Cannibal Dream Meaning

Are you dreaming of cannibals?

Cannibals in dreams mimic very similar patterns like zombies because they feed off of humans. But dream cannibals are not really cannibals but the people in your life who feed off of your good energy, only to put you in a negative state of mind.

Known as energy vampires are people who — sometimes intentionally — drain all of your mental battery juice. They love to feed on your willingness to pay them attention and care for them, leaving you exhausted and overwhelmed. Energy vampires can be anywhere and anyone, in fact they can even be you without you realizing it – though your dream would make sure and tell you though its symbols. They can be your partner, coworkers, or your even best friend.

Your dream encourages you to find out who the cannibal might be and how to naturalize its toxic behaviors.

Common cannibalism dream themes

  • the dreamer is often attacked
  • being eaten alive
  • chased by a cannibal
  • seeing human mean in dreams
  • eating human head

What does it mean when you dream about getting eaten alive?

When we metaphorically think of the act of consuming another individual of the same species as food we must pay attention to our surroundings. To dream of being eaten alive suggests whoever is feeding off of your energy remains unconscious, though may receive clues such as locations, specific emotions, and where they might be interested in eating you first.

Locations help pinpoint the root of the problem. For example, to dream of being eating alive at work usually points towards your coworkers, whereas in your house connects the person to the psyche/mind or inner architecture; a symbol that implies your behaviors or cravings end up devouring you in the long run. Alternatively, dreams about eating yourself represents depleting your own energy – a connection between negative traits and behaviors you are unable to stop.

If you are witnessing cannibalism in your dream it suggests you are unable to stop or not wanting to get involved between a weak person and their attackers.

Learning how to identify the cannibal attack dreams

  1. These are people who do not take accountability.
  2. Always stuck in some sort of drama.
  3. They try and one up you any chance they can get.
  4. Everyday is a new problem and when you give them advice they do not take it.
  5. The ability to guilt trip you and are bully like.

Are you eating a baby in your dream?

Typically, seeing a baby in a dream signifies “new growth, warmth and new beginnings,”. Though it becomes a negative symbol in our dreams when we are consuming something that can metaphorically grow within ourselves. By eating a fetus in our dreams suggests an unconscous attack on sabotaging new growth within your life.

Cannibalism dream meaning Bible

Cannibalism is in fact mentioned in the Bible (Leviticus 26:29; Deuteronomy 28:53-57. Although there is no direct statement that says, “Thou shalt not eat human flesh,” the obvious indication from Scripture is that cannibalism is considered to be a terrible and vile act.

In our dreams the biblical meaning of cannibalism in our dreams represents an inhuman act of desperation by feeding of of others. Since the Bible often uses parables and metaphors like our dreams, it might be related to the toxic people in our lives that feed off of us in some way.

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1 year ago

I’m mortified at my dream, and I was so shocked that they had it on here. I dreamed I ate my aunts baby. I didn’t dream the eating process but in the dream I was the one who did it. I feel disgusting.

1 year ago

So, I’ve just woken up and I’m still, honestly, horrified about what I just dreamt about. So I was back in the past essentially, during a time in my life when I couldn’t get out of an emotionally abusive situation—I was in a group home. And one day, they suddenly called us into the living room, even though I was meant to be going home that day. And I was upset because it was wasting my time and they were getting a kick out of it so to speak. So, they take us out of the house in like small… Read more »

1 year ago

I dreamed that there was a guy who kept attacking people in the elevator and stairwell of the mall. He was trying to eat them by just…. biting them. Not a zombie, very much just a guy. It got him kicked out of the mall and he walked sadly away, until he found a canal full of fish and jumped in. Then he stopped being the scary mall cannibal and started being that guy who lives in the canal and catches fish with his teeth, which is a minor tourist attraction and local celebrity.

1 year ago

My dream was different it was about a tall man in a red hoodie and he kept following me. One day I found some friends to talk to about it and I hung out with them most of the day. In real life I don’t like these people, but in the dream I went home and didn’t see him on the bus, which was good, but I did see him on the street close to my friends house then when I got home I told my family and they didn’t believe me then the next day I got on the… Read more »

Elizabeth Bowen
Elizabeth Bowen
1 year ago

I had a very different type of cannibalism dream. It was a 3rd person view dream of a middle aged man and woman. They were in prison and the guards had been taking people all day to die and next was our turn, so we ran. We ran and ran being chased by the police every corner and turn until finally we found an old abandoned prison area that led us underground. The dream skips forward 2 years specifically, and it was still just me and her, she was losing her mind but keeping it together, we were doing what… Read more »

Reply to  Elizabeth Bowen
1 year ago

I had a similar third perspective dream…god it’s going to haunt me for a while. But I haven’t been able to find a meaning behind it.

1 year ago

I very much disagree, the Bible does discuss cannibalism. It is considered murder and it is wrong. You can see the disgust in the idea around cannibalism, in dreams and in general. “He will refuse to share with them the flesh he is devouring—the flesh of one of his own children—because he has nothing else to eat during the siege and terrible distress that your enemy will inflict on all your towns.” ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭28‬:‭55‬ ‭NLT‬‬ ““The siege and terrible distress of the enemy’s attack will be so severe that you will eat the flesh of your own sons and daughters,… Read more »

Reply to  Mia
1 year ago

Totally agree with you!

2 years ago

what it means biblically, I see some people are celebrating tradition of eating humans being, and all are young adults between 25 to 35 years old male and female,
what relation this have with biible.

Last edited 2 years ago by ERIC BENJAMIN