Did Your Twin Flame Appear In Your Dreams?

Have you ever felt a close connection with somebody you just met? You instantly clicked as if you have known each other for your entire lives. You may even had butterflies in your stomach right before you spoke.

We like to refer to these people as our “twin flame” or “soul mate” that spontaneously appears out of the blue, as if the stars were aligned that day. But what happens when they emerge in your dreams?

Just like the random synchronistic connection in your walking life your twin flame can appear in your dreams at any given time.

Though something about this person isn’t just some wishful fantasy or romance but something more profound. Despite the short lived contact they have left you with a feeling that will resonate in your soul until you die.

Twin Flame Visitation Dream

Since we are unable to pick and choose what dreams we want to experience and when, your twin flame will come to you when the time is right. They can show up at any given age at any given time.

Your dreams take you on a journey that you have no control over, as if you closed your eyes and randomly picked a movie on Netflix. In essence you become the main character that sets out to experience an unplanned adventure of horror, suspense, excitement, action and romance.

Though your twin flame doesn’t just appear as your typical ‘romance‘ or ‘sex dream‘ that implies repressed erotic wishes; or possibly suggesting the joining of two energies. They will not only take a piece of your heart, but a part of your soul.  Top Ten Most Symbolic Dreams To Experience.

Often times you will get a chance to kiss your twin flame. These dreams are just highlights of how strong the connection was between you.

Twin Flame Dream Visitation Signs: 

  • Connecting not just on a phyical or emotional level, but a spiritual level.
  • An epic dream that will stay with you for your entire life.
  • Dream is incredible vivid that feels like you had it the night before.
  • You will always long to meet them again.
  • Feeling as if you have been in love in another time/dimension.
  • You are not complete without them, waking up feeling sad.
  • Falling in love with people that mirror your twin flame.

Twin Flame Separation Dreams

One of the major signs you have met your twin flame is the feeling of separation that comes with the dream. Your only wish would be to just meet up with them for one last minute to get that euphoric high you once felt.

You are met with conflicting emotions of overwhelming sadness and joy as you might not ever see them again. They will open your heart so wide that without them everything just feels like an empty void. Like a warm breeze passes you on a calm sunny day they comfort a part of your soul that nobody else can touch.

The separation causes conflicting emotions of overwhelming sadness and joy. Questions are running though your head wondering who this person was and if you would ever see them again.

Will I Ever Meet My Twin Flame Again?

It is normal to separate from your twin flame as your dreams cannot go on forever. Some people may get lucky and meet them one last time though he or she can appear but in different forms.

Who was this person that gave you a glimpse at what love truly feels like? Could this be your actual soul mate on this earth that you actually connected too in the dream realm? Maybe this is who you meet when we move on to the next stage of life? Some people may think that you will eventually meet this person in the near future.

Why Does Separation Happen?

  • A need to develop psychologically and spiritually.
  • Need to love yourself before you love your flame.
  • Lessons need to be learned within. You are not ready yet.
  • Needing to undergo a healing process.
  • It is not your time as yet.

Carl Jung: The Journey Towards Wholeness

According to analytical psychologist and mystic Carl Jung would suggest that this so called “twin flame” appears to be a part of our soul. Jung used the name  Anima for men, and animus for women – the unconscious masculine and feminine energy within.

This would be equivalent to what the ancient Chinese philosophers called  Yin and Yang. There are many different versions to this symbol: light and darkness, good and evil, positive and negative, up and down, heaven and earth, love and hate, life and death.

Alternatively, this so called “twin flame” that appeared in your dream is a part of you that is unconscious and needs to be found again. This is why the seperate from you in your dream, as if to tell you to come and find me. In order to find them you will need to find yourself first.

Twin Flame & Finding Myself

The psyche is such that it consists and embraces both an unconscious masculine and feminine structure. The psyche is inherently androgynous regardless what sex the person is; the Animus is the inner masculine side of a woman, and Anima the inner feminine to a man.

However both must take a different path in order to achieve completeness of the soul. The man must take on the task by embracing his true feelings and emotions, for example: art of listening, compassion, creativity, mindfulness etc.

On the other hand a women would become complete wen she questions her ideas and opinions. In essence by becoming more assertive, less agreeable, learning masculine skills, and becoming more self sufficient and reliant.

Once these unconscious energies have been fully integrated in your life you will then become more complete as an individual.

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2 years ago

Can’t one just go to a hypnotist to clear out a twin Flame? Can u get rid of it through a hypnotist. The emotions, thoughts are exhausting. Dreams that never end from before you see the person physically and you just know in this life time you aren’t supposed to share life. Can’t I get rid of it in my system. Now will I be making things worse. I have been resisting the person I don’t act on anything .It’s annoying and tirering. I’m clearing the nergy off my system. That’s all.

