Dreaming about Dogs

Dogs in dreams are very symbolic images that often direct the dreamer towards loyalty, companionship, intuition, masculine energy, protection and our unconscious instincts. Due to its enigmatic nature the meaning of the dog changes depending the gender of the dreamer, how it behaves, or if the dog belongs to you.

If dogs are known as man’s best friend than these dreams might be metaphoric in a sense that this unknown force wants to become close to us. Sure they can even emerge as our best friends, but often times they act as our own personal guide in hopes we find what we are searching for. What happens before and after you meet the dog in your dream need to be pieced together to solve this metaphorical puzzle.

The good news is that dogs are considered very positive omens when they emerge in our dreams, in fact they may even have showed up as a symbol of protection, or perhaps a warning if something is unconscious to you. But what exactly could this be?

Spiritual Meaning Of Dogs In Dreams

A dog is a powerful symbol of understanding, unconditional love and true companionship. Dogs are commonly associated with Powerful Emotions, a connection with self preservation, knowledge while bringing us comfort during difficult times in our lives. Even though they might attack they are their to help direct you to find what you are looking for.

Did you know dogs are deep rooted in mythology and folklore? Just like our dreams they emerge as companion animals to heroes, gods or goddesses, or are depicted as creepy, foreboding creatures who stalk the night.

According to Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung he claimed that the dog appears in a woman’s dreams called the ANIMUS to represent the masculine within the feminine. The dog offers to guide her closer to this masculine side that is inherently unconscious. By integrating these masculine traits the dreamer becomes more complete. Usually when she is attacked or bitten by the dog she is not in accordance with these traits.

What Does It Mean To Dream Of A Dog?

Before you analyze your dog dream you first must understand how your dream is communicating with you. Someone who might not be a dog lover would react differently than someone who hates dogs. Furthermore, dreaming of your dog or a previous dog might be connected to memories, or just sheer missing their company.

Interestingly enough cats seem to mirror the feminine side of the dreamer whereas the dog relates more to the masculine. According to Carl Jung he believes that both sexes have both male and female traits that are often unknown to them. Our unconscious mind sends messages using dogs “masculine” referring to instincts, urges and behaviors. In essence your dream wants you to find a balance within these energies.

  • Independent
  • Aggressive
  • Protection
  • Happy and Joyful
  • Best friend
  • Unconditional love
  • Loyalty
  • Love

Meaning Of A Dog Attack Dream?

Angry or aggressive dogs in dreams may either relate to confrontations with the people who you are close with – or – relating to your own masculine instincts that are underdeveloped.

A dog that bites your hand might be metaphoric for “biting the hand that feeds you”, closely associating with people close to you. If the dog bites your arm it restricts your own inner movement.

Being chased by a dog in your dream suggests you are running away or conflicting views in life. What could this be referring too?

Article: Why You Are Being Chased In Dreams.

How To Decode Your Dog Dream

Dreams symbols have a tendency to appear metaphorically this is why dogs are enigmatic when they emerge. Dogs collectively have similar traits being loyal, good sniffers, loving and so on. Though a German Shepard would translate differently than a Chihuahua. Why? Each breed has a different main function that can be used as a clue.

It is not uncommon to dream of your Dead Dog or current dog which often symbolizes love, attachment or repressed memories.

The color of the dog helps identify if this is unknown or accepted within. Usually white or brown dogs are positive dream symbols. Black dogs however are connected to the unconsciousness.

A black dog is a motif of a spectral or demonic entity found primarily in the folklore of the British Isles. Dreaming a black dog might be hinting at the ‘shadow archetype‘, the unknown part of the dreamer. If the dogs eyes are red in your dream it brings attention to the vision or anger of dreamer.

Injured Dog Dream Meaning

The injured dog might in fact be you – unconscious traits relating to your instincts, companionship and loyalty that need love. A sign to go inward and investigate what might be lacking within in the masculine side. A sick dog suggests a need to attend to the instinctual side of the dreamer. The past has caused neglect and and is crying out to be recused. 

Type Of Breed

The type of dog breed and its unique traits become a metaphoric clue where to look. Powerful or protective dogs such as German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Doberman, or Pitbull’s are symbols of powerful masculine energy. Whereas dog breeds like Labrador Retrievers might be hinting at to find or retrieve something. The role of the dog will also be a play on words either relating to someone or something unknown to you.

Dreaming of puppies are symbols of underdeveloped masculine traits or behaviors. If you are playing, feeding or looking after suggests positive future growth. If the puppies are sick implies you are neglecting aspects of your life or behaviors.

Ancient Spiritual Meaning Of Dogs

In Greek mythology Cerberus was a wild dog often called the “hound of Hades”, is a multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the underworld. Snakes grew from his head from his back that also protected humans from entering in. In Asian folklore dogs are seen as symbols of good luck. The Japanese consider divine creatures that guard the temples from others.

In Celtic mythology dogs are considered a sacred symbol to the ancient Celts, due to their hunting skill. They connected with the gods and goddesses. Known as protectors of roads and keepers of spirits, protectors of the underworld.

