Psychic Dreams

The phenomena known as precognition is a term used when you dream something and then it happens in real life; the ability or the direct knowledge to foresee events before they happen through ESP.

If you are one of the people whose dreams came true the next day the whole theory behind why we dream can be thrown out the window. In modern times studies have stated that everybody has a certain degree of psychic abilities but some peoples antennas seem to be more heightened than others.

The concept of being able to see future events have existed in the minds for thousands of years. Similar accounts of dreams are also found in Biblical text with Jacob and Daniel. The psychic phenomenon has intrigued people for centuries, remembering your dreams helps bridge the gap between our two worlds.

Are Psychic Dreams Real?

Keeping an open mind helps when it comes to decoding psychic dreams. It is not often that dreams provide you with a direct message or warning, the symbols are contained in a labyrinth made up of metaphors and parables.

This forgotten language once used to promote insight, future events, integration and a map to the soul; unfortunately method seems to be an unused ancient tool. The more we tend to focus on the outside world we divert away from the mysteries of our inside world. Psychic dreams exist only for those who dare to look inside.

Every night our astral body escapes the borders of the conscious realm and enters the mystical land of the unknown. In this dimension our souls are lost and found again. We communicate with our higher self, with people from other parts of the world; and the ones who have passed on. This is the meeting place that bridges the gap between consciousness and the unconsciousness.

It would be only natural to be skeptical about psychic dreams if you never have experienced one. This is why it is important to focus on remembering your dreams and documenting what has taken place. This would be similar to learning to ride a bike or a language it will take time and effort.

Once this is learned the next step would be put the puzzle together. You will notice that the dreams and the symbols in them will be unique to you as your life experiences will be different than the rest. In your dream journal you will notice a strange pattern of dots that all connect with one another.

Famous Psychic Dreams

One of the most well known documented accounts of precognition was that of Abraham Lincoln. Before his assassination he told his wife and friends about a dream he had.  In the dream he was at a funeral inside the white house. He walked over to a soldier on guard and asked who was in the casket?  The soldier replied “the president of the United States of America”. One week after the dream he was shot and killed at point blank range.

Edgar Cayce was an American self-professed clairvoyant who was known to enter a trans like state while allegedly asleep. Cayce recorded over 14,000 psychic readings that answered questions on subjects as varied as healing, reincarnation and future events in dreams. He also spoke about the history of humanity from the very beginning to the future when humans will be able to tap into their supernatural powers.

Dreaming Of The Deceased

There seem to be a fine line between actually dreaming of passed loved ones or unconscious emotions sorting itself out. Distinguishing the two might seem a bit of a challenging task, however there are some clues that determine if you actually made contact.

Nightmares or disturbing dreams involving your loved ones are usually repressed feelings filtering out and not direct communication. You will notice a slight difference in appearance when you dream of the dead, or you may have received a gift from the dead.

  • Appearing younger and healthy 
  • They send you a message 
  • The dream has a vivid or lucid feeling to it
  • Your energy might be more drained upon waking
  • Bright colors, symbols of transformation 
  • Appear on certain dates or important times (birth, death, rough periods in life and anniversaries)

Remember Your Dreams

The major problem people have is trying to remember their dreams when they wake up. Unfortunately we lose up to 90 percent of our dream recall the first minute upon waking. This is why it is vital you learn to strengthen your dream muscle and record as much information as possible.

We tend to focus on our daily tasks as a priority first thing in the morning. You will need to bring your attention on the events in your dream even if you just remember on event, object or symbol. As time goes on your dream memory will expand.

  • Keeping a dream journal helps track your progress as well as understanding the code or pattern that unfolds
  • Keep an open mind. 
  • Trusting the symbols in your dream have meaning. 
  • Meditation and grounding techniques help make your dream more vivid. 
  • You can ask to communicate with your dead loved ones before you go to sleep. 
  • Opening up your third eye.

Why People Have Precognition

Still today studies still cant prove on why we get precognitive dreams. There are many theories on this subject but no substantial evidence. Stated below are some theories for the reasoning behind them.