2 years ago

i have been seperate from him for2/3weeks and last night i had a ream we kissed and he went south i am soconfused

Last edited 2 years ago by rebecca
2 years ago

The dream was I helped a decent guy sitting by the stairs whilst lots of people going down from the stairs and I asked him if he was okay and I gave him a bottled of water which I even opened it up for him and I gave him chocolates I even asked him if he has a money to pay for his cab and I said oh yeah we just landed from abroad of course you have and we smiled and I touched his face and left. my partner was smiling looking at me and I held his arm… Read more »

2 years ago

I had a dream last night I’m 14 but was 15 in my dream and had a beautiful girlfriend and she was pregnant. We had a little baby boy, we got married when we were 18 what does it mean?

3 years ago

i have a celebrity twin flame Niall . i had a dream recently i snuck in his friends home in the basement they came in the basement to get a bottle of wine .they caught me i explained i was homeless(i really wasnt) i was in england .um niall was nice offered to take me for a meal with his friends. we all get on this bus his friends step on my bag and crack my phones i have three of them one was already cracked but still worked. we have lunch he payed for everyone we get back on… Read more »

3 years ago

I sometimes dream about my twinflame being with another girl whom I know, and I am jealous of her, like being lovers and sometimes they are even married. I feel so sad as soon as I wake up, and I feel that it is gonna be real??? or am I being wrong thinking that he is mine??? I don’t know it just cause frustration.

3 years ago

i had a dream a few months back (a month before my tf and i broke up) about us having a big fat wedding but him not being ready yet. i went to him inside a swimming pool and asked him why he wasn’t ready. he started explaining and i came to know about his insecurities in my dream. at one point he started crying and i hugged him to comfort him. then we broke up and i saw a few vivid dreams of us for like a month after that and last night, after like 8 whole months, he… Read more »

Alyssa Knowles
Alyssa Knowles
3 years ago

I’ve been in separation for over a year and have had 4 twin flame dreams in the past 4 months. The one 2 weeks ago was so lucid and vivid of us just holding each other in the most beautiful and happy space…it was the most lucid real dream I’ve ever had and felt and smelled him… then I woke up.sobbing when realizing it wasn’t real… …then last night I had such a strange dream about his mentally ill brother, myself, and my twin engaging in strange sexual acts with robotic mannequins but me and my twin knew it was… Read more »

3 years ago

My twin flame is celebrity but sometimes he is not coming in my dream why and he is avoiding our connection why please tell me

Ariella Strauss
Ariella Strauss
3 years ago

I found who my TF was 2 yrs ago. He actually is an actor /musician and I am an author. he inspired a character in my books and between 4 to 6 months later i found out we were twin flames. last September through a mutual friend and his management he confirmed he is aware of me and received, read and loved my books…as an author this is great feedback, but as a twin flame my soul was spinning (also fyi I’m married going on 22 yrs to a soulmate) Dream wise they started Spring of 2019 here and there… Read more »

Reply to  Ariella Strauss
3 years ago

My dreams come the same and when they stop for more than a week I get worried they’ll never return. But they do. I just wish my 3d was as active!

3 years ago

I had a dream last nite about looking into my tf eyes.. what does it mean..

4 years ago

I enjoy interpreting the dreams of others, and I’m often amazed at what mine represent once I’ve untangled them; they’re better than therapy for telling me what’s going on under the hood. However, there was this one dream that still perplexes me. IRL, I have two older brothers. I’m the youngest and the gay one. In my dream, I had a sister who told me that I had a lost twin brother, and from the moment she told me, I was on a mission to find him; but it wasn’t just trying to find something that was lost, the emotional… Read more »

4 years ago

Had a dream I reunited with my tf. I walked in to his house, vaulted ceilings, we embraced and kissed. His mom was there watching from a distance. we were getting ready to go somewhere but I needed to change. I went to a closet or hallway and was wearing orange shorts but couldn’t find the right top. My tf was waiting and passing me tops to try on…as he was ready to go. Then I woke. We have been separated 10 years…but I feel like something is coming soon.

4 years ago

I remember feeling like that a while back. I had that dream when I was younger, and I also had the separation effects too. I wonder if I will ever meet them? Seeing how I haven’t had that dream since I was younger, does that mean they died?

4 years ago

ummmm… thats exactly what i felt last night

4 years ago

I’ve had 2 dreams in a row last night and the night before which I haven’t in a while and In the dream I remembered the separation and it felt like the dream we were hanging out was a reunion. I’ve been having so many more signs recently like angel numbers or his initials on a license car plate and a butterfly next to my car on the street and etc. I feel crazy but I read tarot readings yesterday that repeated and said what dream I head which held me back so much and the reader said ur not… Read more »

Graceful Dreamer
Graceful Dreamer
Reply to  Jess
4 years ago

10/24/2020 In my dream I was traveling to a different dimension/time period I distinctly remember thommy laying down on a couch and I was trying to talk to Krystal on the other couch but Krystal turned into thommy and had four eyes. She said /they said they were twin flames and I was upset for a moment I also felt like if I laid down on the empty couch I would wake up there. (I have reoccurring dreams where I feel like I can stay in that dimension and wake up in it, but then something happens and I wake… Read more »

4 years ago

i honestly dreamt i met him last night and i feel like ive dreamt about him before. will he come back soon? i really hope so

4 years ago

Great article I did see my twin flame often in my dreams before we reconnected again. I dreamt of becoming my male twin flame. What would this mean?