Anima – The Feminine Within The Man

At night he dreams about his Anima, bi-polar in nature, and depending on your relationship her she may reveal herself as either your soulmate, or a malevolent entity.

Psychologically speaking a man’s inner woman or “anima” functions as his soul. When a man is full of life his inner zest glows outwardly often being referred to as  an animated individual, opposite to a dull or listless person with no inner drive or motivation.

Once the anima connection remains positive she will reward the man by acting as his spirit guide, perhaps morphing into the girl of your dreams as you filled with infinite love and understanding.

Alternatively, men who are unable to engage or connect with their feminine attributes will not only reflect in his outer world but his inner world. A deprived anima plays you like a puppet on a string in hopes you notice her – like a chameleon she will take on different shapes commonly known to morph into dark shadowy figures, a ferocious beasts, or a wicked witch in your dreams.

An interior function that lacks proper nourishment in the day will emerge in your dreams at night with a vengeance. The possessed anima tends to go undetected or unnoticed in his life until something traumatic occurs. Then she wakes up!

The Anima In Dreams

The anima is a theory produced by analytical psychologist Carl Jung referring to the unconscious feminine image residing in male psyche, whereas the animus would be the masculine counterpart within the feminine psyche.

Similarly depicted as the principle of Yin and Yang, implying all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites. The duelist unconscious feminine energy residing in the males psyche contains female attributes originating from the mother or first female interaction in his life.

Any sort of distortion, imbalance, or unhealthy relationship with the anima will reflect negatively in his life, commonly referred to as an animus possession – initially formed by his mother, she becomes a blueprint in his development and attitude towards women and the functioning of his inner feminine principal. Signs and warnings of a toxic mother in dreams.

If the inner feminine is either ignored or falls into the unconscious abyss, she will then seized control of the conscious self by wreaking havoc in his life. Alternately, the man who has incorporated these unconscious feminine contents within himself will develop a harmonious relationship with the anima – she will act as a guide along the path of inner transformation.

Your Anima Possessed?

Once the anima becomes possessed the man innately becomes weak, posing no threat with his inability to take action in the world – the autonomous archetypal character has seized control of part of the conscious self.

Just as a hacked computer program will either destroy or corrupt the motherboard (wordplay at its best) by reformatting the hard drive sending you in the wrong direction. A direction that directs you in the wrong relationships, partnerships, and revealing a moody and sulky disposition commonly known to throws tantrums like a toddler. Usually passive in nature he totally overreacts to slights and confrontations, being pitifully unaware of his own shortcomings.

Identifying A Dysfunctional Anima:

  • You act like a spineless wimp
  • Unable to make decisions on your own
  • Moody and temperamental
  • Negative outlook on life
  • Neurotic behaviors
  • Avoids risk in fear of failing
  • They are either childish old men or wise young boys
  • Life has no meaning
  • Overreacts to small matters and overlooks larger issues.

Does this sound anything like you? What Jung referred to overcoming the negative anima is a ‘heroic feat’ a shift into the unconscious and return with a meaningful and positive connection to this archetype.

By engaging with your anima is not for the faint of heart, it requires rigorous self examination that only few venture out into the abyss in fears of being engulfed by the waters.

Anima Development Stages

Jung stated that like the animus the anima development has four distinct levels, which he named EveHelenMary, and Sophia. In dreams however the themes and symbols are often projected in a metaphoric manner mirroring its progress in every mans life. Theoretically, a man’s anima development proceeds through these stages as he grows older.

  1. Stage one – Eve: In this very first state the the man’s anima hovers around the mother—this doesn’t mean his actual mother, but the archetypal image of woman as faithful provider of nourishment, protection, instinct, and love—or, indeed, the opposite. If he is controlled or has no vital connection to a woman and is easy prey and fall victim to her. He frequently suffers impotence or has no sexual desire at all.
  2. Stage two – Helen of Troy: At this stage the image is often very sexual, the Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie, or Gal Godot; under this illusion it will produce the “Don Juan” or “Player” who actively engages in repeated sexual adventures. These quick thrills will be short lived as he has a flighty heart, the mere fact that no real woman can ever live up to the expectations that mirror the unconscious “ideal” image. He will drop her like a bad habit as he prey’s victim to the next one in line.
  3. Stage three – Mother Mary: This stage Jung referred it to “Mary”,  It manifests in religious feelings and a capacity for genuine friendship with women. At this stage he will see a women for what she is inside and not just an object, one who is not only independent of his own needs but has her own personality. His sexuality is integrated into his life, not an autonomous function that drives him. He is known to tell the difference between love and lust with the ability to stay in a long lasting relationship.
  4. Stage Four – Sophia: Named after Wisdom in the Bible at this stage the anima works as a guide towards his own inner life. By making the unconscious conscious she is in search for meaning. In your dreams she becomes the mate for the archetypal wise old man, the teacher in the males psyche.

