For some odd reason when ears show up in our dreams the contexts seem to be bizarre or extremely vivid. Ears are very symbolic in our dreams that connect the dreamer to hearing, gossip, intuition, awakening.
We must approach this image metaphorically relating to what we hear in the outside world and how we absorb it internally. A powerful symbol that magnifies how you perceive things that might result being off balance in your life.
Depending the context of your dream you will come to the understanding if the ear has a positive or negative connotation attached to it. What you have absorbed internally in your past remains unconscious to you until now.
More than often we are removing earwax, pulling things out of our ear, bleeding or even cleaning it – commonly presented in graphic detail to get your attention. What comes to mind when an ear would be blocked – uninformed behaviors, oblivious nature, uneducated, ignoring the obvious, ignorance to life or dense thinking.
Ears bring you closer to what has or needs to be cleaned out for you to live a healthier existence.
Ear Dream Meaning
Do you know why the Buddha was depicted having big ears? It is not because his ears were deformed, rather it reflected is wisdom and compassion. He also had the ability to hear the sounds of the world – to hear the cries of all living creatures – and respond.
You might ask how does this have anything to do with your dream. Since dreams deliver us messages coded metaphorically we can interpret the ears as a mirror how open our “mind ears” and what effects us when it is closed.
Your dream wants you to acknowledge that this is not just a sensory organ for you to hear, but what you hear can distort your whole mind, body and soul. Noticing your ears bleeding or infections suggests a lack of balance, loss of vitality/energy, and negative absorption in our life. If your ear is being pierced see earring dreams.
Ear Dream Symbolism:
- Known for its perception of sound; organ of hearing.
- What you hear from the outside effects your equilibrium/balance.
- It’s external is visible but absorbed (inner ear) mind; remaining unconscious.
- Act as the ability to perceive or make distinctions; discrimination or taste: a good ear for a well-written novel.
Removing Earwax In Dreams
As disturbing and graphic pulling earwax out of your ear in your dream it is actually considered a positive omen. Metaphorically speaking you are removing a blockage or build up of past negative absorption.
Your outside influences or what you hear will no longer throw you off balance. Could it suggest that you removed being ignorant, closed minded, not willing to hear others, or possibly trusting your own intuition? Might it suggest that how you used to think in the past was causing you to remain uninformed?
In your dream you will be provided with clues such as your locations, people around you, or if you are looking in a mirror. How did you feel when it was taken out? If earwax is falling out it is a positive symbol that implies blockages will be removed on their own naturally.
Ear Dreams: Pulling Out
This might be another symbol that can seem graphic but contains a positive message. Now depending what you are pulling out and the location would be metaphoric to what you are trying to remove within.
In essence you are trying to get something out of your mind, what you might have learned in the past could have effected you mentally. These are things that you may have heard that has unfortunately altered your perception in life. This can be anything from racism, ignorance, negative thought patterns, prejudices and so on…
Ear Dreams: Sexual and Intuition
Since dreams like to use one image to represent another we must examine what the ear looks like. Often associated with the spiral, snail, sea shell connects the dreamer to the vulva (sexual symbolism).
The aquatic connection bridges the dreamer to waters, moon and the feminine energy – the pearl that is found inside results to awakening the dreamers scenes. Alternatively the ear can be a representation of a transformation once cleaned, removed or pulling things out as a rebirth.
It is not uncommon to dream of water coming out of your ears. Water bridges the dreamer with their unconscious emotional side reflecting a release or loss; depending the emotions expressed, location, and people around are clues provided for the dreamer.
I dreamed that I removed green goo ear wax from my left ear. I was even grossed out in my dream.
I dreamt that I had a scratching noise in my left ear, cleaned the ear out with a very long finger nail (small finger, also left hand) as I pulled out the wax, a woodlice crawled out at which point I woke up. Any ideas?
My dream- earwax in the shape of a crystal came out of my right ear. The color of the was was emerald green. What does that mean?
Okay this is going to sound weird…I dreamt in the third person but I saw the inside of my own left ear. It was full of Peanutbutter I knew I had to clean it out but I knew it was going to be really difficult… any thoughts?
I had a dream my ears were completely shut up and stitched up/stitched off (like a doctor surgically stitched my ears up and completely closed it off). I was talking with my cousin who was gesturing me to stay with him (and another friend) and I initially stayed (in a loyal manner) and as I was going to look in the mirror I noticed my ears were completely stitched up and closed off (with the stitches being blood itself).
I had a dream my ears were completely shut up and stitched up/stitched off (like a doctor surgically stitched my ears up and completely closed it off). I was talking with my cousin who was gesturing me to stay with him (and another friend) and I initially stayed (in a loyal manner) and as I was going to look in the mirror I noticed my ears were completely stitched up and closed off (with the stitches being blood itself).
I dreamt that my grandson, he is a grown man. I were really tired. We laid on my bed. He fell asleep, I lied next to him awake. I began to remove earwax with a large bobby-pin. I was surprised at how much earwax I removed.
This is a really good dream. It all depends on your relationship with him. It seems you might help him remove an unconscious block he has within him.
