If you stumbled upon a Jaguar in your dreams consider yourself lucky.
Traditionally, the Jaguar in our dreams represents power, ferocity and wisdom as well as protection from evil. But there is many other hidden aspects of the Jaguar that other websites seem to overlook.
It seems the ancient Mayans understood the true meaning behind Jaguar; a compelling symbol that is connected to the king of the Underworld, and to represent both light and darkness forces. But how does this have anything to do with the Jaguar in your dreams?
Well it turns out that when the Mayans spoke about light and darkness it has a similar connection between your inner and outer worlds, or what we would consider the unconscious conscious awareness. The Jaguar In Your Dream becomes a messenger or guide that will lead you towards something so rare it is hardly even noticed within you. Something unknown yet dynamitic has now entered your field of awareness.
Jaguar Dream Meaning
Do not be alarmed if the Jaguar in your dream if you fight it, attacks or even chases you since they are known to behave in this manner; a symbol that manifests when the dreamer either resists its true nature. Due to its raw feminine energy it would still be a good idea to reflect on any feminine force that has power over you. In fact, this could even be your own unconscous feminine or YIN energy that is out of balance.
Article: Understanding The Yin & Yang Energy
Though, the ones who are in accordance with this new found power or unconscous energy will notice the Jaguar presence or behaviour in your dream. Even though the Jaguar still might intimate the dreamer they come as a messenger. I guess this why it’s less aggressive and less powerful family member, the LEOPARD seems to appear more playful than the Jaguar.
Jaguar Spiritual Symbolism
- known to camouflage or hide from the dreamer until found
- new found traits relating to mental power, ferocity, and valor
- connection with the unconscious or feminine energy
- its aggressive tendency links towards SHADOW side of the dreamer
- spiritual awakening, vision related to the THIRD EYE
- heightened instincts and intuition
Jaguar Dreams: The Power Within
This fierce animal is a force not to be reckoned with, jaguar is the Native American word for “He who kills with one blow“. To properly interpret what the jaguar means in your dream we will need to explore the mythological texts, characteristics and the context of your dream.
Since the Jaguar has the most powerful bites in all of the feline family it tells the dreamer about the new found strength one has now activated within.
Seeing how the Jaguar is known to be a nocturnal hunter it will links towards your feminine energy, mother EARTH, or the dynamic force of YIN energy. A symbol that tells you that this new found power must be taking with responsibility and not to abuse it.
Dreaming Of The Jaguar Meaning
If you noticed a gold and blacked spotted Jaguar in your dreams you are in for a surprise. Gold in dreams is known to be connected to the GODS or the masculine YANG energy – the Jaguar is the feminine that balances these inner forces for you to become complete.
Article: The Symbolic Nature Of Gold In Dreams
People who dream of a Black Jaguar suggests this is a powerful omen of hidden talents, traits or the shadow side that has now been found. The black color of the Jaguar in your dreams lets you know that this is a rare find that is often impossible to see with your normal senses. A symbols that pulls more towards psychic awareness and intuition.
Dreaming about a baby Jaguar or Cub symbolize new found wisdom, power and awareness that will soon develop within you. All you need to do is feed it by pay attention to this inner gift.
Fighting The Jaguar In Dreams
In most cases, unless you have a strong overpowering and dominating feminine force in your life, the Jaguar appears more related to overcoming our fears in life.
If you are running away or chased by a Jaguar in your dreams it represents your inability to face your own fears and overcoming these forces in your life. The Jaguar is trying to help you become more aggressive and stand up against these people, urges, behaviors or instincts that are not balanced.
Though fighting a Jaguar in your dream contains both positive and negative elements to to it. First, you can observe fighting the Jaguar as related to your own shadow, feminine forces, urges, emotions that you are battling. Alternatively, by fighting the Jaguar might suggest you are resisting these feminine traits that belong to you.
The jaguar known for their powerful bite encourages you to develop ‘teeth’, or become less agreeable. You might be showing signs of weakness and need to develop tougher skills to navigate in life.
