Warning Dreams

Can your dreams warn you about the future?

The horrible feeling waking up from a vividly disturbing dream usually makes you question if this was a warning dream predicting something bad will happen.

Unsettling dreams have a tendency to resonate all day like a stuck recorded replaying in our mind because of its vivid nature. It leaves us with such an uneasy feeling at the pit of our stomach as we feel something bad might happen. You are not the first person who has wondered your nightmare was a premonition and you wouldn’t be the last.

In this article we will cover all the different theories ranging from a scientific perspective, a metaphysical, as well from a biblical standpoint. Due to dreams enigmatic nature we must cover all the ground work before making your own personal assessment.

Truth about warning dreams

Can we really say we have proof that our dreams have the capability to fast forward into the future? Well this debate is not new but has been going on for thousands of years, and yet to this day there isn’t enough substantial evidence.

Though, if you ask random people if they ever had a Dream Warning before you might be shocked to find out something unusual. You might come across some people who will tell you about a dream they had predicting someone death or a pregnancy; while others might tell you that dreams are just a load of crap.

What does science say about warning dreams?

Yet, new research published in the Journal of Neuroscience provides compelling insights into the mechanisms that underlie dreaming and the strong relationship our dreams have with our memories. While other studies coming out of the University of Geneva feels that our nightmares are good for you and contain many benefits such as preparing us for real life danger.

Here at dream dictionary we can sort of vouch for the scientific approach, in fact the majority of peoples dreams in our forum tends to be revolve around past emotional trauma — repressed feelings and unconscious emotions are often regurgitated and spilled out on the floor for the dreamer to see.

This might be why the large majority of people dream of their ex long after they have broken up. I guess these emotions are still live and present in your waking life.

Are precognitive dreams actually real?

In short, dreams do predict the future, but there is a very fine line that can only be distinguished by a few tell tale signs. The majority of precognitive warning dreams are not like your typical dream, but constructed in a symbolic way that makes it difficult to decode.

The majority of warning dreams are not only forgotten but blatantly overlooked. Very few precognitive dreams are as direct as you think, in fact it is quite rare.

Take for example the dream of boxer Sugar Ray Robinson had when he begged not to fight his opponent Doyle after a nightmare that he killed him in the ring; in his dream he spoke about knocking out Doyle for the win followed by the the crowd yelling, ‘he’s dead, ‘he’s dead‘.

Unfortunately he didn’t listen to his gut feeling and went ahead to fight even with permission from his pastor. Robinson gave Doyle a final blow killing him in the ring. In a way Sugar Ray received a direct message whereas the majority of dreamers don’t.

So if you think that this tragic event will play out the same way your dream did you might be in for a shock. Sometimes your dream uses people, place or things to identify with something that mirrors it.

Dream warnings of death signs

Death in dreams is a very tricky symbol to decode and the majority of death dreams have nothing to do with death, but rather to symbolize change.

If dreams speak to us in a metaphorical code what better way to say you have changed from your past than death. Even parents who dream of their kids dying often have to do with them changing from highschool to college, going through puberty (no longer a child) or if they just becomes a different person for better or worse.

When we dream of ourselves dying might have to do with an ego death or old ways, beliefs, or habits that no longer serve you. Now any sort of resistance of this change in our waking lives tends to make us dying more graphic and disturbing — you will be forced to change whether you like it or not. Cough cough! Break ups!

Article: Benefits of dying in our dreams

How to spot warning signs in a dream

On the impression your dream is a warning dream here are some of the warning signs.

  • warning dreams tend to be extremely vivid and detailed as if you are actually there
  • the dreamer tends to waken out of the dream in fear
  • warning dreams tend to occur during the R.E.M (rapid eye movement) phase, sometimes occurring twice in one night.
  • common symbols tend to revolve around loss of teeth, houses, car crashes, death, cataclysmic events (earthquakes), murder, jail/police, cold blooded reptiles (snakes), just to name a few.
  • other people who would be connected to the event might have spoken about a nightmare with a similar theme
  • you are known to be someone who has had dreams come true the next day
  • sharing the same dream as someone else

The truth about warning dreams

Can your dreams be trying to tell you something? Analyzing the meaning of our dreams in today’s world is considered a pseudoscience that is up there with crystal balls, newspaper astrology and psychic hotlines.

Though, if you think dreams are B.S I encourage anybody to scan the comment section of Receiving Gifts From The Dead and you might notice when the dead enter our dream realm they often bring us peculiar gifts. Why? That might be because the unconscious speaks to us using geometric code and metaphoric symbols.

