Did You And Someone Else Share The Same Dream?

Can two or more people share the same dream? Sharing dreams with someone is more common that it seems.

Mutual dreaming or shared dreaming is a bizarre phenomenon were two different people share the same contents, symbols and themes – recently popularized by the Hollywood blockbuster Inception.

Just from Google’s keyword search engine alone we notice that thousands of people experience these shared dreams on a daily basis. Usually we tend to pick up on people that are close to us like partners, friends and sometimes family living in another country.

Mutual Dreaming

Even though there are literally thousands of well-documented accounts, mine being one of them, which we will get to that later on, is often dismissed by science – dreams are merely anecdotal proving that these electrical brain impulses often pull up on thoughts and imagery from our memories.

Though what happens when these two people who “claim they had the same dream” find out later on that their dreams came true in the future. Situation’s like this often throw the monkey wrench into the mix leaving scientist scratching their heads.

For now mutual dreams can only be tackled from either a psychological or metaphysical standpoint.

Psychological Theory On Mutual Dreams

Before we jump down into the rabbit hole of precognitive or telepathic dreams we must first examine the psychological studies related to mutual dreaming. According to the Toronto Empathy Mannheim & Dream Questionnaire found out of the 160 participants that mutual dreaming might be connected to trait and state empathy: shared dreaming study article.

They connect our dreams as a novels that contains mixture of characters, motivations, scenarios, and positive and negative emotions. Subjects with higher trait empathy seem to incorporate the same contexts as the other person.

“In general, dreams are a novel but realistic simulation of waking social life, with a mixture of characters, motivations, scenarios, and positive and negative emotions. We propose that the sharing of dreams has an empathic effect on the dreamer and on significant others who hear and engage with the telling of the dream. This suggested post-sleep effect of dreams can be contrasted with theories of within-sleep functions, such as that dreams reflect memory processing during sleep.”

According to this small study of only 160 participants they have concluded that mutual dreams are not significance, rather relates to high trait openness or empathy. With over 7 billion dreamers in the world they seem to have narrowed their findings based off of a small group of people.

I think it’s time we need to explore the unknown, what many sceptics call “woo-woo” or “pseudoscience” and talk about the untouchable void. The unconsciousness.

Mutual Dreaming: Psychic Connection?

Telepathy may not only be a thing for X-Men comic book heroes. The mere fact precognition is quite common yet its often chalked down by closed minded people as “woo-woo” or “pseudoscience” we only go in circles. However you can use your own personal experience as evidence to think a little outside the box.

Perhaps when we dream we all collectively tap into some sort of grid that can determines our past, present and future. According to analytical psychologist Carl Jung, he believed that dreams are the psyche’s attempt to communicate important things to the individual; that might suggest that both parties are tapping into some collective source.

Possible Reasons For Shared Dreaming

  • warnings or dangers
  • visions of future events
  • collective instincts or archetypes
  • sharing similar belief systems or ideas

People who record their dreams often notice something peculiar taking place, as if something else is running behind the scenes on their life’s path, something that can be felt intuitively but never seen.

Dreams are known to speak to us in a language that is coded in myth, symbolism, and images that often can be decoded metaphorically. Shared dreams are not only known to have strikingly similar themes and contents but are both very vivid in nature. What makes things more peculiar is both parties tend to tell the other person the dream as if it was meant to be.

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1 year ago

Me and my sister both had a dream last night that my niece her daughter who is 6 weeks pregnant is having a girl

2 years ago

Around a year and a half ago I and an acquaintance both had the same dream one in California with me being in Chicago at the time on the same night that I was pregnant both of us are considered non dreamers because we both sleep heavily we talked about after but he came over when I came back from my trip to tell me of the dream he had of me which that’s when we connected that I had had the same dream while on my trip on the same night I cannot find anything on the internet in… Read more »

2 years ago

This happened to me and my mom. We both had a dream and I bolted out of bed the same time she burst through the door, but before talking about it we moved my bed away from the window. We both saw a man in our dream who looked a lot like my uncle ( but wasn’t)break through the window and stab me through the iron security bars. I’ve never slept by a window again

jackie harrison
jackie harrison
3 years ago

This mutual dreaming happens whenever I sleep in the same house with someone. It can be a friend or someone else’s friend in another room, it happens alot, and there’s always a warning in the same dream we have.