Not one, not two, but three bundles of joy! Oh boy you are in for a surprise. Did you know that having identical triplets is exceedingly rare occurring about 20 to 30 times per 1 million births. So what does having triplets mean in your dream?
Dreaming of triplets isn’t just some random fun of the mill dream, this particular a symbol implying something big is on the horizon that will come in threes.
More than likely you will either be giving birth, noticing, or finding out you are pregnant with triplets. Keep mind that these minor details, locations, reactions and people around may alter the meaning.
Triplet Dream Symbolism
- Something new is coming in threes
- Multiple new developments
- Luck and prosperity
- Transformation or rebirth
Meaning Of Triplets Dreams
Babies commonly appear in dreams when someone is under going their own personal transformation. These special events might be unconscious to the dreamer but is happening behind the scenes. But were exactly?
This new phase or rebirth in your life can be either emotional, phyical or related to spiritual advancement. However in your case dreaming of triplets multiples these new growth stages three times.
Article: Are You Experiencing Unusual Baby Dreams?
Similar how a butterfly emerges in your dreams, the babies are sort of like the metamorphosis process. An inner transformation can now be seen from the outside.
Dream: Pregnant With Triplets?
It is not uncommon for women who are not pregnant to dream of carrying triplets. This can be considered a positive symbol suggesting the beginning stages of inner development. Possibly a big event will come in the future relating to threes.
Triplets in dreams are known as “higher order multiples”, a pregnancy that occurs when a single fertilized egg splits, more than one egg is fertilized, or both things happen at the same time. From one becomes three.
Dreams often use metaphors to relay messages to you via the unconscious. Dreams of eggs are synonymous with rebirth, regeneration, life energy and the soul.
Metaphorically speaking triplets being pregnant with triplets encourages you to to examine your own inner development.
The Significance of Threes
Giving birth to triplets suggests the beginning stages of inner development, opportunities, and expansion in your life. Pay close attention to what events might be unfolding in threes.
The rule of three is a general rule in music, speaking and writing that implies that concepts or ideas presented in threes are inherently more interesting, more amusing, and more important. Remember movies and stories of the Three Little Pigs, Three Billy Goats Gruff, and the Three Musketeers.
The Biblical meaning of triplets can be connected with the holy Trinity. Relating to Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It was said that Jesus was said to rise from the dead on the third day after his death. A symbol about death and rebirth, a connection with the higher power or higher consciousness.
The number three in numerology relates to the creative, communication, charismatic, and a natural rhythm.
That Pythagoreans believed the number 3 to be the first real number.
A symbolic number that represents the mind-body-soul triad, the birth-life-death cycle; or life’s journey.
Triplets Dreams: Past, Present, & Future
Triplets might also be symbolic of the “inner child” referring to the child that hides every grown adult. This child becomes hidden deep within your unconsciousness begging to be rescued. It usually becomes trapped due to past experiences or painful memories when we are little children.
The bitterness of the past, the burden of the present, and the brewing of the future. Triplets might be implying that the healing process is now undergoing.
Since the the past has always already occurred, the present is current, and the future will always happen. In essence by developing or recognizing the babies offers you hope for the future, healing from the past and contentment in the present moment.
Benefits Of Inner Child Work
- Removing emotional blocks
- Becoming less vulnerable and less agreeable
- Gaining personal power and the ability to set boundaries
- Living a mentally healthy life
I had a dream that my daughter was a triplet but in real life she is a twin her twin brother didn’t make it so I just have her in the dream my daughter and her triplets were running back-and-forth from her room to the living room as if the 3 were playing tag or something to that affects they were laughing and giggling except for one at first I thought it was 3 kids playing my daughter and 2 more as I got closer to the kids I asked them their names my daughter and the other child looked… Read more »
I dreamt i gave birth to a set of triplets by my abusive ex he wanted DNA on one baby prior to me giving birth (we thought we had only conceived one baby) and once i delivered all 3 babies he wanted dna on all three of our babies
Hey! I dream of having triplet boys, two looks identical and the remaining one looks even older than them all
I dreamt of something similar i had one girl in my arms she was middle sized, less than one year. the other sister identical or very similar looking to her a little smaller to my left and the brother who was biggest of them all to my left but they were all triplets happy and sweet. I woke up missing them, as they were orphaned and i was taking them in. 🙁
I dreamt of triplets. They are all girls and teenagers. We were all happy in the dream. They were lining up in front of me stating tbere names with beaming faces and giggles. And it really amuses me that the name of my daughters in my dreams are Past, Present, and Futute. All were happy girls but Present is the bubbliest of them all. I wonder what does it mean.
I had a dreamt about triplets few days ago, they were all standing upright in my belly and I could feel the structure of the babies. They were all grown up properly, and are just ready to be delivered, I didn’t feel any unease carrying them. I could feel the butt of two of the babies and the third one was in the innermost so I could not feel it. I was also feeling nauseating and feeling like puking.
So last night I had a dream that I was pregnant with triplets. I had a hysterectomy almost 6 years ago and in my dream I was very aware that I had no uterus. It’s not the first time I’ve had a dream of being pregnant since then, but in my dream I remember saying that it was my second time getting pregnant since my hysterectomy. I’ve been thinking about it all day.