No matter the background, religion, or culture the dead symbolically gifts us the same items. Why? Perhaps this is the coded symbolic language mentioned above – a scripted code that is similar to the parables mentioned in the Bible. A language everybody can understand….

Dreams warning you of danger

It is not uncommon that your unconscious will hint at possible danger that could be avoided in your life.  Maybe if you have ignored your gut feelings about someone or something that might be bad for you, than it is quite possible you will be warned in your dream.

One of the most common symbols of a deceitful enemy is known to manifest as a snake biting us in our dream. Unconsciously you may pick up on this person being cold blooded predator who is only out for their own gain.

You might think that the hooded masked man in your dreams means you will be stalked but this is farthest from the truth. Deceitful or untrustworthy people tend to take the shape of animals or reptiles biting or attacking us; but than again this is not the case for everybody.

Depending the context and location of your dream you will be able to determine if this is an actual threat or belonging to you, or your own unconscious primitive behaviours.

Can God send messages through dreams?

Numbers 12:6: And he said, “Hear my words: If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord make myself known to him in a vision; I speak with him in a dream.

Can god really talk to us in dreams? According to the Bible this is possible. Some might call it a message from the unconscious, spirit world or a direct message from god.

In the Bible dreams were mentioned as divine messages from God. Daniel was well known for his prophetic dreams and visions God gave him in the Book of Daniel. Daniel interprets the king’s dream which foretells four kingdoms, which are ultimately destroyed by a great rock.

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10 months ago

I had a dream where, out of curiosity, I asked if god was real, they said yes enthusiasticly. But the term ‘God’ is vague, so I asked if he could be killed as the would prove omnipotence(couldn’t think of the word in dream) to a degree, they said, as if on the verge of tears, ‘do not kill god’, it was very vivid, what does that even mean? If this is the christain god he cant die anyway?

11 months ago

I’m still unable to decipher my dream even after reading this. I had a dream that an orange cat was talking to me in English and telling me I’m about to die. After that, I was extremely skittish and other people that were humans were telling me I’m about to die. I’m trying to figure out if it’s a precognitive dream or if it’s actually a dream about my job because my job has become more strict and makes me feel like I need to leave it.

1 year ago

I’ve had nightmares about my step dad before, this is nothing new, but it’s always showing him as the aggressor and is more flashbacks then dreams. But today, I dreamt that he was being abused by my mother and she left him and my baby sister behind without a trace. He came to mine and my partner’s house sobbing saying she sold the house before she left and they had nowhere to go. This is the first time I’ve ever dreamt of him being anything besides angry and hurtful, and this is most definitely in character for my mother. I… Read more »

1 year ago

I’m just probably paranoid but, I have had nightmares for 3 years straight (when I was younger) they didn’t mean anything. And I have only had a few since. But yesterday night was particularly scary. I had 3 nightmares that all warned me, one was my mum telling me that “to keep it safe, they had to change it” she was talking about the wires box but that message has stuck with me. The 2nd was my dad saying ” Don’t tell them too much information ” and the 3rd was from a ‘famous’ person who had turned horrid and… Read more »

1 year ago

I am getting ready to meet for a few days with my brother, who is aggressive and makes me very uncomfortable with his judgements and harsh words. Knowing I am going into the lion’s den, I keep having the same dream about swallowing little things that I have stolen unawares. Then I regurgitate long strings from my teeth, not my stomach, with these little things attached, and I don’t know where they came from but I am vaguely aware that I have seen them before. I think my throat chakra is closed and needs to be opened so that I… Read more »

1 year ago

I had a nightmare that I seen my husband’s mom dying she’s already holding on for her life. She’s on oxygen she’s 78 she can’t take care of herself she’s in a nursing home. 2 months later which is today she is dying. This isn’t the first time I had a dream that came true I had three nightmares about my uncle who went on a fishing trip in Atlantic ocean I dreamed he went missing I dream he died and I woke up in the middle of the night at 12:40 when actually drowned I have these perfect dreams… Read more »

1 year ago

I was doing my laundry tonight and when I went to go get my laundry whilst I was pulling the clothes out my body froze it was more like a quick flash, sometimes i’ll dream and sometimes they are visions that last about 60 seconds it was a flash it was so fast the only thing I was able to make out was a hospital the lighting was bright and I saw my step grandmother laying on the hospital bed. After it finished I stood there and started crying I also noticed my breath trembling and my hands were shaky… Read more »

1 year ago

I had a dream about this man who was being sarcastic to me and just taking the piss all the time. I pushed him over and he was sneering at me so I hit him with a branch and smashed his head in. I went to my husband “He’s dead, I killed him” My husband was laughing at me.
I am scared of the meaning of this dream!?