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2 years ago

I was in the car with my dad and we were going somewhere to get something for my dog. than as were driving I see a newfoundland in someone’s driveway and I thought it was my dog. I told my dad to stop and we parked at a farmhouse a bit up the road. there was a street with houses that led to it and the rest was these giant open fields with trees on the horizon. when I got out of the car at the farm this medium sized blonde greyhound. walked up to me. than the car and… Read more »

2 years ago

I JUST woke up from a dream that I came out of my room and went into my living room but my tv stand was moved away from the wall and to the left, I noticed the carpet was filthy which in my dream I assumed was why it had been moved. I then saw a small brown mouse near the wall and when I looked at it it ran past me. My dog ran after it and snatched it up in his mouth but it transformed in a large grey rat. My dog killed the rat and I then… Read more »

3 years ago

I dreamed of my dog off the leash, she goes off and runs across the street to a random house I don’t know or recognize, as I’m chasing after her to get her a crocodile manages to bite one of her back legs. I finally get her I’m crying and rushing back home holding pressure on her leg. The weird part is I live in Florida but the street I recognize, although I don’t know the house it seems to be from Connecticut where I grew up. Strange.a Crocodile in CT. I should add that i do have a major… Read more »

3 years ago

My dog Logan, a yellow terrier mix, has always had a sensitive stomach. He was vomiting in my dream in my childhood home. I distinctly remember my father asking me what was wrong and I told him I was cleaning up Logan’s puke. I specifically used a long, white towel. At one point, the towel was saturated. I feel like I was chasing him around, trying to get him outside to prevent him from making even more mess before eventually succeeding.

3 years ago

I had a dream that I was being followed by a grey Great Dane with greyish brown eyes. It kept following me so much so that when I tried to get into a car and drive away it’d teleport to keep up with me. I was so bothered by it that I kept trying to run the animal over which is particularly unusual because in real life I love dogs and would never intentionally hurt one. For some reason this dog just really really bothered me.

3 years ago

I dreamt i saw a dog with wings, I called it the name of a dog my mom used to have who died but it didn’t look like him. The dog was a tan color and looked like a mix of a German shepherd and lab. I somehow knew the dog had died when i saw the wings, I went inside the house and my mom was on a bed curled up into a ball, I then turned and saw my brother and asked him what happened to the dog, he just replied “what always happens, you know, they all… Read more »

3 years ago

I dreamed of a big black great dane that wasn’t mine, but came into my house without my knowledge in the middle of a night, and was staring at me from just outside my bedroom door. He didn’t do anything but look at me innocently, like he wasn’t sure whether to come in or not. Even though seeing such a big dog out of nowhere surprised me, it didn’t scare me at all. It really felt like he was trying to tell me something or convey some sort of message, but I couldn’t understand what that message was supposed to… Read more »

3 years ago

i (a girl) dreamed that i was in a familiar park with my sister and saw a cute, medium-sized brown dog walking alongside its owner. i squatted down and called it so i could pet it. then the silly animal jumped on my head and its penis was in my face. i got disgusted, pushed it away and ran away real fast because i was scared of the reaction of the owner.

Anna pearson
Anna pearson
3 years ago

Hi in my dream Dreamt I was in someone else’s empty house and stayed the night by myself and their front door was open and when I opened one of the bedroom doors their was a puppy a shitzu a very little little one that’s when I figured someone else lived there and got scared and ran to leave but I left all my shoes like five or six pair on the floor of the room I stayed in so when they returned I was probably gonna be looked for

Anna Pearson
Anna Pearson
Reply to  The Dreamer
3 years ago

Hi the house definitely belonged to someone else and I was running away from the puppy to leave immediately. It made me realize by seeing it, that the house was owned by somebody. I was very freaked out leaving

Anna Pearson
Anna Pearson
Reply to  The Dreamer
3 years ago


Curious Lady
Curious Lady
3 years ago

Hello there. In my dream, I’m back at my childhood home. I hear a hidden child crying in the backyard, and it frightens me. My subconcious recognizes this, and the child, a little girl, comes out into the open, riding on the back of a Doberman who is on the back of a English Sheepdog. They are surrounded by hundreds of dogs. Pitbulls, Rotweilers, Labadors, Chihuahuas, Pugs, and more. The dogs are not attacking anyone, anything, or causing destruction. The sheepdog – little girl combo are facing the back of the home standing still. The other dogs are running circles… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Curious Lady
3 years ago

My own dog is very reactive and I can’t walk him in public, I constantly dream that we’re out in public he’s off lead and doing fine with all dogs, really confusing dream as in reality it’s the opposite situation!

pamela m hebert
pamela m hebert
3 years ago

i let go two larger dogs that were not mine for routine exercise into a large area that was supposed to be fenced as it backed up to a forested area but realized immediately that the fence that was once there was no more…and then, they were gone.

3 years ago

I had a dream that we got this one dog and it was kept on the secluded side of my family’s house, the fog wasn’t on a leash and had a light colours fur, not a lot, like silky, I don’t know the bread but it looked like all those race dogs. I don’t know why but after a while in the dream, I began playing with it because I was bored, even though I’d been told it was dangerous. But it was actually kind, it had its mouth taped up and that didn’t sit right with me, but under… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Jack
3 years ago

I was standing and talking to a group of people when a bunch of white fluffy dogs
passed by with their tails in the air. They looked like huskies and were panting and they seemed to be very happy… It gave me a good feeling.

Amy Ragobar
Amy Ragobar
5 years ago

I had a dream of a dog biting my hand and the next thing I know my dog comes in an attacks it. It did it twice and It was very powerful but my dog saved my life. I knew what the dream was hinting at because I had an employee who messed me up badly at work on purpose on two separate occasions. I guess my dog was an aspect of me that was defending myself. I love dogs so much and they even help me in my dreams. Great post!