Dreams of Running Away

Running away in your dreams is so common that it ranks one of the highest searches around the world. Why is running away such a universal dream symbol? Well it turns out that despite your culture, wealth, or status in life, the average human collectively shares an unwanted emotion called fear. Fear is a natural … Read more

Dreams about Casinos

A hand stacking $5 chips on a purple roulette table in a casino.

Dreams about casinos are thrilling. The clink of chips, the tinkling of machines, and the ringing bells announcing jackpot winners – everything screams “winning at life!” But what do these dreams mean, and what do they tell us about our lives? Casino dreams contain fascinating symbolism, and how they relate to our experience with risk-taking, … Read more

Dream about a Hotel

A hallway leading to several hotel rooms.

Having a dream about a hotel suggests you are going through a transitional phase. It can be a temporary experience or a feeling of being “in-between” stages in life. Hotels are always changing, full of temporary visitors and evolving atmospheres. When they appear in our dreams, they can reflect life’s shifting circumstances, emotional states, and … Read more

Tidal Wave Dreams

A tidal wave crashing on a beach.

Dreaming of tidal waves, or any sort of giant wave, implies that your waking life is being disrupted. These large waves appear to help the dreamer figure out what is preventing harmony and turning life upside down. Unlike Tsunamis that appears in our dreams, the tidal wave are often influenced by other symbols pointing to a different … Read more

Helicopter Dreams

A black helicopter hovering over green trees.

Helicopter dreams represent quickly taking off in some aspect of your life. While dreaming about a plane shows you’re making gradual progress, a helicopter indicates more sudden and accelerated movement. This movement may be positive or negative depending how the dream goes. The helicopter’s appearance and actions each offers clues to the outcome of the … Read more