  • One theory states that the precognitive experience itself discharges some type of strong psychokinetic PK force, that brings the envisioned future to pass.
  • The past, present and future is all the same.
  • Possibly be a glance at future events that is based upon present circumstances and information.
  • Your mind is able to go outside an unknown force field
  • Possible that your mind produces more DMT in the Pineal gland.

Third Eye & Psychic Dreaming

The third eye is a mystical and esoteric concept of a speculative invisible eye, or all seeing eye is located in the Pineal gland depicted as located on the forehead.
The third eye or the sixth chakra is the center of intuition, self awareness and foresight.

Once the third eye is activated through some sort of spiritual practice your intuition increases as your dreams become more vivid. Among other things the third eye brings your dreams to life as the contents become more vibrate and animated.

Premonition vs. Precognition

Many people confuse premonition and precognition for being the same thing.  There is a slight difference between the two; though similar in nature they have the same end result.  Premonitions are mixtures of sounds, random images or feelings that flash involuntary in your mind at any given time.  Precognition on the other hand presents itself in dreams by using types of symbols, events or odd feelings.

Biblical Psychic Dreams

Deuteronomy 29:29.

“The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law”.

  • Daniel who was known for interpreting dreams had been doing it 500 years before Christ. He had the ability to analyze peoples dreams especially for King Nebuchadnezzar.
  • In Genesis 28:12 God spoke to Jacob when he was dreaming. He dreams of a ladder that is placed on the ground (earth) reaching up to the heavens. He wanted to let him know that God was speaking to him directly using the symbol of the ladder as the connection.
  • Genesis 31:24 In this verse God came to Laban the Syrian in a dream by night, and said to him, “Take heed that you speak not to Jacob either good or bad”.

Precognition Dream Facts

As you can tell by some of the psychic dreams below that their has to be proof. Though it is very hard to prove that it actually happened and most of the time people would have a hard time believe you.

Once you can remember your dreams then you have a higher chance of piecing it all together. Dreams do happen in metaphors and to understand the symbols makes it easier to decode what future events might happen.

  • At least one third of the general population experiences precognition in there dreams
  • There is no explanation on why we get psychic dreams
  •  60 to 70% of precognition happens in our dreams
  •  You will know the difference between a normal dream to a psychic dream.

Types Of Psychic Abilities

There isn’t just one type of psychic, like professional sports players they can come in all different shapes and sizes. You will notice that a skill of a baseball player would be different than a football player; however they are still playing a sport. A clairvoyant might have a different dream symbolism then someone who is a clear sentient.

People who have increased esp ability will have dreams that would be more vivid with heightened colors and symbolism. Psychic abilities are also connected to outer body experiences and astral projections.

  • Clairvoyance (clear seeing)
  • Clairsentience (clear feeling)
  • Clairaudience (clear hearing)
  • Claircognizance (clear knowing)
  • Clairscent (clear smelling)
  • Clairgustance (clear tasting)
  • Clairtangency (clear touching)

Telepathic Dreams

This is the ability to know what is in someone else’s mind, or to communicate with someone mentally, without using words or other signs. In the dream world people who are telepathic can pick up on peoples health, future events or messages from the deceased.  The telepathic dreamer is either used as a conduit or is able to pick up on the psychic unconscious grid.

Premonition Dreams

These are the most common psychic dreams where you are able to pick up on future events. The events usually unfold within days or months after the dream happens. The contents in the dream can either be exact or jumbled with parables and metaphoric symbolism. Precognitive dreams are messages that can either be negative or positive in its outcome. Famous accounts of documented precognitive dreams was the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and Sugar Ray Robinson.

Clairvoyant Dreams

Clairvoyant dreams pick up on events or situation at the present moment. The information received can take place in another country where the dreamer doesn’t have access to.

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4 months ago

The Dream: Casey was driving. We were traveling uphill. I always sleep in cars, so I was lightly dozing off and catching some Z’s in the backseat (as I normally do) He didn’t turn to look at me. But I heard him say: “Liz, We’re Here.” My mother, was in the passenger seat. (My mom had passed away a year earlier to suicide.) She turns towards the backseat and firstly gently tries to wake me. “Elizabeth wake up.” I am being blinded by the light. It’s so bright it’s shining through my closed eyes and I am trying to shield… Read more »

5 months ago

I was nine when I had my first Premonition. My great grand fathers funeral took place less than a year later. December 24, 1976

5 months ago

I dreamed of my second wedding looking inside a church; filled with
Pink and burgundy flowers so vivid were the colours. The church door slowly closed and my half sister appeared in her house holding my wedding dress. But she was standing on two legs and in life she has just had her leg amputated.

