History of Dreaming:
In the ancient times, dreams were used for healing purposes and for communication with the Gods. It was used as a rite of passage in certain tribes where they would carry out spiritual activities in order to receive a guiding dream and then share it with the rest of the tribe after it was received. During the beginning of the 19th Century the way we analysed and interpreted dreams where now taken to the next level. It was only recent when two influential psychiatrists Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud decided to take dreaming to the next level. Even though they had there own personal theories on what dreaming meant they both concluded that dreams where in fact an interaction between the unconscious and the conscious
During the late 19th and 20th centuries brought a new revolution for dreaming. Jung and Freud believed that the unconscious was the main part of the mind which worked in dreaming. They did, however, have differing views in terms of the understanding and meanings of dreams. Freud believed that there was a dynamic restriction which countered the unconscious during sleep while Jung disputed that dreams provided a resourceful language although very bizarre, a dream is able to reveal its underlying meaning. Jung believed that there was a subjective approach to dreaming in which every person in a dream was a representation of different characteristics of the dreamer. Fritz Perls theory was similar but different to this since he argued that the rejected and suppressed parts of the self form projections which are our dreams. Fitiz however went on to a further state stating that objects within the dream which are lifeless serve to symbolize traits and features of the dreamer. Therefore in order to understand the context of the dream in relations to Perls’ theory, the dreamer is asked to imagine being the objects in the dream in order to relate it to his/her individuality. When you consider the application of each person’s personality and differing life situations you would realize that no two different people with the same dream will come out with the same meaning. Therefore although Sigmund Freud was the inventor of the analysis of dream symbols and the three neurologists who studied dreams all thought differently about what dreams meant, they all agreed that the meaning relied on the dreamer.
Aspects of Dreams to Consider the Meaning:
Visuals/Dream Symbols
Dreams are highly phantasmagorical in nature, which means that the images in dreams are a combination and blending of different places and things. There is a part in our brain which actually stores every person, character, object, location and language. These memories or experiences are generally what make the visuals and dreams symbols which appear in very embellished and peculiar forms.
People do not realize the importance of emotions in their dreams.A single emotion or feeling that you posses in your dream can change what the symbols represents. Although the most frequent and recurrent emotion in dreams is anxiety that is brought on by nightmares. Also negative emotions are more present in dreaming rather than positive ones. Dreams also can include emotions like, but not limited to, fear, happiness, rejection, excitement and even orgasmic feelings. Sexual dreams do not happen regularly but it occurs about 10% of the time in mostly young adults and teenagers. Adults have sexual dreams in about 8% of the time and sometimes result in orgasms and are known as wet dreams.
Colour vs. black and white
Although a marginal amount of people say that they dream in only black and white, it is actually quite the opposite. We think we dream in color but in fact we only remember our dreams in color because of how we visualize things. Try to remember and differentiate the difference between colors in your dreams because they do have a meaning.
Recurring dreams are reported mostly in females, as 70% of females have experienced recurring dreams while 65% of males. Although it would not be the same exact dream, as in the content being the same, the dream will follow the same form in different periods of sleeping.
Why look for meaning to your Dreams?
When you learn to understand and interpret your dreams you will have a more open and clearer view of your life, relationships, feelings and a clearer view of issues in your waking life. Once you know that your dreams are unique and no other person can have your life experiences, your dreams represent your individuality. When you see the clear view of your dreams and then you would understand your reality and know that getting to know the meaning of your dreams will give you a better perspective on life.
Although sometimes our waking mind are not ready to face the meanings, our unconscious sees that it is imperative that we face the problems in our life. When you understand the complicated plots and puns of your dreams, your life in the present, past and future would be easier to understand. Who knows maybe you’d even understand the connections you have with certain people even better and their lives as well.
Dream Quotes:
“Dreams are not meaningless they are a completely valid psychological phenomenon, the fulfillment of wishes. constructed through highly complicated intellectual activity.” ~ Sigmund Freud.
“A dream is a disguised fulfilment of a repressed wish. The interpretation of dreams has as its object the removal of the disguise to which the dreamer’s thoughts have been subjected. It is, moreover, a highly valuable aid to psycho-analytic technique, for it constitutes the most convenient method of obtaining insight into unconscious psychical life.” ~ Sigmund Freud
“Since dreams provide information about the hidden inner life and reveal to the patient those components of his personality which, in his daily behaviour, appear merely as neurotic symptoms, it follows that we cannot effectively treat him from the side of consciousness alone, but must bring about a change in and through the unconscious. In the light of our present knowledge this can be achieved only by the thorough and conscious assimilation of unconscious contents.” ~Carl Jung
I dreamt of a tiger chasing a rabbit underneath the porch and once it came out of the porch he turned into a squirrel and the tiger turned around and looked at me up at the porch
I dreamed that the church beside my house was having a funeral for three bodies at the church and I couldn’t back out of my yard.