- needs to be noticed (spotted)
- catty behaviors
- emotionally troubled (if aggressive or attacks)
- protective nature
- energies blocked or not balanced
Jaguar Biblical Meaning In Dreams
Many people search online for the Biblical meaning of the Jaguar but there isn’t any account of them being mentioned. However, what is mentioned is the LEOPARD; being in the same family they are known to be symbols relating to an inability to change ones being.
In Jeremiah 13:23 “Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots? Then also you can do good who are accustomed to do evil.” If this was the case one might even look at the Biblical meaning of the Jaguar in your dream would represent good overcoming evil.
Understanding The Jaguar
Jaguar are mainly found in South and Central America, from Mexico to northern Argentina. It dwells in the dark mysterious dense rain FOREST reflecting the unknown or unconscious parts of the dreamer. Like the wild masculine or WOLF, the Jaguar becomes the powerful feminine opposite that encourages the dreamer to integrate these unknown parts about them.
They are often seen in close proximity to bodies of water such as swampland’s and wetlands, alternatively bridging the dreamer to their emotions that are not understood. These skillful hunters emerge in your dream during specific times in your life – it’s behavior determines if there is distortion or hidden problems with the feminine.
Jaguar Dreams & The Shadow
The jaguar wants you to explore what might be hidden within; unknown characteristics that you possess that has potential to attack – or – containing skills that help you navigate in your life.
The dark color of the ‘black panther’ also connects you to the shadow archetype wanting to be noticed. If this ferocious animal poses a threat you may want to explore your feminine behaviors or urges that are often unconscious – or threats that surround your environment. Aggressive in nature with the ability to pounce on unsuspecting prey before they have any idea what is going on.
- attacking
- fearful
- aggressive
Fearless animals that have the ability to take on animals five times their size. A representation to embody the aggressive attributes that it possess and integrate it in your life as it will serve a purpose.
The other night I dreamt that I was looking at the sky facing south west and there was this huge cloud. When I took a closer look it started to become animated and the cloud turned into a dragons head. Once I noticed this the dragon turned to look directly at me, and as it did so it morphed into a light color spotted jaguar. When it was looking my direction it gave a snarling look with its teeth and then looked like it was roaring. Though in my dream I couldn’t hear it. I didn’t run away, but as… Read more »
Just had a dream about going on a walk with my cats in the wooded area surrounding my childhood home. My cats had reverted to being kittens in the dream, but they are adults in real life. As I walked to the edge of the forest, I saw a jaguar through the trees looking my direction. It wasn’t behaving aggressively, but my protective nature kicked in and I scooped up all 3 kittens and went back home. Never had a dream about a jaguar before. Strangely, I don’t have 3 cats. I have a yellow cat and a gray one,… Read more »
For the last few nights, I’ve been having this recurring dream about raising a jaguar cub. As a cub , the jaguar is loving and cute and cuddly. As it grows older in this dream I seem to develop more discomfort with the jaguar. I’m never attacked, never hurt and always protected. I trust the jaguar it sees, but there’s always a side eye. I know that she is a she. She has no name. She gets along very well with my mom and often enjoys sleeping with her. Last night I remember closing my door (in the dream) before… Read more »
I dreamed that a Jaguar jumped into my chest, many years ago, it was a very vivid dream.
I had an intense dream on the night my mother arrived for a holiday, I also dreamt an intense dream the night she left. My mother and I were walking up a winding road up a Mountain.. there was a tiny chicken like you would buy in a shop plucked and prepared on the side of the road, about the size of a sparrow. I thought it very strange and kept going, soon more appeared scattered here and there.. Around each corner there were more and more and I was now getting concerned and puzzled. Round the next corner there… Read more »
I had a dream that started off with me at work, with my co-workers commenting that another co-worker had left because he “didn’t want to kill jaguars anymore.” We all proclaimed we understood and didnt like it either… but it was our job. the dream went on but eventually it was me standing around a corner of a door where black jaguars would come and I would have to kill them instantly by grabbing their necks and stabbing them in the throat. I did this until their were piles of dead black jaguars in front of the door. Is this… Read more »
I dreamed that I was in a cabin in the woods (very similar to the one I’ll soon be moving into). There are parts of the dream that are hard to remember, but I woke up with absolute clarity about the black jaguar. I was walking through the cabin, took a left into a short hall way where I saw the black jaguar. I was nervous but saw this jaguar as a pet of sorts that was difficult to deal with if you weren’t confident. So I corralled her into the bed room by forcing her to walk backwards while… Read more »
Recently had a dream where I got incredibly drunk with friends and haphazardly followed jaguar tracks on a jungle trail. Upon finding a mother with her cub, I was crippled with fear and accept the inevitability of death. Instead, the jaguaress bites my hand and leads me back to civilization before the break of dawn.