I had a dream that 2 of my sisters had triplets. 1 with 2 boys and a girl the other with 2 girls and a boy. Weird
Im pregnant this is my first pregnancy, and i just had a dream that im pregnant with triplets, 3 boys to be exact, i just recently have been going through so many positive things in my life. & im scared to have triplets, i mean this is my first time
I dreamt that I was the mother of these triplet newborns. In the dream I knew I was their mother and I was taking care of them: bathing them and dressing them one by one. In my mind I thought they were my three sons and I felt like I knew them and they knew me. One was slightly bigger than the other two. I strangely felt confident in that I seemed to be taking good care of them, despite not knowing much about being a mother. In fact, I was even surprised at how well-behaved they were despite being… Read more »
I dreamed I felt alot of movement in my stomach an went to the Dr an they should me an ultrasound of 3 babies all had been growing perfectly but one was just a lil smaller then the rest. But in the dream I was depressed because in my waking life i just broke up with my boyfriend so I didn’t tell anyone i was pregnant
I had a dream of a crowd in a house and a man throwing darts (in the background were three baby triplets and was a beautiful girl) the man hit bulls eye twice and said when I hit the third I will pick all 3 babies up and run round with them in my arms. As this was happening I saw someone kidnapp the girl and the other man hit the 3rd bullseye I shouted…we chased the kidnapper to airport where he dropped the baby, he picked her up and tried to put her through and scanner but failed and… Read more »
Hey! I had a dream last night where I had triplets (ambiguous age throughout dream/ 6 mo to 2yrs), and they were always being taken care of by a friend who was represented by 3 different … tumultuous? friendships. The triplets were 2 girls and 1 boy and I cared about them a lot but I think I was working and they were being taken care of by the friend while I was gone. Hands were a big deal as well( the friend had her pinky and ring finger broken on her left hand and then in another scene her… Read more »
I had a dream I was pregnant with triplets and I’m a musician who’s music just blew up so … I think I got the confirmation
Awesome. More proof that these dreams are very beneficial for the dreamer…
I had a dream that I was experiencing stomach pains and had to go to a special hospital. There found out I was pregnant with triplets. It was weird because 2 eggs were in one Fallopian tube and the other egg was in the other. They never seen anything like this.
Night before I had a dream that I already had a baby girl. Everyone else was holding her but I knew she was my baby. I even breast fed her.
Good dream. This has to do with healing and growth in your life. Read these articles: hospital & egg
Where do I find this article?
Go to the search bar; if you are using a cell phone it is located at the top left three bars.
I had a dream I was pregnant with triplets. Specifically 2 girls and a boy. I already have 5 kids including a set of twins lol yikes
Well it depends on the dream really.
I had a dream that I had already had triplets and I wasn’t pregnant in my dream. I had set all three girls on a pillow on a bed that was maybe 8 inches off the ground and I walked out to lay down cause of how exhausted I was, and when I came back one of the triplets were still laying there while the other two were on the floor in between the wall and bed not moving or blinking and I was panicking trying to get them to wake up. they were so tiny I didn’t think they… Read more »
Beds are symbolic in the sense that it connects you towards intimacy, relationships and the unconscious part of you (see bed dreams in the search bar). It might even be reflecting this new change that is still developing. Walls give you a clue of the barriers you put up to protect you.
Last night I dreamed about seeing 3 women together who all had baby-triplets.
It would be hard to say with little context about the dream.
Well, i guess that’s the only thing i remember; 3 young woman (one locally famous i remember), standing there, all 3 with triplets; i was just standing there at a distance/or as an observer (i guess in the hospital), they seemed to talk with each other joyfully; i guess i also felt joy for them but i was not pregnant myself in that dream, and do not have children and am not pregnant in real life.
It might have to do with your own healing from the past, or perhaps a change with others around you that may have had previous conflict. Hospitals are known to be symbols of healing (see hospital). Its a nice dream but remember you are observing this.
I had a dream I was pregnant with triplets. I became pregnant by a friend of a friend in the dream and my father who passed away was alive and well in my dream too. I wasn’t going to have the babies at first in my dream but decided to keep them. The dream felt pretty real
Interesting. I dont know what this is referring to but I would suggest to just wait and see in the following months what will unfold. It seems to do with some sort of rebirth within you that will come in threes; you have now put the wheels in motion to start something that will soon change you. The dead are closely linked with babies telling you about this rebirth that is taking place. They are known to come in our dreams to let you know this. Read article: dreaming of dead father.
Thank you
I am currently pregnant but had a dream I was pregnant with triplets. Unfortunately in my dream two I miscarried. And now I’m freaking out.
These dreams are actually quite common when pregnant. Unconscious fears play out in our dreams so I wouldn’t worry about it one bit. Good luck with the pregnancy!
I had a dream that I was pregnant with triplets yet they were all different ages. One was maybe 2-3 months old fetus, another was 7-8 months old fetus and the other was born and sitting up just looking at me and smiling. All still in the womb though
Amazing dream. Something very big is on the horizon with you. But what? Only you will know what this is and it will emerge in the next couple of months.