Hawk Dream Meaning

When a hawk appears in your dream it brings you a powerful message of vision, intuition and knowledge from the spirit world. The hawk similar to eagles and falcons dominate the sky, they express their freedom in flight and control.

The hawk provides you with insight that seems to come from higher realms, it wants you to trust your instincts as it offers you wisdom and guidance. The hawk has spotted you long before you have even noticed it’s presence. I guess this is why the ancients understood this compelling force to be connected with the Gods.

Something very powerful has entered your life and it will only be a matter of time before you find out.

Hawk Symbolism In Dreams

  • Message from the spirit world,
  • Higher intelligence,
  • Vision and stealth movements,
  • All seeing eye (third eye),
  • Intuition,
  • Aggression.

Hawk Dream Meaning

Dreams provide you with random images and abstract symbols as clues to decode metaphorically. This is a language similar to biblical parables, paradoxical stories that often confuse us.

When birds like the hawk swoop down in our dreams you must pay close attention to its movements as its a carrier of insight. The Ancient Egyptians understood that these type of birds relates to all seeing (Horus) that was commonly associated with the THIRD EYE – the mystical and esoteric concept of a speculative invisible eye, usually depicted as located on the forehead, increased perception beyond ordinary sight. Analytical psychologist Carl Jung believed it represented the symbol of the Self.

Hawk Dreams: Symbolism

One may catch a glimpse of a hawk in flight, on top of a mountain looking down as it glides through the valley. Its ability to navigate and work harmoniously with the wind – a symbol or message from the spirit; brings you one step closer to the truth.

The hawk will appear in your walking life, not as a bird, but a message that contains wisdom though events or synchronicity.

The hawk viewpoint gives it an advantage of what is to come further down the road. Hawks can provide you with foreknowledge or encourage you to tap into this hidden force within that has been laying dormant for some time.

Connecting the dreamer to the third eye providing you with perception beyond ordinary sight. The hawk wants you to trust your intuition by dissolving your ego and negative thoughts. Hawks tend to encourage the dreamer to trust their intuition and gut feelings – to awaken possible dormant energies held within.

Hawk Symbolism Dreams

  • Clairvoyance
  • Intuition
  • Exploring psychic abilities
  • Connection with spirit or self
  • Trusting what is ahead
  • Warnings

Hawk Attack Dream Meaning

Often times hawks can appear to be very aggressive by attacking you in your dreams. The location and people around you in your dream are clues that will help you decode where the root of the problem may stem.

The hawk may represent people who might have power over you; authority figures, bosses and parents that pose a threat. Something that can swoop down and distract you from your progress.

Hawk may also be symbols of not paying attention to; or trusting your path. If you are not following your intuition the hawk sees you as a threat. Your self destructive nature can only see what is in front of them; the hawk encourages you to see farther down the road.

A message from your higher self or guides as you are blindly going forward in life.

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2 years ago

last night I dreamed that I was in a house babysitting a small child. I was in an upper floor in a room with large windows. I saw a red tailed hawk flying toward the window and it smashed into it. I don’t know if it died or was stunned. I went to another floor to try to figure that out.

Help! Thank you!

2 years ago

Last night I dreamt that I was standing in a jacuzzi in my yard (although I don’t have a jacuzzi in my yard) and a hawk was on our fence across from me and an instant later it swoops across the yard towards me but grabbed a mouse instead and flew back to its perch on the fence. I’d love incite if you have any. Thank you!

2 years ago

I had a dream that a Hawk was being super friendly with me just chilling with me while I was laying down it was right here next to me like a pet and I was trying to make it make a sound but it was just silent and very calm with me I don’t understand what it means

2 years ago

I dreamed about a hawk lastnight but it was huge and very low flew right next to me and it disappeared. What does that mean?

2 years ago

I had 2 dreams, both on the same night but I’ve had more than these 2 dreams it’s just I remember these very clearly. Dream one 11pm-2am – I was running on a field with a microphone in my hand, I found a wooden shack, It was very dark and once I opened the door I found musical instruments and a book next to a old style piano. Once I opened the book I turned to the first page and all of a sudden i heard a hawk that was screaming so I went outside to see what It was… Read more »

Sal Villafan
Sal Villafan
2 years ago

My dream was that I was in apartment or house of some sort and I suddenly seen this huge hawk/eagle it was brown and it was carrying what seemed like a giant sting ray when all of a sudden it stopped and looked down on me as it noticed I was watching it it then let go of the sting ray and it swooped down for me I believe I was on a balcony I went inside the building looked around the side wall to see if it was gone and no there it was on top of a mountain… Read more »

2 years ago

Had a dream last night that there was a hawk up in a tree and I tried to scare it away. it swooped down towards me and hoovered over me without flapping its wings. I put out my arm and it slowly landed on my arm. I walked around the yard with it on my arm and found some blueberries in a box and then I fed it the blueberries. It liked them. It was chill and then finally I let it down on the ground. I walked away a few steps and when I looked back it was a… Read more »

2 years ago

I had a dream I was laying with an ex outside. After he left in noticed a hawk in the power lines and it came down to me. I thought it was going to attack but in stead it kind of snuggled up to me like how my cats do. It made cute little chirpy hawk noises and now IDEK.

