpretation.

Dream interpretation was taken up as part of psychoanalysis at the end of the 19th century; the perceived, manifest content of a dream is analyzed to reveal its latent meaning to the psyche of the dreamer.

One of the seminal works on the subject is The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud.  At Dream Dictionary we can analyze all of your dreams and dreams symbols.

Here at dreamdictioanry.org we offer thousands of translated dream words to help you tune into your unconscious. Opening the mysterious door will lead you into a world of truth, fantasy and a connection to ‘the self’.

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18 days ago

I constantly get dreams of waking up over and over at least more than 20 times even though by the 3rd time I already know it’s a loop and I have dreams of losing teeth and one time I was in a maze and the longer I was there the more my teeth fell out and I’m also always having dreams of either dying or being chased by a man I don’t know and I have never ever seen in my entire life which is weird considering the human mind can’t just make up faces and I’m sure I’ve NEVER… Read more »

1 month ago

I had a very interesting dream yesterday night. I dreamed about me being on a boat with my family when I suddenly saw an animal in the water. I first thought it was a dog, but when I asked my dad to go closer I could see it was a wolf. I wanted to safe it so I pulled it on the boat. I could immediately feel that this wolf was no danger to me, because it was really kind. When we went a little further by boat I saw lots of other wolves in the water. I told my… Read more »

2 months ago

I’ve had this dream once or twice but this random person was outside my house doing yoga. My step dad went outside and didn’t even say anything to this person. Each time I had this dream the first time it was a man but the second time it was a woman. The car that was in the driveway that was the random person was the same in both dreams. My step-dad had gone outside to leave for work or something and didn’t say anything to them. Which was weird because none of us knew who it was. I remember this… Read more »

A. Sharkey
A. Sharkey
4 months ago

I had a dream this kid was like attached to me. He stopped outside his house and talked to me Everytime I’m outside he was outside and talked to me everyday. Even the mom said why am i stalking her son but i wasnt. They just lived next to my boyfriends sisters house.Later on he had this ÿtool only doctors would use and he said it was a school project but I knew they wouldn’t give that to him for a school project so as soon as I asked someone else I knew he lied and next thing his house… Read more »

5 months ago

I had the creepiest dream last night. Keep in mind I am not religious. I was swimming in a pool when I looked up and saw a man sitting beside the pool. Strangely, I immediately knew who he was—it was Lucifer. He wasn’t particularly attractive, but he wasn’t ugly either. He just looked like a regular guy in a grey business suit, with one leg crossed over the other, quietly watching.I swam closer and asked, “Are you him?” He simply nodded and smiled but didn’t say anything. What struck me the most was how calm I felt. The dream was… Read more »

Karie Black
Karie Black
Reply to  Ashayla
4 months ago

The thing that sticks out to me is that you was calm . Your spirit is use to him. Sneaky

Reply to  Ashayla
2 months ago

They say that if you do everything right. That heaven for you may be a shoe-in. The devil will come and try and steal your soul. Be aware he may be making a last ditch effort to take your soul. Be strong and faithful.

9 months ago

In my dream, I was with my family heading to a pub for dinner. We had two hamsters with us that the kids wanted to bring into the pub. I had hold of them in my hands. As we entered the pub I noticed grey rats asleep on tables – not bothering anyone, just asleep on their back. When I went to sit down with my family, the land lady said I should take the hamsters out of the pub as the boss rat will not like it. As I got closer to the table where my family were sitting,… Read more »

David Nathan Gathright
David Nathan Gathright
10 months ago

I dreamt that I had an overhead view of myself walking on a dirt road and I came to a split. one path went to the left and the other path went to the right. I was standing in the middle of the two paths looking in front of me where the scenery was the top of a huge forest with mountains faraway in the back. then suddenly the over head view swung around and showing a close up of me revealing my face up close and then it was over.

1 year ago

I noticed that everytime I dream that Im visiting with my Granma or my Mom I start helping her or them, instead of hugging or sitting down and talking with them I immediately start doing chores. I took care of both of them separately at home hospice during covid. And I only dream of them when I really miss them. What does doing chores for deceased loved ones mean?

Liz Ruiz
Liz Ruiz
1 year ago

I had a dream where I was at a hotel and it seemed to be like a gathering, and there was a room that nobody wanted to go in only a nurse lady was not scared and this guy (I don’t know what he looked like) but he was laying in bed, and he started calling peoples names but they went hiding because they was scared of him but I stood outside by the door with the nurse because I wanted to see what he looked like, but he did not get up so I started walking to a room… Read more »

1 year ago

Can’t seem to get this dream off my mind today. Walking down the road in the fall, I see a cat with no tail, colors are vivid all around. I look over and a buddy that died years ago started to talk to me. We were talking and walking then out of nowhere a buddy that I grew up with, he moved away when we were young shows up. We keep in contact after searching on social media. He is alive today. This is the twist, when I ask what are y’all doing here as we approach a random farm… Read more »

1 year ago

I had a dream about I was at my house but on the street. I was trying to fly, but while I flied I almost moved like a jellyfish. Trying to propel myself through the air. I had no idea why I couldn’t fly. I got up like 20 feet after a lot of struggling but then basically just hung in the air trying so hard but getting no where.

