Seeing A Third Eye In Dreams

Noticing a third eye in your dream can be considered very rare yet a profound dream symbol that represents wisdom, the soul, and inner sight. You have been given a sign that something has emerged within that others cannot see.

The third eye can be defined as the door that leads to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. This isn’t considered “new age spirituality” but something that dates as far back as 6,000 BCE in ancient Egypt.

Ghosts In Your Room or Sleep Paralysis?

The image is carved through out the hieroglyphs pyramids in Egyptian hieroglyphs representing the Eye of Horus. The third eye can been seen on the Buddha or the Indian God Shiva – the dot or opening on the middle of the forehead.

Dream Interpretation:

  • Increased psychic abilities
  • Separation between self and spirit
  • Trusting your instincts
  • Spiritual awakening
  • Increased foresight
  • Access to the spirit world

Third Eye Dream Meaning

The image of the third eye in your dream may appear on your forehead, or you may even notice it on someone else; commonly seen on a baby. The interpretation of third eye will vary depending from person to person. It would be trivial to say that all ‘third eye’ dreams mean the same as no two people share the same life experiences.

However you can use location, mood, and the people in your dream as clues to figure out the meaning. Deciphering if this relates to your spiritually or some recent insight you may have obtained in your life recently.

Regardless this is a symbol that is hinting inner change, a conscious shift that will soon take place. A reflection of something that has been dormant for so many years now activated. What could that suggest in your life?

What Does The Third Eye Mean To You?

  • Has the fabric of your reality started to dissolve?
  • Are you seeking inner awareness?
  • Is this a sign of hidden esp abilities?
  • Communication with the spirit world
  • Has your energy peaked to you Ajna chakra?
  • Ability to read other peoples energy
  • Experiencing an ego death

Spiritual & Psychic Awareness

The third eye is can be associated with the pineal gland –  the small endocrine gland in the middle of the brain. Philosopher Descartes considered it ‘the seat of the soul’ or what many refer to it as the focal point for the sixth sense.  Your dream might be hinting at exploring what abilities you have below the surface.

Could the dream suggest you have psychic abilities that you are ignoring? The third eye is the doorway to all things psychic—telepathy, clairvoyance, lucid dreaming and astral projection.

A symbol to become less materialistic and to focus on finding your purpose of why you are on the earth.

Dreaming Of Baby With A Third Eye

Most dreams involving a third eye is usually seen on a baby. Since dreams are coded in metaphors it brings your attention to new growth or awakening inner child. Babies can be scene as a symbol of something now developing within, as if a new growth phase has now started.

Babies are innocent and full of love and joy, this is how you should accept the awakening. To trust the movements and follow your intuition by not letting your ego get in the way.

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2 years ago

I had a dream of my friend having a miscarriage and her two babies had passed on the ground with blood all over the floor and I looked at her babies as she carried it and I was expecting her to be sad but she had a smile on her face when look straight at her she had a third eye that wasn’t there and one of her babies had it except for the other I told someone who was by me to look but he wasn’t paying any attention the person who was by my friend looked at me… Read more »

2 years ago

I dreamed that I had a third eye situated on my front head. In my dream I was trying to trim my eyelashes for the “normal” eyes and cut them too short. I was looking in the mirror, with regret, and compared the length of the trimmed eyelashes with the ones on the third eye. These were just long and lush and very well defined. I contemplated how long it will take for the trimmed eyelashes to reach the length of the ones on the third eye. Not for a second I wondered about the existence of the third eye;… Read more »

2 years ago

Last night I dreamed I helped someone open their third eye. At first the eye rotated freaking out looking all around then it calmed down.

Thabang Moroane
Thabang Moroane
2 years ago

I have dreamt of seeing a man i did not know, with a third eye on the side of his face, where usually the ear would be, the eye winked, what could that be?

2 years ago

There was a moment last night where I sat down in a school cafeteria and as I made eye contact with a girl who had special needs I felt filled with fear like I was about to see something really scary. Right then a third eye appeared in between her eyes and I was jolted awake. That’s the second time I’ve had that intense feeling in a dream. The first time was maybe a week ago. I was walking down a grassy hill where I saw this older lady. As soon as I saw her i felt my adrenaline go… Read more »

Raameshwar Sharma
Raameshwar Sharma
2 years ago

I didn’t have a dream as I was awake in bed meditating with my eyes closed and chanting “ AUM “ In my head , and I say it wasn’t a dream because I didn’t choose to picture this it came to me as if someone else was showing it too me because I had no idea what was happening , it was deep in space and there was a cosmic orange blurr shaped like a oval , the “ AUM” sound became as though a sage was saying it and the orange glow opened up and I don’t exactly… Read more »

2 years ago

Thanks for this post, I’ve been searching for an answer. I dreamed my almost-2-year-old granddaughter had a 3rd eye I noticed, for the first time. In the dream (which was so realistic), I was fascinated but also kind of horrified. I was thinking, “Why have I never noticed this before?!” “Have her parents ever noticed this??” And, “I will still love her, no matter what!” The 3rd eye she had was pretty symmetrical to the others, but kind of smaller and situated on her left temple. And it was a very realistic dream; I checked her later to make sure… Read more »

2 years ago

I had a dream about a month back that was extremely vivid but I only remember the one small part. I could feel a third eye on my forehead, it felt insanely real. But it was crying. Like years were flowing heavily out of it and landing onto my lap and it was giving me a really heavy feeling in my head.

