Fighting Dreams

One of the most common dream themes we tend to experience revolves around fighting, sometimes to our death. Fighting is a very symbolic dream symbol that brings your attention to conflict in our lives. The battle that is usually graphic and vivid usually involves either wrestling, cutting, punching or even shooting the intended target.

Fighting in your dream can be a very valuable dream symbol once decoded. It will provide you with insight that you are not conscious of yet; whether you win or lose the battle. You are challenging or facing something in your life that was once avoided.

Your dream will provide you with clues such as the locations the fight took place, the person you fought with, and what transpired before and after. The theme of your dream will appear metaphoric, hence why you might even fight with an old friend, family member or an acquaintance. They are symbols in your dream representing a bigger picture, something that is unconscious to you.

Fighting In Dreams

Location: The location of where you are fighting plays a big role when it comes to decoding your dreams. This will determine if this is an emotional struggle or and external struggle. If for example you where fighting in your house; this is a representation to your mind/psyche as each floor contains a different meaning. You are possibly trying to fight off, protect, or defend aspects of yourself where you might feel vulnerable or weak. Alternately, it could be a symbol of over coming your old ways as you will become stronger.

Work or School: Places like your work place or school might bring your focus on the challenges you face in these areas. If you are below ground or a basement settings you have entered the unconscious; parts of the dreamer they are unaware of. These are very important dream symbols that bring you insight to the deeper part of yourself that is currently in a conflict. You might be in the process of facing and challenging something you not known to you yet.

People: The person you are fighting can give you a clue to where the problem may stem from, though this is not always the case. Sometimes we fight with the people we love, hardly know; or when the face is unrecognizable. You can determine if the battle belong with a direct conflict or an emotional conflict.

Family: Fighting your brothers and sisters, father and mother are very common in dreams. Often times this is a result of feelings, memories or emotions that are repressed with the dreamer. You will need to dig deep and explore your relationship with the person you are fighting with in your dreams. Could it be a representation of the past, dominance, attention or not being treated fairly?

Friend: Fighting with a friend is a very common dream symbol that brings your attention to unresolved issues. An inability to express how you feel, past situations that where not settled or aspects of them you possibly don’t agree with. Alternatively the dreamer might be challenging or confronting unconscious feelings or emotions that where once passed under the rug.

Unknown Face: Dreams of fighting an unknown or faceless person connects the dreamer to the his or her shadow. The shadow represents “the dark side” of your personality, your unconscious behaviors, urges or repressed feelings are stored here. These are positive dream symbols that you might be confronting these traits that where once unknown to you. Winning the fight is considered a positive symbol suggesting you will over come these idiosyncrasies.

Fist Fight: Hands are a very symbolic that emerge metaphorically to represent our relationships, expression, strengths, protection and opportunities. A direct battle to possibly show dominance or authority – a fight to win something.

Snake: A very powerful dream symbol that brings your attention to venomous or dangerous people that you might be connected to. Killing the snake is considered a good omen, where being bitten effects your energy. Snakes can also be a unification between the unconscious and conscious state; life force energy, fertility or internal struggle.

Cat: Dreams of fighting a cat focuses on the feminine, creative, and spiritual side of the dreamer. Depending the context of the dream it can be interpreted in many ways. The dreamer can explore areas in his or her life that connects to a distorted feminine. Alternatively it could also suggest being catty or being in cat fight with someone.

Zombies: Dreaming of fighting zombies are becoming more and more common based off of Hollywood’s shows and movies. If there isnt a direct correlation between the two one can explore feelings of society or possibly aspects of themselves they are fighting off.

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Reese G
Reese G
2 years ago

Three nights in a row I have dreamed of fighting someone I know from along time ago on school grounds. In all three I win but wake up feeling super emotional. My new partner has also been dreaming about fighting worried about what this could mean for us both

2 years ago

I had a dream, I was in a dark street lit up by streetlights. I was walking home and a large man came out of the shadows. He approached me and I was frightened so I began hitting him in the face, but no matter how hard I swung he just stood there like I wasn’t hitting him at all. In the end I turned around and ran. He chased me, but I kept getting slower and slower. He finally caught up to me and stuck a gun in my face. He shoots me and I jerk awake. It’s not… Read more »

Reply to  Crashingmagic
2 years ago

i have dreams so similar to that its like i cant keep fighting i just am so week and slow and always loose and die. there nothing on this on the website ofc but theyre awful.