2 years ago

Last night I dreamt I was standing out my apartment, which coincidentally has had a couple red tails hanging around for a couple months now, right outside my front door.. and in my dream, a red tail did a very low flyby swooping overhead.. then you right after that, a second hawk swooped in, grey and white, and it was as if it were trying to grab me with it’s talons to take me away with him/her.. I ducked, as did my neighbor, and it squawked as it flew away. we both looked up in awe as it swooped back… Read more »

2 years ago

Today in my dream I saw 2 owl/hawk 1 black and the other white. first my friend touched the white one while it flew over him, then the white hawk/owl sat on a tree branch and then flew to me and sat on my chest and didn’t leave. What does that signify.

2 years ago

i had a dream where i was peeking through the door of a room and pointing at a hawk in the hallway but it just stood there not noticing i was behind the door and on that same day i was out on a walk and i saw a halk in the middle of the street standing there and it didnt notice me either.

2 years ago

I saw a hawk yesterday being chased by a crow. They flew above me several times. Last night I dreamt of a hawk and it was trying to come in my door. I was face to face with it through a glass door. It’s foot actually was between the door and I moved it out. I was frightened but not scared. More frightened that I didn’t know what it would do. I didn’t get the feeling the hawk was mean. Any ideas what it was trying to tell me?

2 years ago

I dreampt was walking from work with a lot of strangers near a train station like a herd of cows. Two guys and I saw a hawk and they started conspiring to catch it. We broke off from the crowd as everyone started taking their own path (random some paved). One of the guys shared a path with me and another was on a parallel on that was on a hill. The guy next to me ran for the hawk and tried to catch it but it flew off. A few steps latter it came back and attacked the guy.… Read more »

2 years ago

I had a dream that I heard a hawk squawking and all of a sudden he was in a tree, he was huge. My sprite can was at the end of a limb and the hawk was very curious about the can. I wish I could remember more. I was memorized that he was that close to me.

Reply to  The Dreamer
2 years ago

Could you explain what you mean in the first sentence about the sprite and spirit?

2 years ago

I just woke from a dream where a hawk screeched inside my house. I was sitting on my couch and the next thing I know it dove into the right side of my neck and it was flapping it’s wings in my face. I could feel it’s bones and warmth against my skin in my dream. My partner grabbed it and forced me to hold it by the head and feet and I woke up when he began sawing through it’s neck to kill it.

3 years ago

I dreamt last night that a very large hawk was trying to break into our house. It was banging on the window with its beak, etc. I went out of the room and told my mom that a hawk was trying to get into the house. She went to look and it had gotten in. She was really angry.

3 years ago

I’ve been having dreams for the last two weeks almost, that always start the same. A hawk shows up and flies next to me, bringing me to things it wants to show me. First we flew and stopped in the middle of a meadow, I just lay there in peace and the hawk sat in a tree branch above me. The next dream I remember the hawk showed up and flew me to the edge of a cliff, we stood there for a moment then the hawk brought me to another spot where I saw myself with a baby on… Read more »

3 years ago

I was doing a higher self meditation and saw my higher self as a white eagle or possibly a hawk? I had a crown on my head as if royalty and I had chains on my feet and wings and around my beak. what could this mean?

3 years ago

I had sleep paralysis last night where a glowing witchcraft circle with symbols were circling over my body. I woke up and saw a white glowing hawk in a sitting position on my wall, it looked at me than flew off and disappeared. Whilst in sleep paralysis I can’t remember if there were any figures or sounds/voices during it.

Reply to  The Dreamer
3 years ago

Ohhhh I’ll definitely do it!

Stephanie Christine
Stephanie Christine
3 years ago

Last night I dreamt that a hawk landed on my head as I was sitting on bleachers and gripped and entangled itself into my hair and just sat on my head and farted. Someone sitting next to me had to call a wildlife person to come help get the bird out of my hair but they said it has to run its course with the farting first. I know very bazaar.

Stephanie Christine
Stephanie Christine
Reply to  The Dreamer
3 years ago

Very helpful! Thank you!