Owl Dream Symbolism

Dreaming of owls can be considered one of the most powerful omens that contains a hidden mystery only to be unlocked by the dreamer. Due to it nocturnal nature, the owl gravitates you towards the MOON, or in dream terminology, the unconscious feminine energy within us all. Owls emerge in our dreams as guides that … Read more

Walking in a Dream

A man walking on a dark pathway and casting a shadow.

Walking in a dream is a common experience, but its meanings are often multifaceted. Dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious and the physiological, reflecting anything from hidden emotions to underlying health conditions. Just like the physical act of walking propels you forward, walking in your dreams can symbolize your progress, difficulties, and direction in … Read more

Dreams about Books

Thousands of books on shelves and a table.

Dreams about books carry layers of symbolism tied to knowledge and self-discovery. Whether you’re an avid reader or just curious, book dreams offer insights into unspoken thoughts and ideas, and your journey through the “chapters” of life. Whether you’re someone who loves books or not, dreams that include reading, writing, or interacting with books often … Read more

Dreams about Casinos

A hand stacking $5 chips on a purple roulette table in a casino.

Dreams about casinos are thrilling. The clink of chips, the tinkling of machines, and the ringing bells announcing jackpot winners – everything screams “winning at life!” But what do these dreams mean, and what do they tell us about our lives? Casino dreams contain fascinating symbolism, and how they relate to our experience with risk-taking, … Read more

Ear Dream Meaning

For some odd reason when ears show up in our dreams the contexts seem to be bizarre or extremely vivid. Ears are very symbolic in our dreams that connect the dreamer to hearing, gossip, intuition, awakening. We must approach this image metaphorically relating to what we hear in the outside world and how we absorb … Read more