Dreams About Your Ex

10 Reasons Why You’re Dreaming About Your Ex

Are you confused on why you are still dreaming of your ex? Well it turns out that dreaming of our ex is more common than you think, in fact it is in the top most common themes we experience and yet leaves baffled in the morning.

The vast majority of ex dreams has nothing to do with them but hidden elements that still remain within you.  Basically all of your unconscious feelings, past memories and repressed emotions are tangled up in your mind and is still living in the present moment. The main goal for your dream would be for you to heal and find closure, however this is not as easy as it seems.

Our dreams have a strange tendency to use the image of our ex to bring something to our attention, unfortunately some of these dreams are downright bizarre.

This article will explore the spiritual reasons why you are still having dreams with your ex, find ways to let go, and to stop them from recurring.

Do you want your ex dream analyzed for free? Submit ex dream in dream interpretation online chat forum.

Types Of Ex Dreams

  • dreaming about your ex’s family
  • ex husband’s new wife
  • your ex is moving on
  • dreaming of your ex dying
  • dating other people including your family
  • ex dumping, ignoring or rejecting you
  • saving you, saying he is sorry or even shooting you
  • coming back to you or in a romantic relationship

#1. You are still not over them

Usually right after a breakup, it is normal to have feelings for an ex. These shared fun memories, many intimate moments and experiences just doesn’t disappear overnight. Since they are part of our past, whether you like it or not, they have still left an imprint on our minds and shaped us to who we are today. These unresolved emotions such as anger, confusion, hate, and love have a tendency to make its appearance in our dreams – often masked in various forms.

#2. Technically, your ex is dead!

The fact of the matter the reason why breakups are so difficult because they mimic death of something that was once important to you. Even though they are still alive somewhere, the final abrupt ending can mirror hearing about a sudden death of a loved one. Like most painful or negative feelings are actively push aside because they overwhelm you, but only to find out they come out in our dreams.

This is why many people Dream Of Their Ex Dying so often in their dreams because you will no longer see this person again. Alternatively, when your ex dies in your dream it might imply you have now mentality moved on.

Article: Benefits Of Death & Dying In Dreams

#3. Dreaming of being romantically Involved With Your Ex

Before we jump into the meaning you will want to figure out if you still want your ex back in your life. If the answer is no, than dreaming of being romantically involved with your ex contains more unconscious elements instead of anything phyical. The dream might use your past experiences to inform you that you may need some affection, love, repression or a lack of passion in your life. Alternatively, dreaming of making love with your ex might reflect a new relationship in our life that reflects similarly.

#4. Ex dreams and looking for closure

Getting closure after a break up will almost inevitably take longer than expected, in fact these troublesome emotions manifest in our dreams. Oftentime when we are Ignored By Your Ex in Your Dreams it represents your own mental fog from that past that is not allowing you to move forward.

Article: How To Understand Being Ignored In Your Dreams 

  1. Take full responsibility for yourself. It’s ultimately up to you to take the necessary actions to help move you forward. …
  2. Grieve the loss. Give yourself permission to feel sad.
  3. Forgive your ex. Focus on the positives.
  4. Make a plan for the immediate future.
  5. Create a ritual.
  6. Accept that you may never get an apology from your ex.

#5. You keep falling for the wrong guy

Are you still in search for the same type of partner you had in your past? A new study at the University of Toronto finds that people usually find a particular type of partner and usually gravitate toward this type, no matter the circumstances.

Your ex could be only appearing in your dream to inform you of the same patterns in your life and expecting different results.

How To Break the Mold, Build New Patterns

Realistically speaking the only way to change our own habits and behaviors is to start a new one. If you’ve ever tried to give up a bad habit in the past or learn a new skill, then you already know how hard it is to follow a new path.

  • identify the problem patterns
  • pay attention to your action and not words
  • write down what type of partner you want
  • build your confidence

Tip: According to Carl Jung, Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist who founded analytic psychology this so called man you keep meeting could be connected to your anima; the masculine within the feminine that you are insearch for to become complete. This unconscious yearning connects back to the relationship you had with your father.

Article: Understanding you animus though your ex

#6. Are you dreaming of your ex’s family?

Dreaming of your ex family represents reflecting on past memories, similar parallels that you see with your new partners family, wondering what your life would be like if you were still together, or maybe you just miss them. Depending on your relationship with the family and the context of the dream will alter the meaning, however as humans we naturally seek a family of our own and this dream might be reflecting it.