When I tried telling my friends of the incident, the scar on my hand disappeared, as if that night never transpired.
I saw a dream where my boyfriend carried me on his back while a jaguar on the roadside we were trying to avoid started chasing .. and even tried to attack .. by throwing its paws on us but me from behind on my bfs back was trying to attack it back by throwing my hands on jaguar and trying to prevent from attacks from behind .. whereas my boyfriend was carrying me and was trying to save and chase the jaguar away … we were running
I dreamed that I took one home as a pet it was a black Jaguar she was not aggressive at all towards me she loved ear scratches and belly rubs.lol Then one day I saw a black Jaguar cub wandering around my backyard and took it in too. It also liked cuddling against me and playing with my other Jaguar but they were both very protective of me. It felt like a really cool dream. What does this mean?
I had a dream that as I walked with a baby in my arms, I looked towards the door and saw a black-spotted jaguar push his way in the door as someone tried to close the door. It ran straight to me as I turned to face it head to head. I quickly tucked the baby under my chin close to my chest. It roared at me, and I roared back to it showing my teeth as to show that I would defend the child at all costs. I was astonished that it didn’t harm us and back down by… Read more »
I dreamed of a jaguar coming out of bushes while I was trying to find my car with my daughter in my dream. I first felt lots of confusion trying to find my car while my mom was trying to figure out when she was suppose to have gotten my younger daughter in my dream. I was startled cause the jaguar just walked out of the bushes, but wasn’t aggressive, but how my normal personality is as in my dream too I was ready to defend myself and my kids which seemed to cause the jaguar to walk away.
I had a dream that I went home and our house was in a normal neighborhood in the suburbs/city. Our house was at a higher elevation and through the window, we can see neighborhoods that were at a lower elevation and they were very flooded. I began to pack my things because my grandma told me to while my grandma was looking out the window. She told me to come take a look at something and as she said that, dirt began to flood our house through the window then it stopped. Then I remember very turquoise, clear blue water… Read more »
Its possible that the Jaguar in your dream is reflecting someone in your life. Because you are driving in the forest it might even tell you that this might occur in the future; see driving and forest in search bar.
Though it sounds to me you are the Jaguar, or you becoming aware of something that will unite you with this unconscious energy. These are the traits mentioned in the article. The main theme seems to be revolving around issues with your family and you changing.
I had a dream last night of a spotted jaguar,/leopard. It was by a dogwood tree that is in the front yard of my old home, a home I miss so much. But this jaguar was injured,, I wanted to help it,, but feared it might attack me.. After I woke up I realized I have dreamt of that jaguar before and it was injured in that dream too.. I wonder what this means.
The jaguar might be you that may have experienced trauma from your childhood. Once you fix the injured jaguar you become healed. It attacks because these traits or behaviors might be hidden from you. In dreams the tree is an iconic symbol that represents life itself; a reflection on our personal development, spirituality and individual growth. See tree and childhood home in search bar.
Interesting analysis.
keep having these reoccurring dreams about a black panther. At first it would just lurk around my house and i would admire it’s beauty but also be scared cause like what a panther outside my house! The black panther wouldn’t do anything just explore the woods behind my house but i could always see where it was. But then tonight I just woke up the panther became aggressive came to my fenced back porch ( where the woods are) and attacked my pet cat. I tried to save her but the panther swallowed her whole and it was terrifying and… Read more »
Hello McKayla. We replied in the online chat.
I think the panther symbolizes something you desire in life, it is something you can get but you fear it for some reason, you really want it but you also fear getting it. And your cat being taken and killed by the panther is you fearing if you get the thing you desire you will lose something very important to you in the process, or that whatever you get will take away a part of you. People do have a fear of success