3 years ago

Hello, Long story short, my sister is a tad bit spiritual and she had a dream last night about me. It goes like this, so my parents told her that i am feeling unwell, she came in my room to find me laying on the bed facing downward, i turned around and she saw a closed third eye(like a wound) on my forehead, black around my eyes, after that she tried to do a “reiki” on me and then i stood near her and she felt scared, she told me to wait a little bit more so she can finish… Read more »

3 years ago

I had a dream of a beautiful lol baby girl however she did have a 3rd eye . 2days before I woke up and looked straight at the clock it was 1:11 I also had a reading that the universe is trying to give me something. I’m very curious of what’s going on my father’s side of the family has spiritual gifts but they will not talk about it is it or nothing. I don’t want to be like them.

3 years ago

I already have a kido, and recently I had a miscarriage and last night I’ve dreamed of having twins, a girl with 3 eyes opened (she was so beautiful but so serious) and a boy. And I was trying to change her to protect her, thinking that society wouldn’t accept her like that, was trying to make her accept a surgery to remove her 3rd eye. Then I had 2 more boys and I was thinking, wow I have so many children now. So curious what all of these could mean

Harold Steverson
Harold Steverson
3 years ago

I just had a dream where my niece fell down the stairs and then she had a third eye form. It was really freaky also i was told by my mom in my dream I was asleep so it seems i had a dream inside a dream because i swear I was awake.

Kathery Vazquez
Kathery Vazquez
3 years ago

I had a dream with a Baby who had a 3rd eye on its forehead, he/she was about 3-4 months, it wasn’t mine. It was my moms, like if she had brought it to me.., my mom passed away 1 year ago. The baby was happy and smiled at me, I cried in my sleep and told him/her I loved him/her. I felt so loved by the baby.

Kathery Vazquez
Kathery Vazquez
Reply to  The Dreamer
3 years ago

I couldn’t tell where I was it was dark around me. And no my mom didn’t have either. There was another lady there I didn’t know her. I just remember her big smile and big theeth

Emily Margetts
Emily Margetts
3 years ago

I dreamt my friend had twins. One was a normal baby boy called Bertrum and there was a little girl called Elizabeth, but she was trying to hide the baby girl; she baby was tiny, almost like a premature baby, and she had 3 perfect eyes; all working and looking around. She wouldn’t let me hold her, and then she put her face down on a sofa, and I told her that she’ll suffocate if she doesn’t move her, so when she did eventually turn her over, she was blue but then started screaming but then immediately after, it seemed… Read more »

3 years ago

I dreamed that people were dying, and this dying woman handed me her two baby twins (boys I think). Both babies had difficulties breathing but I tapped their backs and then they were fine. As I was holding them, I realized one had 4 eyes and the other had 3. They weren’t particularly pretty eyes too. I then glanced in the mirror still holding onto the babies to observe the differences between my eyes and their eyes. I saw myself in the mirror so clearly, for the first time ever in my dreams. The baby with three eyes, had one… Read more »

3 years ago

In my dream, last night, my 2 week old baby boys head was connected at the neck to end of my middle finger. His eyes were closed buy he had an eye in the middle of his head that was as wide open as could be. He was staring at me with this third eye. I lifted my arm into the air holding his head so he could look down on me. The i felt his stare increase in intensity and i felt overwhelmed. I considered smashing my sons head off of my hand, but loving my son so, i… Read more »

3 years ago

I dreamt that my 3rd eye had been cut out, in the shape of a triangle (with the surrounding skin from around it), and that I was holding it, looking at it. I don’t know how or why it had been cut out. I only remember holding it and looking at it, wondering why it had been cut out and trying to put it back in. Could this be a sign that I’m disconnected from my intuition? I’m going through a very confusing situation in my life right now and feel overall lost.

3 years ago

I had a dream that my son had a 3rd eye near his left temple. If he turned his face to the side, this eye & his profile represented a twin (as if he were conjoined (with the kicker being a twin that I actually know). I cant shake this dream & can not figure out what it means!

Leigh Ellen
Leigh Ellen
3 years ago

I dreamed I picking up my dog at the groomers (she is a small white Maltese mix). A man was there trying to re-home a small puppy that looked just like her. I took her home with us. As we socialized I realized that when she was excited or around other humans – her eyes would get large and the her third eye would emerge as she interacted with humans.
She was sweet and loving pup and it did not seem odd at all in my dream.

3 years ago

I had a dream that I was getting three messages from G-d. The first was a man all in white with a white hat was holding two swords and I knew it was the two of swords and only certain people would be able to see it. He was in the sky very large. The people who saw it became like wanting to fight for what they saw but I didn’t have the same feelings. I knew somehow it was about peace or something like that. Then I saw a baby that was mine and she had the third eye… Read more »