I dreamt that my spouse’s ex girlfriend was giving me a tattoo. I didn’t ask for it but yet didn’t mind it either.
I dreamed I was in the shower and a black and white long-haired cat that looked like my late mother’s cat jumped on my shoulders. The cat was soaked.
I dreamt I was in my old house in the backyard my late husband was sitting quietly and the hospice nurse came for me.
My boyfriend told me last night he had a dream that his parents were mad at him because he was with me. He doesn’t know what to make of it.
I had a dream that my office was infested with little gray baby mice. I don’t like mice. Every time I stepped on carpet, more mice would appear. I asked my coworker, one of big bosses, why were there so many? She didn’t know and was surprised herself. What is the meaning of my dream?
Zayne, a miscarriage I had is playing in the sand box with a girl with long brown hair, and is taller and older than Zayne and he keeps telling me it’s okay Mommy. This is a reoccurring dream, can anyone tell me what it means? It’s driving me crazy not having the answer to this…
Here’s a recurring dream I’ve had for quite awhile, about every 4-5 months.
I’m driving a car down the freeway, speeding very fast, I go around a corner and traffic is at a standstill. Right before I hit the car in front of me I wake up. Usually from a cramp in my right calf from what I assumed is me trying to hit the brakes to stop in time.
I had a dream that my child lived because of some powerful magic source inside him. One of my best friends since elementary, whose family was also in my there, played the villain role in my dream. Her younger sister had the power to transfer peoples powers from one person to another. Her mom had a baby who was sick and wouldnt receive the help they needed in time without why sons power. A took his power and put in the baby and everybody there acted like they were so sorry that it was happening but wouldnt do anything to… Read more »
i was dreaming of a huge amount of dogpoop what on earth does that mean???
I dreamed that I woke up and I was the only one who remembered my past memories and nobody else did.
I have had very negative dreams about two of my children that have ghosted me. I never knew what caused it or why they have done this. It has been going on for three years. My dream that recurs is me trying to communicate and then being screamed at or even chased away. This recent dream they ganged up on me and chased me a son and a daughter and they were threatening to kill me. I felt that this was a nightmare. I want nothing more than to show them my love and to find out what the deal… Read more »
I dreamt I saw this shy girl ruri being shouted at. Her father yelled “you’re useless, you’ve never done anything to deserve to be here” and left, and I walked up to her where she was left crying sitting. I consoled her for a minute when she looked up and asked me “should I do it?” and I said “what?” and we went into an elevator together to go to her room. It was all a really cute purple/blue-y theme. she also had purple eyes, round glasses, purple highlights, and she was wearing a purple turtleneck. We played 3DS together,… Read more »
I dreamed I was in the driver seat of a parked car ,and I was intoxicated to the point my vision was blurred. Two people came running towards the car confused I yelled what are you doing. The back drivers door open and a girl got in and told me to drive I explained I was to impaired then another girl open the front passenger door and said it ok you’ll still be able to get where we’re going.
I’m not sure but it seems like maybe you’ve been put in a leadership role you didn’t ask/plan for and you feel like you’re not ready and you’re afraid of failure. The last person could mean you are capable of overcoming it
I recently dreamt that I was wrapping gifts for people but could do it. The paper kept tearing and the gifts were really messy and I was really frustrated and upset.
Dream of a black and white snake that only I can see and it is venomous and keeps trying to bite me.
Recurring dream that I cannot speak.trying to say something but no words or sound comes out
You need to provide more info in order for me to analyze the dream.
Might be related to your unconscious fears. Read article in search bar: black and white snake.
The second dream is common when you have trouble expressing your feelings.
I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were in a restaurant and he fell and hit his head. A lady in a wheelchair came out of a room with swinging doors and what looked like a facsimile of a stretcher
The dream seems to contain a meaning but it would be impossible to tell you with little or no information about the dream. Usually restaurants point towards Sociability, relaxation, friendship – the connection with food might suggest nourishing aspects of your relationship. Falling and hitting the head is a negative symbol. The last part doesn’t make sense.
I found out today that Friday he was hit by a car…he was not hurt. He is very active at age 84.. still flies his plane, shoots, very social, an ex wife who is very much in his life.
My Mom passed about a year ago. I dreamt I asked to borrow money from her and she gave it to me.
Sorry to hear about the loss of you mother. Money is a symbol that brings value to the dreamer, but never for monetary gains. If she gave it to you there seems to be some sort of unconscous connection taking place. Do you talk to her? Have you found out something recently that relates to your mother that you have gained knowledge? I highly recommend you read this article in the search bar: receiving gifts from the dead.
My grandma passed away on Good Friday night, last night i was dreaming about white feather falling down on the pillow next to me. It was black and white with turquoise color of pillow. What does it mean?
Sorry to hear about your Granny. They usually appear in our dreams before they depart to the next side. I am not sure what the dream means but I think it has to do with her leaving you. Birds are known for flight or travel as the feather might suggest a part of her is still with you.