Reply to  Kate
10 months ago

Just a guess, but maybe a fear that he doesn’t take your wrong doings seriously, or believes you’re a better person than you think you are.

1 year ago

I had a bad dream that my husband would only say numbers to talk to me. I got upset that I could not decipher his number code and I did not know what was happening. In real life we have been married 20 plus years.

1 year ago

Also I’ve had repeated dreams from when I was 5 that I can sill remember till this day.

1 year ago

I’ve had the same dream for the last week and I wake up when I get hurt in my dream and when I go back to sleep i leave off where I was last but it’s literally been 6days of this on going dream. I was on a bus with other people but it was dark and grim then there was these people I didn’t recognize and they had these kittens but they were possessed by dark demons and bit me so I woke up. Then I found myself in this house and it started breaking apart and volcanic eruptions… Read more »

1 year ago

I just woke up from a dream my husband of almost 5 years has been cheating on me 3 yrs ago. I found out from a video I had seen on my phone and when confronted him he hardly had much to say. Later on in the dream people I know in my walking life were in it and supporting my husband saying that girl was better than me. I tried talking to his little sister and she hangs up the phone saying so what. My mother in law comes to me trying to make me feel better but I… Read more »

Reply to  Sammiee
1 year ago

I keep having as similar dream to this. However, every time I have, it aspects change but it still revolves around my husband cheating.

Reply to  Carley
1 year ago

Unconsciously, you interpret his behavior as “cheating.” You wish he spent more time with his family instead of talking on the phone. As you dream, it manifests.

Or, Perhaps it is a warning sign to be wary and take action before disaster strikes. Plan family date nights. Try out at least one of these activities twice a week: board games, video games, dinner dates, movie nights, camping in the yard, or staycations. Besides being fun, it helps restore and strengthen relationships.

1 year ago

But what should I do about the dreams/nightmares I have them and if it’s got something to do with someone else I tell the person that was in my dream about it and tell them to be careful that’s all I know to do but can I do more I usually tell my mom about the dreams/nightmares I have even if it has nothing to do with her or she’s not in the dream/nightmare idk what to do about it or what I can do to keep it from happening can anyone suggest anything?

1 year ago

Why would I dream 4 times about having/diagnosed with a mental disorder? That happened last year.

1 year ago

I’m panicking
But I’m not moving but some how I now I’m sleeping but I’m still stuck. In the dream me knowing Im stuck leads me to praying praying hard God take me out this dream help me please I scream in my Dream help me then I wake up and I’m sweating and look around the room scared wondering what was in my room what energy was in my room for my dream to be that bad in the dream

Reply to  Jhoanny
1 year ago

This sounds like a common case of Sleep Paralysis; it’s a feeling of being conscious but unable to move or speak. It occurs when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep.it is very common and can last 1 to 2 minutes and can be frightening but it will pass on it’s own. Your subconscious just needs to catch up with your body so just stay calm and focus on your breath until you come out of it. This has happened to me many times and for me it happens most when sleeping on my back.

1 year ago

I just woke up from a dream that blatantly said the words , “Run. Fire is the way that you will die in your sleep.”

Not sure if you reply to these comments, but I would love your thoughts on this

1 year ago

When I was 7 I had a dream about a giant yellow snake surrounding the outline of my house, slithering around our house while trapping us inside. My dad took out an axe and chopped his head off. I remember blood gushing out. Another dream where I got kidnapped by a woman. I was in a mansion, it was so big that there were at least 10000 people. I was trapped in a wooden barrier. Other people, animals, supernatural beings, were trapped inside cages, behind bars. Much worst than me. Lots of things happened that i’m not sure about but… Read more »

1 year ago

Last night I dreamt of my mum her wedding ring which I now wear broke in two in my hand, what could this mean?

1 year ago

I just had a really bad dream that I was in the house with my brother and this other really tall guy and they got into a fight and I just stood and watched because I tend to shy away from such situations. It ended with my brothers hands and feet cut off and he died in my arms. My brother is all I have right now. It’s 5:30 in the morning and I have been balling my eyes out because the fact that i just stood and watched is destroying me and I’m terrified

1 year ago

My boyfriend said he had a dream today where he saw he got a new job and got his very first salary, he bought gifts for both his mom and me and on his way home he died in a car accident. He laughed at his dream but i am worried about him so much, please someone tell me what does that mean? Was it a warning or something??