Bryan Ice
Bryan Ice
Reply to  August
1 year ago

This dream may symbolize a sense of limitation or frustration in your waking life. The desire to fly represents aspirations or goals, but the difficulty and jellyfish-like movement could suggest obstacles or lack of control hindering your progress. The struggle to gain altitude may reflect challenges you’re facing, and the feeling of being suspended in the air despite efforts implies a sense of stagnation or the inability to make significant headway. The dream might prompt reflection on areas where you feel hindered or stuck, encouraging you to identify and address the factors preventing you from reaching your desired heights.

1 year ago

I had a dream last night where a black figure was driving me up this hill I was in the back seat a memorable part was that the figure was on the right side when normally you drive on the left. The hill was getting steeper and the road was getting smaller I kept screaming and trying to open the door but it was closed I remember feeling like I couldn’t breathe. We were approaching these woods and then it all stopped. But I didn’t wake instead the plot changed. I got up from my bed next to my dog.… Read more »

Reply to  Sunny
1 year ago

I would like to try to say a few things that comes to my mind. I am not a pro, but generally I understand my own dreams, and I have a read number of very solid books on dream interpretation in the past, though many years ago. I use this dictionary to try to better understand the symbolism that often manifests itself. There are some archetypical symbols that appears in your dreams, like the number “12”. The number 12 to me represents something complete, and could also a have religious/spiritual meaning. There are 12 months in a year. That’s a… Read more »

Reply to  Sunny
1 year ago

I really didn’t mean to sound too confident, some people will probably disapprove, and dream interpretation is not my business for sure.

Reply to  Troels
1 year ago

I think you really did an amazing job. Don’t sell yourself short, and even if you are wrong, it’s fine!

1 year ago

I have weird dreams like that me and my old girlfriend who passed away became cops and world hero. Is that normal?

Reply to  Alex
1 year ago

My interpretation is that you wanted to do so much with her. Now that you are not able to, your mind is trying to cope with her loss, trying to put you in a situation where you do big things with her. Something you can’t do now.

1 year ago

Both my parents are dead. I keep having the same dream where my dad or mom come back alive and we are talking and the situations are different but the same ending where they are going to die again. I go through the grieving process and then they die again.

Reply to  Dorothy
1 year ago

It probably means, Your parent are watching over you and protecting you in your waking life. They are sending you messages.

1 year ago

I had a dream that I lived in my church and i could shape-shift so i shape shifted into a girl and I found out (in the dream) that i had permanently disfigured a man when I was five by dropping some sharped pencils on him by accident.

Reply to  Hannah
1 year ago

It could be that you are unhappy with some aspect of yourself. That you want to be someone else. The disfigured man could relate to this, your own mind shaming you for who you are, that you are not a good person because you hurt the man.

Raging Duck
Raging Duck
1 year ago

I dreamt that I was in the Garten of Banban. Somehow it was different and the entities actually acted like actual mascots and teachers

1 year ago

I dreamt about plants that were alive and had teeth and that turned people into plants like themselves if they bit them.

1 year ago

I dreamed an old lady was trying to kill a little girl. I saved the little girl but killed the old lady and stuffed her in a suitcase.

Reply to  Brandi
1 year ago

I am totally not an expert, but I think If I had to guess. I think the old lady and the little girl represent you and your past or younger self. Your older self is now trying to eradicate and erase aspects of your younger self, but you don’t want to. You want to keep several aspects from your younger self and/or life.

1 year ago

So I had a dream my grandma took my uncle somewhere she told me don’t cause trouble. I was at the center ended up at a store on a small wagon car driving inside causing trouble. And people who where shopping there just look at me weird with a smile finally the workers try catching me chasing me away and I drive spin around outside in circles and left. I ended up in another store and I was driving around workers trying to chase after me dropping stuff and finally after chasing me tryna catch me I ended up outside… Read more »

1 year ago

I had a dream 3 days ago that I came home and I was told that a strange person is scaring my family. I then saw myself and 2 others turned into hunters. I was about to hunt down an antelope and pig but I was told not to kill the antelope and the pig, I was told to use net to catch it. Walking up, I received a message that my dad has few hours to die and at night, he died. And last night, I saw that me and my hunters group helped a missing person find his… Read more »