#7. Dreaming of my ex new partner

It is quite common to Dream Of Your Ex new girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife because they are merely a reflection of you. Humans tend to attract similar characteristics in the same partners so dreaming of your ex new wife or husband represents the traits and behaviors that are unconscious within you.

Maybe we are thinking too deep into this matter. Maybe you are dreaming of your ex new partner because you might be curious what they are up to, or maybe you see yourself in their shoes.

#8. It’s a symbol of a bigger problem

Dreams have a tendency to pull out hidden feelings of insecurity, fears of abandonment and low confidence by your ex being a total jerk in your dream. Experiencing dreams of your ex either dumping, ignoring, trying to kill you or even shooting you are negative themes that encourages you to build your confidence and know yourself worth.

Your exs aggression or general mean disposition tells you that this issue belongs to you and not him. You might have felt so hurt from the past that you are unable to express your feelings towards the situation. Usually when our exs attack us with a gun or trying to hurt us it becomes a direct attack on our mind, body and soul.

Mental Hacks to Be More Confident in Yourself
  1. Accept your emotions
  2. Never confuse memory with facts
  3. Positive thinking
  4. Think positive to overcome your negativity bias
  5. Raise your curiosity levels
  6. Overcome self-doubt and stop negative thinking patterns
  7. Accept your past for what it is and move on

9. You’re afraid someone else will break your heart again

Oddly enough we tend to dream more about our ex when we are starting a new relationship because of our past fears. Emotionally investing in someone requires faith, trust and confidence since nobody likes have their hearts broken a second time. Our ex will show up in our dream to protect you against your past hurt so it doesn’t happen again.

10. You are trying to forgive them?

By forgiving your ex you are technically forgiving yourself. We often dream of our ex for our own peace of mind so we can move on; dreaming of our ex moving on is a very positive symbol that represents you moving on and not them. If you ex emerges in your dreams to tell you sorry it is another positive symbol of acceptance in your life. What was once unconscious within is now out of the bag for you to move on.

Bonus: Spiritual Meaning Of Ex In our Dreams

I noticed many people online are searching for the spiritual meaning of dreaming of your ex. Dreams are the psyche’s attempt to communicate important things to the individual that give us an opportunity to find out what is really going on behind the scenes.

Whether you like it our not our exs came into our lives to teach us a lesson about life and ourselves. We do ourselves an injustice when we are unable to move on or grow from this experience. Your dream will metaphorically code your ex around particular locations, settings and moods as clues to become aware of the root cause.

Despite how vivid, exciting or nightmarish our ex appears in our dreams they contain a very valuable message that can only be understood by the dreamer with a little introspection. Our exs in dreams are a manifestation of our old selves living in the present moment. Are you the same person as you were years ago?

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1 year ago

I had a dream that I saw my ex where I live (different country than where he lives) he was going down to the metro with someone else we used to talk to but don’t anymore. I saw me and be tried to make sure that the other guy he was with won’t see me cause he knew I wouldn’t want to talk to him. We were in the same metro, so after the other guy left I came up to my ex and said I wanted to talk. We spent our time together after this. When we were walking… Read more »

1 year ago

My dream was crazy. My ex of 5 years ago had messaged me and asked to meet up. I never got a reason why we were breaking up so I thought I could finally get closure. We met up and he held me. Told me he loved me and he’s so sorry he left me and it was a mistake. He then went into a store very close to my house and told me to wait outside. I had looked into the window and he had a gun and everyone was laying down. I called the cops. One officer showed… Read more »

1 year ago

So this was a weird dream lol. I was with my husband family we was having a great time and then it was time to go to the family’s party. I went outside it was flooding and my car had sunk and my ex boyfriend showed up and him and other guys dive into to get it I threw him the car keys. They got it out but they tore up my front end; it was undeliverable. So my ex boyfriend got us a cab and We went downtown he got out and then I had the cab to take… Read more »

1 year ago

I had a dream about my ex from 5 years ago. Started off casual by just bumping into him, but then he was everywhere. Tried to get a job with me and then got accepted because everyone loved him even though they all knew what he did to me. We were told to write down our feelings for eachother. I was very negative in mine but his was very positive, saying he misses me and is sorry for everything he put me through. I’m in a very happy and commited relationship now, why is this happening?

Lenaya Vargas
Lenaya Vargas
1 year ago

Yes I have had a few different dreams in similarity to this including my ex and I having sexual intercourse again and him asking for me back and also of him leaving me I just want him back.

