Tidal Wave Dreams

Dreaming of tidal waves, or any sort of giant wave, implies that your waking life is being disrupted. These large waves appear to help the dreamer figure out what is preventing harmony and turning life upside down.

Unlike Tsunamis that appears in our dreams, the tidal wave are often influenced by other symbols pointing to a different interpretation. For example, tsunamis are often caused by earthquakes, but tidal waves are influenced by the moon or weather.

The large waves associated with the tides are a powerful symbol stemming from both spiritual and psychological forces.

The dreamer should carefully pay attention to these powerful forces because they are also associated with potentially drowning in dreams.  In your dream you will either survive, escape or become caught in its mighty power as you wait to get out of this horrible situation.

Dreaming of Big Waves

For the dreamers who are caught up in big waves in your dreams represents a lack of control and fears of not getting out of this current situation in your life. If you think about the feeling of being trapped under a wave seems to reflect a lack of control, unable to move, needing to be grounded and feelings of dread in  your life.

Remember the magnitude of large waves invoke is no surprise when you consider that water in dreams most often relates to the dreamer’s emotional state. So the dreamer must identify where are these overwhelming feelings arising from?

Watching waves from a distance would apply differently to someone who is swimming in the water. Being on the land implies you are more grounded in this situation and observing something in the distance that could pose a threat.

Hidden Meaning of Big Waves in Dreams

Did you know that the moon influences the waves’ behavior?  The moon’s gravitational pull generates something called the tidal force. The tidal force causes Earth—and its water—to bulge out on the side closest to the moon and the side farthest from the moon.

In dreams the MOON has a very strong connection to the feminine, mother, unconscious emotional state, moods, and yin energy. Dreams about waves warn us about unconscious changes and shifts and so we’ll understanding how to adapt to them.

Another hidden connection to the tidal wave is the wind. In our dreams, the WIND comes when we least expect it.  As in life, it’s an invisible force that cannot be seen, but felt. Some say that the wind forms from the spirit (breath), while others suggests it brings change to the dreamer. The wind emerges as a metaphor reflecting change or movement coming towards you, especially when it makes waves.

Tidal Wave Dreams as Warnings

A tidal wave dream may be a huge warning dream that hints at a sudden or unpredictable uprising in your life.

Noticing in your dream that large waves are coming towards you suggests you are seeing something in the distance that has the ability to wreak havoc in your life. This could be a sign to get out of the way or not to put yourself in a dangerous situation that would be hard to get out of.

Sometimes the dreamer will notice that the waves keep rising to a point of evoking fear and panic. Whenever we dream of waves becoming larger it represents a building emotional threat that might consume and take control of you.

Feelings of fear, inability to control, urgency to flee, and sudden impact all hint at something in your life that is about to crash on you.

Is it good to see water in dreams?

Water in dreams helps the dreamer identity their current emotional state of mind. Water appearing as clear or calm indicates a healthy mindset. Muddy, murky, or turbulent water points to a lack of clarity. Which describes the waves in your dream?

The meaning of water sways from both positive and negative depending on the context of the dream and how the person is currently feeling. Alternatively, some dreamers may dream of big waves if they are picking up on something that will happen in the future.

Spiritual meaning of large waves?

Spiritually, waves in a dream can be both positive and negative omens that suggest you will undergo a sudden change. A large overwhelming dream wave might often be directly representative of huge, overwhelming feelings that have been repressed.

These dreams might seem bad a first but in the long run they help teach the dreamer to become mindful of their own personal feelings towards their environment.

Like most dreams, large waves can be interpreted on multiple levels. They may mirror circumstances in your current waking life, or be symbolic of deeper issues that are of concern to you. Your dream will teach you that you will be challenged in your life. Will this lesson make you stronger when these waves emerge again.

Tidal Wave Dreams Biblical Meaning?

Water plays a very symbolic role in the Bible. It is known purify, to provide deliverance, and it can also destroy evil and enemies as in the stories of the Flood (Genesis 6:17) and the flight of Israel from Egypt (Exodus 14:1-15:21). 70 to 75% of the earth’s surface is covered with water.

Think about the Christians who are baptized water, representing a purification of the soul, protection, and an admission into the faith. Though, water may also be a destructive force, referring to the biblical flood which only Noah and his family escaped.

The biblical meaning of strong overpowering waves might be a symbol to put your faith into God’s hands and let go so He will guide you.

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Ashley Clark
Ashley Clark
1 year ago

Just had a very vivid dream. Too vivid. I was in the passenger seat of a vehicle driving south, I believe. In the sky to my right I saw an archangel with very bright blue and gold colors, flying to destroy a missile it think. What ever it was blew up in the sky and the archangel cam flying back down to the left of the vehicle. I was asking the driver “did you see that?” Several times. He finally said yes and I saw the ocean on the left in major turmoil. When I looked forward again a huge… Read more »

1 year ago

So I just had a dream that I went outside after a business job I was doing to check on my mother who was in a food truck really clean ready to leave. She was packing her things to leave. I go inside to fix my pants and to not get wet because I didn’t have an umbrella. When I was done, I get out of the food truck and I’m waiting for her. I was going to step on an area around the food truck but there was a puddle. I told my mother “I can’t walk on the… Read more »

1 year ago

I dream of water regularly but last night was a strange one- i wasn’t near the sea but watched as a giant wave built up and up I knew it was coming I was ready to grab something, people were screaming around me – but it amounted to nothing more than a little splash hitting the floor in front of me and myself saying “was that it “

Cleiri Quezada
Cleiri Quezada
2 years ago

I’ve always had dreams with water in them. Last night I had yet again, a similar dream of being surprised by a large, or tidal wave and I’m always aware it’s coming so I’m able to hold on to something sturdy to make sure I don’t get swept away.

I’ve Always dreamed about being around water or swimming in it with large animals. Like I used to live there in another life.

2 years ago

I have a very recurrent nightmare of standing on an unknown changing beach (i grew up in fl) with a long staircase and dunes. I see my parents up on the boardwalk when i notoce the sky doesnt look right. The ocean washes out and then rushes in like a tidal wave. I scream and i can tell they hear me but chose to ignore me. I try to run but its like running in place. I wake up right when the wave hits. Its disturbing and i wake up out of breath and dripping with sweat. Ive also noticed… Read more »