Unusual Baby Dreams

Baby dreams are so common that search engines average approximately two million searches a month. The majority of these dreams revolve around holding a baby, noticing twins, breastfeeding or even adopting a little bundle of joy. So why do we dream babies so often? The symbolic nature of babies mirrors something new and exciting in … Read more

Dreaming of Baby Dying

When babies emerge in your dreams they can be considered very symbolic containing a hidden message about yourself. Unfortunately dreaming of a dead baby reflects endings, failing and losses in ones life. These common dreams tend to shake us up for the rest of the day leaving us with an unsettled feeling in our stomach. … Read more

The Significance Of Holding A Baby In Dreams

That special moment when a child is placed in the arms can be a blissful experience. New born babies not only put a smile on our face but they trigger something deep within us that triggers excess dopamine release in our brain. Researches say this overwhelming sense of joy when holding a baby is equivalent … Read more

What Does A Baby Mean In My Dreams

Adorable, cuddly and full of curiosity, babies are amazing to say the least. They are the center of attention, they light up our hearts and brighten a room with a smile, not to mention melting your heart when they laugh. Baby Dreams When a baby emerges in your dream it’s considered a very powerful omen … Read more

Dream Dictionary – Dream Interpretation & Dream Analysis

Common Dreams Heights Dreams Heights Dreams Teeth Dreams Teeth Dreams Gifts from The Dead Gifts from The Dead Old Friend Dreams Old Friend Dreams Ear Dreams Ear Dreams Celebrity Dreams Celebrity Dreams Cellphone Dreams Cellphone Dreams Flower Dreams Flower Dreams Flying Dreams Flying Dreams Ring Dreams Ring Dreams Dream Dictionary provides a Free Online Dream … Read more