Driving In Dreams

Why you are driving in your dreams? Once you are driving in your dream it becomes a symbolic representation of your control, direction, flexibility and choices that you make in your life. The car is essentially an embodiment of the mind-body connection as it navigates towards its goals and destinations. What is interesting about driving … Read more

Superhero Dreams

Are you dreaming of superheroes? Just recently dreaming of superheroes is on the rise due to the influx of these movies being pumped out by Hollywood. Though, dreaming of your favorite superhero is not something new but has been a theme occurring ever since Superman appeared in the action comics in 1938. You might be … Read more

Dream Bible

Dreaming of a Bible The Bible is seen as a book sacred to Christians which they consider to be the true word of God. In our dreams the Bible tends to make its appearance during difficult times, warnings or an actual direct message from God. God used dreams throughout the bible in order to communicate … Read more

Warning Dreams

Can your dreams warn you about the future? The horrible feeling waking up from a vividly disturbing dream usually makes you question if this was a warning dream predicting something bad will happen. Unsettling dreams have a tendency to resonate all day like a stuck recorded replaying in our mind because of its vivid nature. … Read more

Dreams About Rain

Dreams about rain generally represent our emotional state or a release of pent up feelings. What does rain mean in your dream? Rain likes to show up in our dreams when a release of unconscious pent up energy has now been released in your life. The trick however in finding out the meaning would be … Read more