Union With The Anima

Essentially the main goal would be to “wed” or create a “unification” with the anima – often referred to as “integrating” the anima is not the correct analogy. You can integrate the contents of your shadow, though integrating the anima can override the ego as the energy is too powerful. By running parallel along with her along your life’s journey.

As Jung stated or warned rather not to worship the anima as it will become a pitfall in his inner development.

“If she is projected into the world rather than integrated into his very being, a man becomes either a “victim of his erotic fantasies or compulsively dependent on one actual woman.”

Carl Jung

By properly wedding the anima she will serve you accordingly becoming a mediator or encountering a spiritual or religious experience “whereby life acquires new meaning” so to speak.

“The man who recalls his anima projections and becomes to himself what he longs to find outside himself finds that his suffering is worthwhile, for it makes him a deeper, more vibrantly alive, and creative human being.”

Carl Jung
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3 years ago

Interesting. The women of my dreams have always been reminiscent of Medusa (the earliest dream I can remember is of my mother seeing me cry and shaming me into silence with but a stern gaze). My latest dream, however, was quite a surprise for me. The woman in this dream was a priestess whose temple I entered, and who preached that our usage of technology was sinful (I’m a programmer and a techie, so go figure). She then exited her temple to preach to the crowd (they weren’t in my field of view), and her clothes changed from a long… Read more »

Palton Hammerad
Palton Hammerad
3 years ago

Interesting…we could say that a rightful union between a man and his anima will create a image of glory… Does this mean the anima will appear more often or will she take another form more substantial to the dreamer? How much of a person comes from a their personality and how much is the animus? How does the animus understand archaic symbols and recreations that took eons for humanity to even comprehend? What are dreams if not a test then…

Palton Hammerad
Palton Hammerad
Reply to  The Dreamer
3 years ago

Ok. Its 3:47AM. I having a typical “Hey, hey, hey, hey, ” day where my energy levels are thru the roof even if I worked hard as f***. Sorry for the language. I’m just going to stay here for a while. When I actually came here to see how you responded to my message a smile came to my face. You really did engage with my actual questions. Maybe you don’t think much of ut but it mean a whole ton to me. So, thank you. Putting that aside. “The more that I study ancient Egyptian mythology I am thinking… Read more »

Palton Hammerad
Palton Hammerad
Reply to  The Dreamer
3 years ago

From my years of youtube adventuring, I have learned a few things. Some of the pyramids have been found to have material inside that conducts electricity. I first saw it in HISTORY: Ancient aliens(or maybe another documentary…) From memory, I remember it to be 2 rods that seem to be part of a bigger whole. The experts say that this proves that maybe the pyramids were ancient powerplants that would act as a connection to a satellite. My theory is that what the experts at HISTORY found at the center of the pyramid was the remains of a great machine… Read more »

Palton Hammerad
Palton Hammerad
Reply to  The Dreamer
3 years ago

Maybe they got too good to the point they learned a unique truth about dreams and kept it hidden from the world. Maybe the Egyptians were not the only ones. Reminds me of the fact that the Egyptians and the Aztecs both have pyramids…is that connected somehow?? The holy trinity. The father, the son, and the holy ghost. The hierarchy. The bridge to heaven. And most recently…the board. The flipped pyramid. “If we are looking from below the pyramid…is someone looking from above it.”(a direct quote from- Control(a game)(not exactly the actual quote by the way) ) Kinda cool that… Read more »

Palton Hammerad
Palton Hammerad
Reply to  The Dreamer
3 years ago

Ok. This took me some time because I just realized my breath of knowledge feels more like a weeze compared to your mighty roar. O.M.F.G. wow. Amazin. Have I been living under a rock? Anyways. This has all made me realize… The Egyptians where a mind centered civilisation. No wonder they created the biggest piramids on the dam planet when others where doing things like: stone henge or enormous drawings on the planet. And I just saw the younger dryers impact. Huge stuff. Need time to process. Also, the piramid is 8 sided. :p XD “So how old would… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Palton Hammerad
Palton Hammerad
Palton Hammerad
Reply to  The Dreamer
3 years ago

Exactly! That is why I love to have a open mind, you never know what can be hiding just out of sight. Text me back when you find something interesting. 😀 This will be my last message for now. I really have to catch up on all the stuff I have missed and all the available knowledge and wisdom you have to offer on this website.

As always. Thank you. Thank you for not being a stranger and actually being the friendliest person I have had the fortune to talk to in quite a while… ^_^


Gregory Smith
Gregory Smith
3 years ago

Oh boy. This just summed up why I keep having dreams about witches. My mother was a gas lighting narcissist who made my life hell. I think I am still recovering from my up bringing. My moods might in fact be related. Thanks for the insight and I will look more into Jungs anima work.