2 years ago

Just woke up from a dream that seemed real where a random guy wanted to fight me at a house party. We definitely used our hands I was taller than this person I am a female. I was about to get inside the house and this guy out of no where starts to cuss me out he stood on the stairs and lunged right for me pushing me out of the house and started to punch me in my face I defended myself and I punched him back it pushed him backwards into the house. And that’s where I woke… Read more »

2 years ago

I had a dream that I was fighting myself in a forest or wooded area. It was dark like night and pouring down rain. I seemed to be both me s at the same time and yet different as well, almost like constantly changing my perspectives between myselves but at a rapid pace. We were only fist fighting. One me was beating the other me really bad. The winning me was angry and felt powerful. I wanted to kill the other me and I wasn’t going to stop. The losing me was sobbing the entire time. Wondering why I’m being… Read more »

2 years ago

I just jolted awake after dreaming that I got into a fist fight with somebody I didn’t recognise. I was a real estate agent in a suit doing an evaluation for this man. I’ve never worked in real estate before. The man wasn’t home at the time but his mother was, and I was there with my mother and father. The man’s mother said he will be coming home shortly. I took a shower there and got into more casual clothes. He came home. I delivered the evaluation amount. He was unhappy. My mother and father kept giving reasons as… Read more »

3 years ago

I had a dream last night that I dont remember much leading up to the moment but I was in the middle of the street and a girl who was a stranger was antagonizing me and I told her to leave me alone and I knocked her out in one punch. Wondering what that could be about?

3 years ago

I dreamt I was fighting myself on top of this big sewer cover while a big big turtle watched. the top half of his body was sticking out and he was just watching me fight myself. We were fighting and balancing ourselves on the sewer cover. I was sure that I knew the other me’s move so i precountered the move but the other me didn’t move and i lost balance and fell in. the turtle jumped in the water and ate me whole. I was still asleep but I felt sad that I had died. Other people and the… Read more »

Reply to  The Dreamer
3 years ago

Thank you.

Christina Rio
Christina Rio
3 years ago

My boyfriend has been having many dreams of fighting snakes, fighting sharks from a boat and wolfs. They are so intense that I wake up from him kicking and pushing me in his sleep.

3 years ago

My dream had many scenes and events takes place but the most staggering and jarring was about a neighbors house burning down. She was very angry previously in the dream and again before her house crumbled. In both times of seeing her in passing, she was throwing rocks straight for my head, but it was as if they passed through me or just beside my ear missing me by a hair. For some reason I started to yell at her and try to take aim from across the street. She quickly hurried to her home up the empty apartment complex… Read more »

3 years ago

So I had this dream yesterday where I was having fun in a different city with my family little siblings to be exact and one cousin the just a year older than me but then we had to make sure they got home safe but our phones weren’t working for some reason but eventually they made it home or left but then we decide to go home the two older siblings of the group after some take I don’t remember we make it but the house is locked and we start looking around to find a way in and we… Read more »

Reply to  The Dreamer
3 years ago

Thank you so much for taking a moment to help me out though I do believe you have it mostly spot on i think there is something or better someone because the Person that as you said I have trouble communication with is a little more complicated because the only way I can get through and say what I want is to be sneaky as you said and that comes with fears of being caught and anxiety but that person was no where in this dream so I don’t know but please tell me what you think

Reply to  The Dreamer
3 years ago

its something I’m not necessarily proud of but when we have those short conversations it’s pure bliss then I have a thought that we can’t be like this all the because of our fears that the other finds out because of their protectiveness toward said person and we acknowledge that that is what’s making the feeling of unease that we both feel I can’t speak for the other but it really seems we enjoy each other’s company all the fears and doubts are the manifestation of the non consistent reassurance that we are on the same page at least for… Read more »

Reply to  The Dreamer
3 years ago

Thank you