Are you going crazy that you keep dreaming of your crush?
Did you know that thousands of people a month search the web anticipating answers why their crush keeps appearing in their dreams, yet are still not satisfied with the answer they find.
Crushes can be viewed as more than just an infatuation but rather something bigger that is being projected in the dream – a deeper more profound meaning that brings the dreamer closer to his or her soul. More than likely you will wake up from this dream feeling euphoric wondering if this was just a wishful fantasy or something much more significant.
Why Do I Dream Of My Crush?
The mere fact that crushes are commonly known to manifest in different ways – usually connected with a deep conversation, Kissing each other, Hugging, and sometimes being Ignored by your crush in your dream.
Since crushes in our dreams emerge in specific ways we are going to pick apart why they appear what what your crush actually means when they appear in our dreams. Here are reasons why you keep dreaming of your crush.
#1. Crush Dreams: A Potential Soul mate?
Have you ever felt a close connection with somebody you just met? Something about your crush sends butterflies in your stomach as if you instantly clicked with this person. Maybe they are directly linked to your soul mate?
Many people like to associate these people as our “twin flame” or “soul mate” that magically spark a fire within us that was never been lit before. It is not uncommon that people end up marrying their crushes in the distant future.
Find out if you met your twin flame in your dreams?
#2. Dreaming Of My Crush: Our Need To Get High!
The human brain is comprised off many different structures and one of these structures are notoriously known to get us addicted. Yes you heard right, you might be addicted to your crush the same way we are known to craving delicious ice cream, seek thrills, or worse yet dabble into drugs.
All the limbic part of the brain wants is just wants dopamine charge. This dopamine kick is directly linked to things that make us feel good and you know when your crush kisses you right? That instant high hits you like a ton of bricks only for you to crave it time and time again.
This is why we might be known to always kiss or do other naughty things with our crushes in our dreams – the natural high your brain really needs.
#3. Kissing Crush In My Dream Meaning
Only if your dream could have lasted for eternity. Did you know that kissing in your dream is way more symbolic than you think. Did you know that kissing causes a chemical reaction in your brain? Kissing your crush in your dream might me stirring up unconscious feelings of affection and attachment you have with this person – your love hormone is now kicking in.
In fact kissing your crush in your dreams might be related to a need or desire to communicate with this person. Dreams like to appear metaphoric in nature as lips are often known as verbal, communication and speech.
Being kissed on your lips may also be connected to what Sigmund Freud would considered a kiss is disguised as a fulfillment of a repressed wish. Now is this something you are longing for?
Find out why kissing is symbolic in your dreams.
#4. Dream Of Crush Hugging Me
Dreaming of hugging your crush connects with the energies that are felt when you are close to them. The feeling of joy, happiness, support, and love that we get from hugging is manifested in your dream metaphorically implying a need for this connection.
If we think in metaphors we can view hugging as connecting the opposite unconscious energies within. Carl Jung might imply that the person you are hugging reflects your inner masculine or feminine (depending who is dreaming) that needs to be integrated. He called this both the anima for men, and the animus for women.
#5. Does Your Crush Ignore You In Your Dreams?
Anyone who ignores you in real like makes us feel lower than dirt. Worse yet when you dream about your crush ignoring you. What gives?
Well it turns out being ignored in your dream is quite common that either suggests one of two things. First, could it be possible that your crush actually ignores you in your life? Do you feel non existent or worthless? Maybe he or she is not interested in you. Maybe this is a fear that you have that is being projected in your dream.
Sometimes when we dream of being ignored it has to do with us more than them, feelings of insecurity or a need to be wanted might in the forefront here.
I had a dream where I was looking at a map with my crush it was nice
There was one dream I had, it felt really fast, but I was walking with my friends and then some guy in all black was pointing a gun towards the ground. My friends dissapeared. Keep in mind I don’t know what his face looked like, then he moved slightly and there was two guys holding my crush’s shoulders and he was on the ground on his knees, the man in black said, “ you know this guy?” And pointed at him with the gun. I said yes and the guy in black started asking about something called GHOST. Of course… Read more »
I had a dream where my parents were hosting this party, and some people I’ve never seen before (one was a girl, like I think 2 years younger than me and the other was her brother who was a year older than me and just good looking) so the girl asks my name and age and her brother perks up and walks over to me and just starts flirting. We eventually get to cuddling and talking and he’s about to kiss me just he pulls saying that “we’re too young” than we spend a little while apart but we start… Read more »
i keep having recurring dreams abt my crush and its a different setting every time, but this pattern always happens. he humiliates me, i cry, he says hes sorry and he actually really likes me, then we hug, and the dreams over. so its recurring but its different every time.
I had a dream where I was at my brothers wrestling tournament and I saw my crush there. He told me that he’s losing feelings for his girlfriend. We start walking and I tell him she likes alot of boys that aren’t him. He puts his arm around my shoulders and we just talk and it felt so real like i was feeling the emotions and butterfly’s in my stomach
I had a dream where i was at the gym where my crush workout at and I was worried about him not having water. I usually dream about fake stuff like video games etc. I wonder what my dream meant etc.
This dream was a bit different from the others, for I had (or at least I think I had?) given up on this crush long ago. So basically, This was in an alternate timeline where my crush actually admitted to me first, and we were, like, dating? I don know, I kind of remember shopping for some green vegetable before they were supposedly coming over. Then we ended up alone somehow and they kept asking me to kiss them, and then I heard someone coming… Anyway! That was a weird dream and I have been trying to figure out what… Read more »
I had a dream that my crush held my hand and we walked into a water park to solve a mystery about a siren that controlled everyone but us. He then went to the surfing thing in water parks and I went to go question, someone, about the siren. Then we got in his car and we drove but we got pulled over and they asked to see his privates. We drove away after that. It was weird. After, we say we would be late and he said “It doesn’t matter” He then looked at me sadly and he smiled… Read more »
I dreamt that i was in this weird big line and my crush was in another line but we were supposed to be in the same line and then he said that he was gonna pick me up from school and then his cousin arrived to take me, him, and my friend to his house and then we just had some conversations…idk what that’s all about.
i also remember the colors orange, purple, dark blue, and green. Those were the colors of the lines.
I dreamt that something happened and my crush had to be executed by being shrunk and out into a bucket of chemicals and would slowly go to sleep and die, and that i cried and cried for her but she was still barely alive so i managed to take her out and tell her that i loved her and kissed and hugged her then she had to be put back in and i just felt sad after that. What does this mean?
I dreamt that, I was moving school… But I didn’t want to leave that school, so someone in the dream told me just go to the old one (the same school but how it was in the past) in my waking life there isn’t an old school of my current school. Which means that going back to the old one, was going back to how it used to be or feel cause it no longer feels the same it did back then. I walked to my house in the dream but taking the way to my old house which is… Read more »
The moving of the school might be related to learning something new or graduating to another part in your life. When you go back it suggests going back either to learn from the past. Houses in dreams often connect the person to the psyche/mind or inner architecture. Hats cover our heads or in dream language that could be connected with your thoughts. The girl could be related to some sort of new drive or instinct (gecko) that you are now developing. I am not sure what the last part of the dream is hinting at but at night time we… Read more »
I wish
wow that was weird