Someone who knows
Someone who knows
Reply to  Lenaya Vargas
1 year ago

Anytime you are having sexual intercourse in your dreams it means that you have a spiritual spouse (which is not good) and you need to be delivered from it . Sometimes your ex or love ones of your exs can put spiritual things on you to keep you from moving forward.

1 year ago

My wife died last year and I keep dreaming about her humiliating and embarrassing me all the time. Leaving me with no clothes besides a hat. Everyone is chasing me away from her while she continues to follow me and laugh. I’m insides random houses while this is going on and it happens over and over again. It’s wearing me down so much because we loved each other very much.

1 year ago

I have dreams of people that have died all the time but for the last 3 years I’ve had dreams of my fiance that past away from cancer 3 years ago. The last couple of dreams I had I was trying to get her back from breaking up with me or we had fought. It’s not really clear. The part that was was that I missed her and she told me she cheated on me. The first one she told me she was with someone else. I wake up and can’t get it out of my head and I can’t… Read more »

1 year ago

I had a dream that I had a threesome with an ex dating partner, and a family friend that I once grew up with. What’s puzzling, is that I don’t remember why I stopped dating the ex, nor do I recall either of us being heartbroken, and I haven’t been close to the childhood friend, since grade school.

1 year ago

I had a dream I spent a day with my ex. Wasn’t the most romantic dream, we just hung out and did normal things for a day. Toward the end of the day I left to go get snacks from a convenience store. When I got back I was greeted by a giant spider blocking the front entrance to her home. I remember feeling like it was angry with me and like it was going to pounce on me if I took one more step closer. Then I woke up.

1 year ago

My ex has passed and I had a dream she called me on the phone and asked me to come get her she said it’s hot in here I asked where she was she replied in my city then I woke up

1 year ago

Why does every man in my dreams look like my ex husband? I know it’s a different person but they have the same face as my ex??

2 years ago

I dreamed my ex and I were back together, and when we were having lunch we started kissing. I remarked that his hand seemed cold, and when he turned his face toward me it was very thin and his eyes were turned back in his head like in “Children of the Corn.” Then I woke up.

My ex died almost three years ago (we’d been broken up for years and married other people).

Last edited 2 years ago by Rebecca
2 years ago

I keep having dreams where my one specific ex keeps trying to get my attention but I either shut them down or I agree grudgingly. Even during a time when we didn’t date but we stopped being friends I had a dream I yelled “I don’t need you anymore” at them

Gabriel Nedelcu
Gabriel Nedelcu
2 years ago

Why am I keeping dreaming about my ex?

2 years ago

I had a dream of my dead ex. He is my daughter’s father we were never married but together for 10 years. We had a very rocky relationship and in the end I asked him to leave. A year later he died. It’s now been 11 years since he passed and I dreamt of him just popping back up into our lives like he never left like he was away on vacation or something.
In the dream I was annoyed that he thought he can just come back like nothing happened.

2 years ago

Had a dream that me and my ex husband were just hanging out with his friends . Then we took the train somewhere nd once we got to the location my dream ended . Nothing weird nothing romantic . No emotions involved . It’s strange because we actually barley get along and only speak about our mutual child together . Why is he popping up in my dream ? We separated years ago & I’m currently pregnant with my current partner .

2 years ago

My ex was my first love who I dated for 3 years in high school and college, living together for college. We broke up and it it tore me up inside. We started to get back together again when I decided to date my best friend from high school (who I had a crush on) came back to town after being away at college. My ex was always jealous of my best friend so he stopped talking to me. I haven’t seen or talked to him in over 25 years. I’ve been married to my best friend for 28 years… Read more »

Neata Neata
Neata Neata
2 years ago

I had a dream I was at a party and my ex was there ..he was nice at first.And then two lil young girls like 18 came to the party .He and his friend disappeared and I walked down the street and caught all of them having sex in the same bed ..I blew up and got mad and when they came out the room ,he screamed at me and said he didn’t care and the girls walked out all sweaty and I was like do your parents know your sleeping with a 42 year old man and they said… Read more »

2 years ago

I had a dream of my ex boyfriend and I got back together now I don’t ever dream and it’s been almost a year since we’ve been together. I dreamt that we got back together and was going to get married. It seemed very odd for me to have that dream. I’m in a new relationship now on and off for a year now to. Can someone shine some light on what this could mean please.

2 years ago

I dream that an old flame still loves me, and if I go visit where he works or did when I was around he always arranges to take me out. In one dream I drempt we got married. I would like to go out with him again.