There was no sign of the groom.
I feel very strongly this was a premonition dream.

I have had them before when the event actually happened. Though the Wedding dream was about six months ago.

Gloria M
Gloria M
7 months ago

I’ve dreamed of every job I had in the future. My most memorable dream was dreaming of of Orange walls. So I worked in an area that had Orange walls. I honestly can’t remember but shortly after, I got a job at Tory Burch Outlet. Back then the boxes were orange and the racks were moveable bays. It’s always so funny!

8 months ago

On March 25th, 2022, I had such a detailed vivid dream of my childhood dog (who had already passed) and my cat at the time (who was alive and well) losing mass amounts of hair, puking everywhere, becoming skinnier and skinnier before my eyes, and eventually they both had died. I woke up at around 2 am crying and trying to calm myself down. I checked on the cat I had just dreamt about and he was perfectly fine, he gave me some head butts, some meows, and fell back asleep with me on my bed. I eventually fell back… Read more »

10 months ago

I have psychic dreams sometimes it’s cool my family has dreams like that too, but sometimes even if they don’t dream they have that sometimes.

Sometimes they finish my sentence before I am gonna say it, those dreams keep me awake even 2 hours before school because I know it’s gonna happen soon.

1 year ago

I am having dreams that passed loved ones and passed animals are welcoming me to Heaven. They all keep telling me they are waiting there for me and will be there for me. Also keep telling me it is alright to come and meet them.

1 year ago

I constantly am dealing with the promotion type flashing images and things I’ve dreamt. There has been lots of times that has happened, an image passed and I realized I’m in that exact moment and time. Even if I don’t fully remember if it was ever a dream. As a child I remember having a dream of a house, burning to the ground. The next day, a house down the street from my childhood home was on fire. It burned to the ground. I guess I have to start a dream journal, because this stuff really bothers me. Not knowing… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by JuDean
1 year ago

I have a recurring dream that my husband goes to jail and gets 3-5 years. The weird thing about it is I can vividly watch the whole scenario. It’s such a strong feeling. When I am dreaming it I watch myself during the arrest. I see the whole thing happen. It’s a long story but I’m interested in knowing if there is anything true to my premonition. It’s like watching a movie and I’m the main character. This dream has been happening for about a year a couple times a every once in a while now its weekly.

Reply to  Michelle
1 year ago

If I were you, I’d think that this is going to happen sooner than later.

John Higgins
John Higgins
1 year ago

I have dreams that come true and I also just have premonitions that come true. They are not symbols of what might happen they are very detailed. One of the most bizarre happened in 2003. I woke up and told April (my girlfriend) about my dream. I said, babe, I won the car tonight! She said, you mean your going to win the car. I said, no. I won the car. I told her that in my dream I was in the Grand poker room in Gulfport Ms where she worked and that I was seated at table 5 seat… Read more »

William Cumming
William Cumming
Reply to  John Higgins
1 year ago

John, I too have very detailed dreams that come true, sometimes the next day, sometimes the next week or even months and I tell people before the event occurs. One particular dream which was very detailed saw me standing with counterfeit £5.00 note, in my dream I was entering the church I attended at the time and told the first person I met about my dream, he was negative and poo hoo’d the dream, the second person I met was totally different and encouraged me to speak with the pastor about my dream….well the following morning as I entered church… Read more »

Reply to  John Higgins
1 year ago

You are not alone. I once missed a flight going home to see my family and was rebooked on a later flight. I decided to go back home since it was close to the airport. I fell asleep and dreamt I was with an old friend of my mom’s (I hadn’t seen her since I was a teen). We were at a gas station and in the car there was a lady and a guy I didn’t know the lady turned around that’s how I saw her face and spoke with the guy next to me. I was confused wondering… Read more »

Reply to  John Higgins
6 months ago

It has been a year since I posted this. I didn’t explain the car story very clearly. I did not specify in my post that when I said later that night I went to the casino was not part of the dream. ALL of that stuff happened exactly like my dream.

