Dog Bite Dreams

Were you been bitten by a dog in your dream? Dog bite dreams are almost as common as they are in waking life. According studies there are approximately 4.5 million dog bites that occur just in the United States each year. These statistics make us wonder if our dream is a premonition indicating a potential dog … Read more

Dreaming about Dogs

Dogs in dreams are very symbolic images that often direct the dreamer towards loyalty, companionship, intuition, masculine energy, protection and our unconscious instincts. Due to its enigmatic nature the meaning of the dog changes depending the gender of the dreamer, how it behaves, or if the dog belongs to you. If dogs are known as … Read more

Dreams about Squirrels

Squirrels in our dreams have mixed meanings. On one hand, they represent fun and excitement heading your way, but they love to find and horde food, may even point to greed or hard work paying off in the future. The squirrel may even show up in dreams connecting to new found abundance, wealth and ideas heading … Read more

Dreams about Flies

A green fly on a piece of white bread.

Unlike ants or bees, dreams about flies have negative connotations and symbolize irritating influences. Common thoughts about flies are projected into our dreams through these symbols. These buzzing pests draw attention to feelings of insignificance and annoyance we feel in waking life. But the fly is not like other insects that randomly appear in dreams. … Read more

Dreams About Smiling

Dreams about smiling are very positive omens that represents an elevation in mood, peace of mind,  love, and new found happiness in your life. The language in our dreams speaks to us in metaphors and symbols that wants you to know that something is going to make you feel happy. Dream of someone smiling Studies … Read more