Hello, I’ve dreamt twice that my ears were getting amputated or had to be amputated. What could this mean, haven’t found anything about it? thanks
Not sure. I would need more information, however it might suggest something being removed that is unconscious; the connection with you ability to listen, understand, communicate.
I dream of pulling broomstick from my right ear.
I need more to better help you decode the meaning of your dream. Brooms tell you about cleaning up negative things within you. You pulled it out of your right for a reason, opposite to the left which is negative or unclean, the right takes on a whole new meaning to clean this up.
I dreamt that I was pulling a lot of nails out of both of my ears. Small and larger and even bolts but all metal and then a large amount of ear wax came rushing out in the palm of my hand. It was my fluid material but there was a sense of lightness and relief
This is a very positive dream. It seems you have removed a block within you. What could this be? I am not sure but it was metaphorically tightened from your past.
Hello ive dreamt about a solid earwax voluntarily removed from my right ear that gave me a good feeling after.
Good dream. It seems as if you unblocked something negative in your mind. See chakra in search bar.
I dreamt that I used a tweezer and pull from my right ear, an off-white cross with browning edges (as if aged). I set it down and came back to it and tried to pick it up but could not because it was so soft. It was melting.
Was this like a biblical cross? Where was your location? Did you do this by looking in the mirror?
I had a dream where I decided to clean my right ear in public. It had been hurting, so when I had a moment to do so, I looked at it in a handheld mirror. I began pulling debris and stuff from the folds of my ear and then pulling things out of my ear. I realized my right ear was infected and that I needed it checked out. I was afraid the infection would spread to my throat. I did get relief from removing things from my ear but I was a little embarrassed being in public. However I… Read more »
Hello Cici. Please submit a valid email address.
I had a weird dream that everything was coming out of my ears. This wasn’t earwax , more like my ear drum and parts of my inner skin as well.
Usually things coming out of your ears can be a good symbol of removing blocks, however it it contained parts of your eardrum it might be different. The inner skin and eardrum might be related to your mind/identity (internal) or your ability to hear or process. How you feel in the dream is a big indicator if this is a negative or positive dream.
I’m dreamt that pulling out loads of ear wax from my left ear. What does it mean please.
This is a very good dream. You are basically removing things that was stopping your growth, something that is definitely unconscious. See spiral dreams in the search bar to see what will be opening up for you in the distant future!
Thank you. I have never drempt of my ears until last night. First: There was a lot of wax that fell out. Then I pulled a block of amber big and square out of my ear. It covered the palm of my right hand. Equal on all for sides. I felt like I was marveling at it.
Nice dream. I am thinking the wax was a metaphoric symbol relating to some sort of block that was once unconscous to you. If you noticed the “right hand” was used; a symbol opposite to the left “negative or unclean”, that might be related to expression or mobility. See hand dreams for more information. The fact you are marveling at it suggests whatever was moved out of (psyche/mind) intrigued you. What could this be? Whatever it is will lead you closer to the self or SPIRAL (see spiral dreams in search bar).
I had a dream where it was my ears.. and it was massive. I could see the inside and it was full of circular things. I thought it was an ear infection cause everytime I would remove it, more of these circular things would appear again but more each time. I woke up from my dream and found this page. What does it mean?
Hello Jack. The dream might not be such a bad symbol. You see circles are known to connect with spirals which images related to the Self. Now an ear infection might tell you about issues related to awareness of subtle information, rumours or intuition that is out of balance. If you are trying to remove it it becomes a symbol of you now acknowledging this issue. Once you fix it the circle will lead you to the gold. See spiral in search bar.
I had a dream that I was pulling/ squeezing black little beetles out of both my ears while looking in a mirror. I was able to get them all out but was super grossed out! What does this mean? Why beetles?
Interesting. I think you can look at the beetle in two different ways. First it could be associated with things that are repulsive or are irritations that remain unconscous to you. Or second, it is reflecting eternal life, of fate, or cause and effect. Now the mirror is telling you about self reflection or you “hidden” as the ear contains the image of the spiral. Both the beetle and the spiral go hand in hand (see spiral symbolism) that might also be alluding to eternal life. You are pulling something out of you but still have more inside. What could… Read more »
I had a dream where my left ear was tingling from the inside and I was cleaning it with my finger because I knew it was wax. That tingly feeling in my left ear lingered until I woke up and the very 1st thing I did, got out of bed & took a cotton suave and cleaned my left ear. And there it was, the wax! Like my dream came true. Only my left ear though. Can someone help me out on this one? The meanings I read online were discouraging. My dream is a mix of certain things and… Read more »
Well its not unusual to have wax in your ear. Its quite possible that you where semi conscious of the wax being in your ear. Or maybe needing to clean it was stored in your unconscious (back of your mind). Could be many factors, non that you should worry about.
I had a dream that I was pulling a waxy corn kernel out of my ear. EWWWW!
But what might this mean? I am not fond of stuffing my ears with corn in real life…
You are pulling something out. I think this is a good dream that you are removing something that was blocked (think metaphorically).
Thank you for answering. I just thought that dream was interesting. I was thinking that it might be linked to an “ear of corn” somehow, but I have no idea what corn means. I will have to keep watching my dreams and see if this one comes up again with an explanation.
Thank you again! I hope you have a good day.
You are most welcome. I am not sure what corn means as well.