Crystal Dunbar
Crystal Dunbar
1 year ago

My boyfriend has a recurring dream where he is shot dead. He is doing well in his life and he’s at a party for himself at a beautiful lake house. He walks outside with friends and a black SUV pulls up, window rolls down n a man with no recognizeable features shots him all over his body. He always remembers balloons in the dream. But in one version he falls to the ground and he sees himself above himself. The other version he is a 3rd person watching himself being killed. He’s had it several times a year for many… Read more »

1 year ago

I have a lot of premonition dreams that have all come true except one.. and i’m waiting for it to even though i dont want it to.. but last night i had a dream i was asleep and i was being possessed i woke up in my dream and snuggled up to my husband and yet the entity still was trying to possess me.. It didn’t feel harmful or evil but it did alarm me.. I was trying to yell out for someone to wake me.. I’m not sure what this is about..

1 year ago

I am thoroughly freaked out. I always have vivid dreams- and about half the time I remember all the details. Last night I was in the woods (in my dream) and I saw a black 4 door car in the ditch. I called 911 in my dream. On my way to work this morning, it was raining heavily, and low and behold a 4 door black car was wrecked in the ditch- also on the left side, where it was in my dream, and I called 911. WTF????? I am definitely going to start journaling first thing in the morning.

1 year ago

I had this crazy lucid dream where I was in a dark room with a rabbit (it was brown, kinda tall and slim, standing up like a person, and wearing a red coat.) There were other creatures in the room, but I was so focused on the rabbit that I didn’t pay attention to the others. I asked it what it meant in my dream, and the rabbit replied it was my stomach. It’s been about a month since then, but I still haven’t figured what it could mean. Also note that I had this dream in an afternoon nap.

2 years ago

My boyfriend has epilepsy and I have noticed I will have a dream of him having one 3 days before ALWAYS 3 days after he has a seizure. So the. I started to look into it and things are making more sense now. But I notice I also smell a certain smell as well and it’s a very specific smell but not describable almost like tomato soup mixed with pharmones idk it’s weird and it never fails 3 days later he has a seizure there is other instances as well but I am glad I’m not crazy

Ashley Sullivan
Ashley Sullivan
2 years ago

For as long as I can remember I believe I have had what you call “prophetic dreams” – or what seem to be prophetic. Even as a kid I would have these dreams…. What I would dream, always seemed to happen, followed by a feeling of serious dejavu. I remember dreaming/experiencing it each time. It never really used to bother me but then I started having the same reoccurring dream over and over and it’s left me so shaken I feel like I have no choice but to dig into it a bit more, this one just feels so different….… Read more »

Heather Broussard
Heather Broussard
2 years ago

In 2014, I had a dream different than any dream I’ve ever had. I was a young boy in a school. We had dark forest green uniforms on. Another language was being spoken. I knew I wasn’t actually this boy. I was seeing through him though. Kids were running and screaming while being shot. Glass flew into my face. An adult lifted me up and ran with me out of the building. I woke up. The next day, I saw on the news the story of the Peshawar School massacre. I saw a boy in the same uniform being carried… Read more »

Shannon K Anderson
Shannon K Anderson
Reply to  Heather Broussard
1 year ago

I believe you. I dreamed one week before my grand daughter was born that she would look exactly like her mom did, my daughter when she was born. My daughter had an emergency cesarean 3 weeks early. Baby looks exactly like my daughter. I mean like the same baby. I bawled my eyes out. I hope I’m blessed with more dreams of what’s to come.

Brittney Tyner
Brittney Tyner
2 years ago

Last night my husband had a dream that I died and some time had passed then I visited him in a dream qnd showed my house in heaven. What does this mean?

2 years ago

1 month after my mom passed away, I got a dream of her, telling me to take care of the land she purchased long time ago in Kalimantan, which is so far away from where I lived. When I woke up, I was like, wowww.. I totally forgot about that land and she reminded me in the dream. So, I tried to trace her friend who purchased the land as well, but still couldn’t find any clue. After she purchased, she asked one person who live nearby to process the document for the land… but I lost contact with that… Read more »

2 years ago

How do we stop these dreams from happening?